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Something woke me. When I cracked my eye open, an upside down Ikta hung in front of my face.

I startled, as any sane person would when waking up to that. “What are you doing?” I checked, but I was still in the room, just no one else was here.

She was hanging outside a portal, her spider limbs coming out of her back and holding the lip of the portal. Her dark hair touched my chest as she lowered herself and the front of the dress dripped down, showing off her pale breasts.

“Watching you sleep. Thinking about if you’d mind if I snatched you, brought you back to my village, wrapped you in silk and bred with you.” Ikta answered honestly.

I believed her, and a part of me wished she was lying.

“Is that how you’d do it? Our first time?” I asked, looking around the room, wondering where my nymphs had gone and why they had left me alone with Ikta.

“Pixie just stepped out for a phone call; she was trying not to wake you. Nyske is with the succubus, working on giving you a glimpse into her past.” Ikta answered. “Maybe. I bet you’d love it. Being wrapped in silk and unable to move can be exhilarating. I’m sure I could drive you wild.”

She lowered her body more until she pressed her lips to mine.

I kissed her back gently, not wanting to give her the wrong idea. Her tongue swirling into my mouth before she pulled back and I felt her hips rest gently on mine.

“Or I could make magical glory holes.” She offered, making a small portal in the air.

I stared at the portal, my mind going back to Pixie’s hair and my lack of magic control. I had no interest in sticking any appendages into any portals at the moment.

Ikta saw my face and closed the portals, pouting and resting more of her weight on me as she started to sway our hips together. “I hear your portals aren’t very stable.”

She was one to talk about stability.

“Yeah. They sort of snap close. I lose focus when I or someone else goes through them.” I admitted.

Ikta nodded in understanding. “Because your goal is accomplished. You open a portal to get yourself, and maybe someone else, through. That goal is part of your visualization. So what happens after you get what you need from it?”

“My visualization is flawed?” I hazarded.

“Exactly. I’m going to reward you for the correct answer.” She smothered me in kisses, making my neck tingle.

Something occurred to me. “How did you know Pixie left? Are you making magical peep holes in my mansion?”

“Oh no.” Ikta looked at her bare wrist. “Look at the time.”

“You don’t even have a watch.” I replied as she lifted herself back up through her holes. “Hey wait. I have some questions about faerie magic and this piece of faerie.”

“Can’t. So busy!” Ikta tapped at her wrist that still didn’t have a watch. “Time’s up.” She pulled herself through the portal above me and it closed just before the door to the room opened and Pixie stepped in.

Fucking crazy Spider Queen, even if she was hot in a don’t stick your dick in crazy kind of way.

Pixie stared at me. “Ah you are up.” Her eyes trailed down to my neck. “And you had a visitor.” She frowned.

I rubbed at my neck and my hand came back with dark lipstick on it. “Yeah. Ikta dropped in. Can you help me clean this off?”

“Sit up.” Pixie grabbed a napkin and dipped it in the water that had been left out before sitting next to me and tilting my chin up so she could work. “I just spoke with Elena. She has some information and is coming over to the manor.”

She continued to wipe at the lipstick aggressively. “It’s almost like she meant to mark you.”

“Wouldn’t surprise me at all. Can you get someone to join me in the meeting with Elena?” I asked, not really wanting to be alone with her.

“Morgana is here.” Pixie smirked. I gave her a knowing look. That suggestion was not random.

“That’ll work.” I agreed, although I knew I might be mixing water with oil. Still, Morgana knew the vampire world better than I did, and I could use her perspective.

The door opened again and Nyske walked through. She saw what Pixie was doing and smirked. “You really just attract them like flies.”

“Pretty sure I’m the fly to Ikta, and she's just waiting in her web to catch me.” I glanced at Nyske. “Are you done with the work with Sabrina?” I asked, excited to know more about her.

“I gave the gem my memories, but Sabrina and Bart are still working on the final pieces. The crystal enchantments are well beyond my skills.” Nyske paused as Pixie glanced up at her.

“Can you go get Morgana? Elena is coming over and we shouldn’t leave our King alone with her.” Pixie smirked.

Nyske nodded and spun on her heels, her hair splaying out and turning into a rainbow before she went back out.

“You two working together well?” I asked Pixie as she worked down my neck.

“Yes. She really has your best interests at heart. Sometimes I think she’s more devoted than me. I really just want to feel your rock hard cock in me.” Pixie kissed my jaw.

I made a small noise as she scooted into my lap. “Pixie.”

“Shh.” Her eyes shifted to a hungry look once again. “You have another woman’s lipstick on you right now. If you struggle, I might not get it all off before your stalker vampires comes in. And then who knows what will happen.” She licked and kissed at what I assumed were Ikta’s lipstick marks.

“Pixie.” I warned, but she was right, I needed to get this off.

She licked at my neck. “Hmm. There might be a better way to get it off. I don’t wear lipstick, after all.” She sucked and licked at my neck, holding my chin up as she worked.

Pixie was breathing deep between the kisses, as if she were trying to take in my scent. “My King, you will give me a child, yes?”

“Of course. That’s sort of the agreement, is it not?” I relaxed and let her work.

“Will you love my child? Love me?” She asked between kisses on my neck.

I wasn’t so sure we were still removing the lipstick. “Yes. I’m very attracted to you. In time, I’m sure it will develop into more.”

My statement seemed to spark something in Pixie as her blue eyes shined.

