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Well here we have Decembers last bonus stories featuring Mom and Justin!! These ones were some tricky ones with complex family dynamics. Story number 2 especially left us a bit heated/mad for our OP. Thoughts?!





Because of the way Spain colonized Mexico the class system it created was made based on how pure your Spanish blood was, Spain views Latin American countries as lesser/ other and Mexicans in Spain often receive awful racist treatment. We have awful harmful Stereotypes that have persisted in media to this day where indigenous Mexicans are seen as stupid, ugly and low class, only useful to be servants. OPs Spanish family has some DEEP racism

April from AbortionBanTexas

hey everyone! My sister bought a VIP ticket for Friday, March 22nd at the 7 pm showing , But she is wanting to go with us during the second showing at 9:30. Let me know if you want to buy her VIP ticket for $75!