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Hello family!!!

All of our content for September has been posted! Thank you so much for being patient as I traveled to London to record some unreal episodes and got engaged (AWHHH still so crazy saying that).

If you feel something is missing please let me know. If you don't see content please try updating your app or deleting and re-downloading.. sometimes Patreon has glitches that don't show content.

That being said--I'd love to share some info (rules?) for going forward

1. If you ever have a comment, concern, or feel like you're not getting your moneys worth you can always message me. Patreon is very inflexible in giving discounts for a month, etc. and I am more than happy to refund you myself! Your support means the world, but I am totally cool refunding if you're unhappy.

2. Please be kind to each other. Patreon is my happy, safe place. It's where I really get to connect with you all and share intimate, crazy stories that we never would on the regular feed. It's sad seeing disrespect towards each other in the comments. If you cannot be civil and use kind language towards other members you will get blocked. This is not the wild west of YouTube, we're an intimate community here.

3. I don't have a specific schedule set for releases but I will try to get something up once a week. I am one person running all of this and I personally edit every episode still and all Patreon content, as well as FKS and other shows so I will do my best.  I hate letting you all down.

Love you all and thank you for being here!!! Please let me know what you'd like to see for October. True crime? Spooky? Wedding Drama ;)?



You’re amazing Morgan! Thank you for everything you do! 💜🫶


Congratulations!!! So happy that you’re engaged ahhhhhh. Can’t wait for more wedding plans, content and wishlists!! I know there’s the October free episode with Shits and Gigs, but can’t wait for the actual ful length one (I hope there will be one!!!). I had to double take when I saw the free episode, sooo excited for my two favs coming together🤩🤩❤️❤️