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Bonus story from my recent episode with Drew. We're all for dietary preferences.. but cherry picking.. nahhh.  What do you think?  



Ashley Cruz

He’s the a-hole, but she kind of sucks too. He doesn’t have to gush over your food for him to appreciate it. “Thanks” can be enough too. I don’t think OP needs to apologize though. He needs to.

Mackenzie Murray

I do think though that it's rude to not be grateful, "thanks" isn't really worth it when you've spent time money and energy on one person you don't know well. For him to ask her to go through all the trouble and then not even properly thank her is such a dick move. She was nothing but awesome in this, most would just go to Trader Joe's and grab some microwave vegan stuff.

Sara Faerber

My sister-in-law is vegan. Before she married my brother (and before they were even engaged) we invested her to a dinner where we made her vegan food to accommodate her. She ate none of it and just sat at the end of the table with a face of disgust. So thanksgiving was coming around and my mom invited everyone but offered to pay for my brother to take this girl out to a vegan dinner instead of coming to ours. Of course he was still invited, but since she was so disgusted by non vegan food we figured she wouldn’t want to come. My brother was livid saying this was the girl he’s going to marry and she deserves to be apart of the family. So they came to dinner. Again we made her own vegan plates and again she didn’t eat anything we made. When we all sat down and started eating the turkey she starts profusely crying! Like scream crying. She caused such a big scene and my brother was mad that we didn’t respect her as a vegan. They got up and left with out anything. It was so embarrassing for my mom to have our whole family there and my brothers girlfriends acted like that! He called days later and said she didn’t eat the food for fear we contaminated it with non vegan products. She’s vegan because she used to work at a dairy farm. She has no health problems with food that is non vegan she just doesn’t eat it for the animals. We spent $75+ on everything to make her vegan stuff. ‘‘Twas a shit show. My sister-in-law in law hates my family because we refuse to be vegan but honestly my brother is a horse trainer… how does that fit together. So my mom and I aren’t allowed to see my brothers and hers kids till we tell her “she’s right and we become vegan”… her exact words. Plot twist my brother is only vegan around her. He comes to my house and eats steak once a week.