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Hi all,

I’m so sorry for the delay on the bonus ep and last two stories. I traveled to England and my computer shit the bed on the flight here. Hoping to get it done on Justin’s in the next couple days. It’s such a good episode with Lauren I can’t wait till you listen/watch.

Love you all and thanks for being understanding love you all!! ❤️ this past month has been straight chaos.


Alex Hernandez

When should we see new episodes? Its been over a month. I feel like I paid for nothing

Jazmin Biggs

This is getting ridiculous. I had to pay for October to get the September content, still waiting on that & now we should be getting October content but there is none of that either. Ripped off. If you can't keep up with the demand, don't promise it.

Jazmin Biggs

yepppp. i get stuff happens but like don't charge people for stuff your not doing.


I went ahead and refunded you. I'm so sorry September was a let down and hope to keep on track going forward.