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Some quality stories from an upcoming theme called Deep Wounds! What story cuts the deepest for y'all?



With regards to not inviting your stepdad to your wedding… yes you have every right, but would also ask yourself, is him not being there worth blowing up your relationship with your mother over? Because regardless of your right to do this, it is taking a very public stance with your mother against her husband. And actions have consequences, and it is just as much her right to be upset over you taking this stance.

Laura Gibson

My ears perked up for the one about not inviting step dad to wedding. This something I have struggled with for YEARS thinking about what to do for my wedding because I have such a bad relationship with my step dad. To the point where I moved out of my moms house / in with my dad at the age of 12 and left the province I grew up in at 18. My step dad sucks the air out of every room I’m in with him. He has an oppressive energy that literally drains the happiness from the room. I told my mom recently that I don’t envision a scenario where I would allow him to be around my future children either. It’s a truly impossible situation. I feel for OP these things can be much more complicated than what others think.