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The last of Octobers bonus stories :) Cant wait to hear your thoughts on this.. and did you pick up on the first story faster than me?!



Octobers last bonus stories coming your way with this one.. and we get into some pretty interesting stories including the one we teased on the Jaw Dropping episode about a guy who wanted an art room in his house... Story Links: https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/wmmphs/oop_wonders_if_theyre_the_ah_for_starting_a_house/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/yatgdk/aita_for_calling_the_police_on_my_younger_sister/ https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/yawimg/aita_for_calling_my_sisters_wedding_a_knockoff_of/ Full length Audio only episodes available on all podcast platforms!



just joined your patreon after maybe like almost a year (??) since i first started listening to this podcast! i really enjoy the conversations you guys have about all these different stories and i do find myself agreeing with a lot that's shared! that being said, i also wanted to add my take on the first story: justin kind of hinted at it towards the end of the discussion but i think the different perspective/experience is totally why you guys didn't pick up on any romantic hints in the first post. justin also brought in some good points about his experience as a man and how men are not too 'emotionally intelligent' a good amount of the time, and you also provided a good response with regards to strong platonic relationships. where this lacked a bit was from the perspective of someone LGBT. im not faulting either of you for that btw!! i just found it interesting being lgbt myself bc i picked up on that super quickly. i got a hint of a kind of thought process i experienced at some points in my life with a good friend of mine who i later realized i had a huge crush on. it's not just the size of the gift OP was getting ben but it's his eagerness to share it - his eagerness to invite ben into a very personal space so casually thus opening the door for them to grow closer. even before hearing the update: OP and his wife couldn't figure out what to make of the room for 2 years. OP met ben and got to know him within a year and immediately had the idea to dedicate the room to something he knows BEN enjoys, it wasn't just for himself. had he been truly in love with his wife he likely wouldve done something similar for his wife, and they would have made up their minds about the room a long time ago.


sorry this is so long LOL i always have a ton of thoughts when i watch these episodes you guys do

Alyssa Turpin

I picked up on the first story fast and i think it’s easier to see it when you know and have witnessed so many people go through this same situation. You just start seeing the signs quicker.


Jesus the first story. He’s in love….