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Video version is hereeee :) Thanks for being here and apart of our Patreon family! Here is Decembers free bonus story with myself (Morgan hehe), my mom, and Justin. There was so much amazing content this year and I'm so thankful you all are here to enjoy it with us.

Hope everyone had a safe, happy, magical holidays! And if you didn't I hope they're better next year <3 I myself had some family drama I'm sure I'll get into here ;) just have to find the perfect story to talk about it with.

Also what content would y'all like to see in the new year?! 


December Free Bonus Story - Video

Two Hot Takes host, Morgan, is joined by guest co-hosts Justin and mom! We take on this story about a women who cussed out her doctor during childbirth.. should she apologize?! Full length Audio only episodes available on all podcast platforms!


Natasha Wilcox

I say JFC on the reg as a recovering catholic. I would not want to be tone policed especially while in the most intense moment in life! I’d ask for a new doctor. I’ve given birth 4 times and I would have had the same response as the op.

Emma Rae Estes

As someone who just gave birth in September and had a 48 hour labor I would have said Fuck off and probably so much worse 😂 doc got let off easy.