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Your final individual story for May, and it is a heavy one y'all. TW for SA so please skip if you feel this one would be triggering for you. 



Just want to say thank you for covering these heavy stories. As someone getting their childhood memories back for the first time because of how severely I was abused my by sperm/egg donors, listening to the conversations you have about this stuff helps so much to ground me in understanding that it wasn’t my fault. Appreciate y’all and this accidental heavy one

Riley Jay Davis

Same thing happened to me as a kid. My dad would make me get V-Card tests whenever he decided I was “acting up” and he would decide I was suspicious and must be having sex. I was a regular church kid. Got really good grades. But I was always a “problem” I’m now 30 and never had a Pap smear because I have vaginismus from the trauma.