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Here they are.. the bonus stories from this weeks recent theme of "Are Some Things Better Left Unsaid?" I'm left a little speechless after listening to these again while editing so hang in there y'all. 

Also so happy to see so many new people here :) WELCOME!!! 


Hannah Boudreau

I work in disability services, particularly adult care or the “homes” that are referenced in these stories (I work in administratively in quality regulation of these homes in my state). The main thing I see is the parent wanting their able-bodied child to care for their sibling for the rest of their lives. Sometimes, this does happen. Also, there are times where the person with a disability will live in a residential home for awhile and go back to live with their sibling once the sibling is retired or has the money/space to care for their loved one. The biggest thing is, if you are designating someone to have power of attorney over your child for when you pass, you need to trust them wholeheartedly and allow them to make these decisions for when you pass. It’s possible to still be very involved in your loved one’s life while they’re living “in a home.” Also, the assumption that OP’s sibling is not able to think may not be true. To put it simply, ALWAYS speak to someone as if they can understand. None of us will ever know what is going on in her mind, sadly.

Hailey Hoffman

"There's no right or wrong answer"? Yea there is. It was for the mom to stop using her son as a caretaker.