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Breast crush?


No, this thing never be in my video. I don't want film stuff like this. It's more private.


Once again, phenomenal work! Even with this video feeling shorter than usual, it really made the most of its time with what I felt like was the most variety in any of your videos. Angiee already has beautiful feet, but what this video for me how she used them in a lot of creative ways to terrorize the city, like how she shook the building with her toe to force the tinies out of it so she could crush/eat them, or how she crushed the train by putting it under her toes and scrunching them. There are so many great scenes in this video, but my favorite one by far would easily, and obviously, be the scene with the model people. It already began fantastically, with how Angiee loomed her foot over the people hopelessly trying to run away from it before bringing it down on them, followed by her checking her sole to see their lifeless bodies stuck onto it. But then you had to go ahead and exceed my initial expectations and have her pluck some of those bodies off of her sole and then drop them into her mouth as a snack, making it virtually perfect. All I can really say about it is I hope that you use model people more frequently in your future vids, because I feel like they add so much when utilized alongside the normal green screen people


It seems shorther because one long scene with bulding. But I liked it and she enjoyed to playing with bulding so I didn't want to interrupt her :D. And about these tiny people, I don't like them because they have really ugly colors. I was about make more scenes with them but these colors.. awful so I ended up just with one scene. But there will be separate video with them.


amazing job as usual!!! really like some of the new scenes and ideas you incorporating and please let angie know she is an amazing giantess and we're excited to see more of her (although you are still my favorite hahahahahaa)


Only thing left to potentially add is some of Angiee's voice, like maybe giggles or 'hmm'-s, obviously no real dialogue because why would she even talk to puny bugs down by her feet (: Also I'd assume that's difficult to do since it would overlap with all the crowds screaming and all, but if you ever find a way to make it work it'd fit nicely I think. Amazing work as always :D