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Welcome to Novembers free bonus story :) So happy to have you all here and I hope you enjoy with story with our girl alejandra. Last one we're going to get for a minute I think (but hey she could surprise us who knows).

I have so many questions you all that I'm going to do a poll after this, but wow.. I can't imagine going after one of my friends' guys let alone one they were engaged to.. THOUGHTS?!

Story: https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/174cujt/aita_warning_my_friend_about_my_ex_who_she_is_now/


Melina McElligatt

Okay this question has been floating around in my head for a while but I just joined the Patreon Fam so i’ve finally decided to ask: Are the AITA post “overall votes” calculated through the number of comments? I thought at one point there was a thing where the flairs were just the top comment? I could be totally wrong and if anyone has an answer that would be great!


From my understanding the top comment is due to upvotes and then there are awarded comments that are highlited for being good with red boxes. and the overall vote is calculated though counting YTA, NTA, ESH in the comments. :) But I could be wrong Reddit is such a complex place hehe


For me I think I would’ve stopped being friends the moment she was being a shitty friend. Like she knew the history there. Plus the same ring. On top of that like she warned you. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want the help.