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Video version of this weeks bonus story :) 


Didn't Make The Cut BONUS VIDEO

Bonus story from the Didn't Make The Cut Episode :)



Regardless of health, she is deserving of love and respect and desire. Even if she was unhealthy. Her husband is a p.o.s.... ALSO BMI IS BS! Bmi was made to be a representation of the population for insurance companies and was one of the first metrics founded for insurance. It was literally never meant to be applied to individual bodies! It is bonkers that BMI is still even considered especially because it is literally the least accurate measure of health and fitness and is incredibly fatphobic. They changed the BMI avg from 27 to 25, literally because 25 was an easier and more pleasing number, leading to millions becoming overweight or obese literally over night. It is entirely socially constructed and not based in factual evidence or science and is used as a tool of oppression against fat bodies especially within the medical system. I would rec looking up the "health at every size" framework. A lot of the time, weight is literally out of your control and is largely connected to hormonal levels and stress. We are in a pandemic, no shit our bodies are going to be trying to pack it on because we are under mass stress and trauma. Also fat people are so sexy! My whole body feels like a mf tiddy what isn't great about that? I love being soft and warm. It is literally just internalized fatphobia on the husbands part IMO. Idk I literally have studied this for my degree, sociology and gws but have taken many fat studies and decolonized health/anat and phys classes lol.