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Our last bonus story for June and its a goofy one... 1st world versus real world problems... 


Kelsey Burnham

6 figures is absolutely life changing for most people. Especially to an insecure man who resents his partners success. She did the absolute best thing by ending it… it was never gonna end well.

Kayla Labrum

I’m making my way through the older Patreon episodes and listening to this one right now. I feel as though the quality of experience of these episodes are less respected than the regular show. Four audible yawns were really irritating. They can be edited out. The burping? Gross. Burps happen but they were obviously forced. I like hearing the stories and your takes, not constant bodily function. This is my number one podcast to listen to so I sincerely love it but please have more consideration for the listeners.


I hear ya and sorry you feel that way. I honestly look at Patreon as my inner circle where I can be way way more comfortable, relaxed, and let loose. The opposite of not caring for this content. I care extremely for my family here.