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This is a story that was slated for our upcoming "Throw Her Away" / "Women Can Be Trash Too" theme.. please help with the title choice lol but prepared to be ENRAGED!!!!!


Madison Tucker

He made another post on his account asking for baby shower present ideas for his dad and stepmom. I feel so bad for him, he wants so badly to be involved in his younger brother's life he's sacrificing his own well-being. He's absolutely going to be an amazing older brother, but god I hope he does what's best for himself too.


There’s a new update about this… It’s kinda sad though: Baby Shower didn’t go through The baby shower didn’t happen since my dad and his wife had the baby a week before the baby shower. He didn’t make it. I’m actually doing fine, my dad isn’t and I’m not sure if his wife is doing ok. Dad has leave off work and just spends most of his time at his house. His wife is with family. My uncle asked if it was ok if he could invite dad over after the funeral and I was happy he asked. I know my uncle wanted to make sure my dad was ok cause I still care about him. Dad did talk to me and he is not ok at all, he asks things like “do I miss him” but I just let him talk. I’m not happy that he is hurting but I’m doing fine. I am on mid term break and working a lot more and spending time with my dad.


Other OP updates from recently: (Title) SM Baby Shower didn’t go through Baby Shower didn’t go through The baby shower didn’t happen since my dad and his wife had the baby a week before the baby shower. He didn’t make it. I’m actually doing fine, my dad isn’t and I’m not sure if his wife is doing ok. Dad has leave off work and just spends most of his time at his house. His wife is with family. My uncle asked if it was ok if he could invite dad over after the funeral and I was happy he asked. I know my uncle wanted to make sure my dad was ok cause I still care about him. Dad did talk to me and he is not ok at all, he asks things like “do I miss him” but I just let him talk. I’m not happy that he is hurting but I’m doing fine. I am on mid term break and working a lot more and spending time with my dad. Comment: University is good well as it could. During assignments it was tough but enjoying my time there since I have more freedom. My uncle tries to help but he isn’t book smart so he says but my Aunty has been a lot of help since she studied a similar path as me. I don’t attend therapy anymore because of the cost but am part of a men’s group that meets up twice a month, it’s nice. I honestly don’t know if we will reconcile if I’m being honest. For me personally I don’t trust my dad in being someone reliable to me, and I’m fine with that. He is my dad and the only blood family I know, so maybe that’s why I keep him around, not sure but I do know I’m in a healthier head space and have my family to help me