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We went a little overboard on this episode.. and we still don't feel like we scratched the surface on this complex and dynamic issue so many of us face. 


Katie Trevino

The intro sounds like it’s double fast

Cali Lott

I wrote a paper in college about the differences in sex in two different cultures. One the Amish the other a tribe in Africa. Amish is pretty stereotypical, no sex before marriage, no dates without supervision and the first kiss is at the alter. In some Amish communities it is also normal for the father to be in the room seperated by a hanging sheet while the marriage is consumated. In the African (sorry I can't remember which country in Aftica at this time) when the parents had kids they would stay in the same hut as their parents, even when they were having sex, as children. When the child got old enough to understand what the parents were doing they were allowed to sleep in a different hut with the other children. It was so interesting to learn about how different cultures treat sex. I wrote this paper back in 2013 so I'm sure things have changed, but it is all still so interesting.