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Hello all, 

All of April's bonus content has been posted :) This was such a fun month and even had Lauren's new boyfriend joining us for the full length episode. 

If you're missing content or cant see anything make sure you're in an actual tier, or try updating your app--sometimes there's a glitch. 

Anddd 🙈 I feel silly for even asking but could you leave a 5 star review wherever you listen to this podcast. Despite not looking at them they get sent my way by people, so the apple podcast reviews have been haunting me. 

Last but not least, what would you like to see us read or even do for group therapy in May?!


Anna Banana

As much as it would be awesome to have a bonus story every week to listen to, we (hopefully can speak for others) totally understand that life comes at us fast sometimes and your mental health and personal life is FAR more important than posting extra content on the dot. I'm so sorry that you've been going through some tough things Morgan and want you to know that I appreciate you and and the laughter you bring with THT! We love you!! <3


Could there be a all that subreddit episode? I love this podcast!