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Wanting to hear the stories I teased on the ep with Michaela?! Well.. Here they are! They definitely did not disappoint. Thoughts on these ones?





Jess Miller

I think Code Black is when “resources” at the hospital are limited and then triage becomes different than if not limited. IE, too many sick/injured ppl for staff and/or ORs. I think this is when they start making decisions about who they give resources to. Think about covid. Doctors overwhelmed and understaffed. Some started making decisions about who to treat, based off of age, pre-existing conditions, etc.

Aspen Nova

Is "Worms in the Brain" a potential theme coming up? Seems to be on Morgan's mind 😅😊 I mean, I'm here for it for sure!


Yes so triage is different than overall hospital codes that they call over the loudspeaker (at least where I was) so checking on my old ID badge today.. a code black was a bomb threat. You may be thinking of a black tag during triage.