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TW**see below! 

Chris Klemens is back and giving some takes! I held Chris captive for over 2.5 hours so I could make sure I got a story for Patreon for y'all, and this was a tough one! 

TW* talks of miscarriage, stillbirth  


Tayler Hammond

‘50K WHAT A DEAL!’ 🤣


TBH it’s NAH. Like it get, but it’s a little weird. And I’m sorry, but it’s not MIL wedding day. It’s her sons wedding day, not his siblings. The loss was for MIL and by extension her son, but he doesn’t seem to have to same feelings as she does about it. It doesn’t seem like he was even alive yet when she lost them. And I know I’d personally feel a little weird about my mom asking that of me, but I’m adopted and that changes things a little, though not much. I’d just hope people wouldn’t ask me about it, because “thanks for coming to my wedding! Oh those pictures? No, not us, they are of my siblings 👍🏽” just really does not roll off the tongue. Also, Chris is amazing! Have him back whenever you can!