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I have been thinking about situation and I came with solution. I'll keep locked my newest film with Natalia and rerelease it next month. I don't really want to piss 300 people just because one idiot.
For new people that came there is always still ton of content and for people that cancelled sub because of it. I'm sorry.,but I just really don't like how some people think it's normal to public my work. I hope you understand, and Thank you anyway for your support.
And for people that stayed here anyway. I cannot be thankful enough.

And if you want to keep publishing my stuff, keep in mind that it not only hurts my work, but also all those who support my work.


It be J

are your posts back up now?


Just saw. shitty people ruin everything. Hope we can find a fix because your work is the best. No other directors come close to your quality and consistency


Thank you. I hope thats not happening again its such a shit move to just upload your hard work for free. You got my support!


Maybe I may sound a little harsh, but you made this situation invisible for the public and this is not very polite. I just joined here because of your last work and now I read a post that says I won't be able to see what I joined for.. I feel like I just got scammed. ^^;


As I said, there is planty of content for price you paid. Film will be available soon.