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And you could also tell me what you don't like, that would be also helpful. I need some criticism as well. 


John Doe

Walking on Sunshine. It is the one I watch the most when I log on here. The beginning camera work of the implied growth which I haven't seen since followed by Angie checking herself out and how big she is. Then picking up the puny car crushing it in her fist, dropping it and smiling enjoying her new size then lifting her sandal stepping on people and cars is one of the best sequences in a film you have done. Love the scene towards the end too where she's watching people run picking them up eating them and crushing them with her finger.


The most recent and As the world burns. Here is my overall feedback that seems consistent. Your first part of two part movies are always better than the second imo because you experiment more. The first portion always has the variety, the vore, the hand stuff, the playfulness. The second half, it is like the shoes come off and now it may as well just be a foot pov video. Most of us like feet, don’t get me wrong here, but the passion and creativity seems to go away. Mix it up! Throw some vore in the back half, make the unique shots you have in the first half carry into the second. It shouldn’t be all foot shots, long takes of rubbing one thing against their feet, and stomping. I think you’re clever as a director, so use it in both halves of your movies, and I think you’re going to change the game.


Some more mass crushes like in the first movies you did would be awesome. Also as an detail, not all sfx people get crushed, but she misses some, so its not so predictable where she steps :)


For me, the stuff that keeps me resubscribing is the military scenes - toying with tanks and small cars. I'd love to see more variety in how the women play with and crush the tanks - thigh crush, sit crush, boob crush, as well as fingers and toes. Aside from that, your production values are phenomenal, the best in the community.


I'm a little late to the party but I'll still add my comment anyway. While your recent film are really good, hence why I'm sub to your Patreon, I also liked some of your older work with less SFX (like the video "Oil", "The giantess" or "Just Friends" (you can imagine that I really like the current series with Sara haha). Real tiny props (doll or just people figures) give that "tangible" feel to giantess videos for me. And while your tiny cities and vehicles are well made and seeing your model crushing them is really pleasing, it's not as a turn on for me as tiny men and women. But, to be fair, I wouldn't be surprised if I was part of a minority in your community. :)