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Hi friends!! Here we go with another new year. We have 2 of Januarys bonus stories posted but what else are we feeling for this month? I have found the most insane best of Redditor updates stories I want to get into.. but open to thoughts :) 

Anddddd how is everyone? I'm doing Dry January and feeling real good. So updates, happy news, fill me in :) 



i was looking at the AMA for the guy that fucked a coconut and just found a story that made me have a similar visceral reaction (tifu by ejaculating in my bed) https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/VoipRrtnEY


Hey Morgan, I just joined and I wanted to say you are an inspiration for me, I got diagnosed with adhd not long ago, and I remember you mentioning in earlier episodes that you have ADHD too, and with all that you have accomplished I feel inspired to also try to overcome it and get my degrees and achieve my dreams. Thanks for being awesome!