Pixie dove from my neck, opened my pants and swallowed my cock in a single hungry motion. There was the nympho in her.

“Pixie.” I grabbed the back of her bouncy pink hair to stop her, but the sensation felt so damn good.

She ran her tongue up and down my cock, and I caved. “Make it quick. Use your glamor.” I leaned back into the moment as she continued running her tongue up and down me.

Her glamor had me pressed back into the couch in an instant. The only thing that existed in that space was the pure electric pleasure that was coursing up and down my cock as she bobbed on it.

I laid back and enjoyed the overwhelming pleasure that paralyzed me.

It wasn’t long before I was erupting into Pixie’s mouth in what seemed like an endless orgasm that somehow was also too short.

Pixie sucked the last of my seed out before sliding off me slowly and giving the tip a kiss. Then she tucked me back in and zipped up my pants. “There.” She sat up, straightening her glasses and fluffing her hair back into order. “You released in my wrong hole again, though.”

I chuckled, still riding the high from my release. “Well, there’s always next time.” The glamor was gone and I was just relaxed.

“Until next time.” Pixie smirked, having returned her professional veneer.

Morgana pushed through the doors behind me. “Oh. I would have thought you’d take the opportunity to have some fun.” She commented, glancing at us.

“I serve the Dragon King in all ways. But his time is so limited.” Pixie smiled innocently as if she hadn’t just given me a mind altering quickie.

I scoffed. My lovely nympho knew exactly what she was doing, and I had a feeling she was going to steal many more moments like she just had. I doubted I’d resist.

Morgana slid around the couch to my side and kissed me.

I let a hand slide around her leather clad hips and pulled her closer. With Elena coming, I could tell she needed affirmation that we were still good. “I love you Morgana Silverwing.”

“Of course you do.” She smirked and moved to nibble at my neck.

“Save that until Elena is here. You can bite me and drink from me all you want while she’s present.” I offered her, knowing that was the best present I could give her.

Morgana froze against me and gave my neck one last nibble. “That’s… that’s perfect.”

“What? The famous Morgana is at a loss?” I teased her.

Her hand moved faster than I could see and flicked my nose. “Hush. I’m not jealous.”

“I never said you were.” But the smile on my face said otherwise. “I just want to make sure Elena knows who my favorite vampire is.”

“Tonight, I’m going to reward you for this. I’ve been working on a new dance routine, and I think a private showing is in order.” She kissed my cheek.

Nyske knocked on the door. “My king, Elena Wallachia is here.” Her voice slipped through a crack and she pushed the door open without me needing to say anything.

Morgana looked over her shoulder. “Welcome, Elena. I was just spending some time with my husband and heard you were coming. Come sit.” She nodded at the couch on the other side of the table.

I also realized from Pixie’s kissing my neck, there was no way it wasn’t at least a little red. But it would just look like Morgana had been nibbling.

“Morgana.” Elena gushed and flowed into the room silently. “It’s so good to see you. I remember you during the war. Always so grumpy.”

I kept my arm around Morgana’s waist and pulled her closer, offering my neck.

She took it, sinking her fangs into my neck and taking a small drink before licking at the two puncture wounds as they healed.

Her saliva made me relax. My limbs started to feel like jelly.

“Yes. During the war I wasn’t my best. I didn’t take orders very well.” She admitted.

Elena laughed. “Yes, well, my sister was kind of a bitch.”

I nearly choked.

Morgana’s bitch of a sire was Elena’s sister? Morgana’s dislike of Elena suddenly made so much more sense to me.

“Well, we can agree on that.” Morgana took one last lick of my blood. “Oh, Nyske, can you get Elena some bloodwine and my mate something hearty to drink? I’m fine.” She leaned on my shoulder with an open tap right next to her if she wanted it.

Nyske came over with a smoothie of some sort. It was dark green and I was sure it was full of healthy foods and lots of iron. I took a skeptical sip, but they’d added enough sweet fruits that I didn’t hate it.

“No, it’s fine. I don’t have a taste for bloodwine right now.” Elena held up her hand as her little button nose twitched. “It would just taste like mud with the scent of the dragon king in the air.” She sniffed again. “You almost have a fae flavor to you?”

I grunted. “I bonded with a fragment of faerie, and I have some of Ikta’s old power in me.”

Elena’s brows rose high on her forehead with that information. “Interesting.” She chuckled. “I guess with all the fae around here, it was only time for you to become a king in faerie. You married Maeve. Now you just need to marry one of the queens.”

“There aren’t kings of the fae. The queens rule.” I reminded her.

She just laughed. “Emperor then, because I doubt the dragon king would bow to anyone.”

Morgana cleared her throat. “Maybe we should get to why you came?”

“Right.” Elena smiled. “I came straight here as soon as I learned. Someone matching your FBI agent was seen at the docks. They are on a boat in the Delaware.”

Despite being relaxed, I went rigid. “Are you sure? Is the source reliable?”

“Fairly certain. They described him well enough, the Agent Lopez you described. But my guy didn’t provide pictures or anything to verify. I went down and got a look at the boat myself.” Elena leaned forward and wiggled like a dog waiting to be told ‘good boy’.

“Thank you.” I gave her what she wanted. “We need to move on this information. This would make sense as to why we’ve had trouble finding them.”

Morgana held my arm. “The river is big, and very public.”

“So?” I looked at Morgana. “If they are in the water, we only need to get the Sirens involved.” Pausing, I thought for a moment. “As for it being too public, I think it is time we started taking necessary risks. This one being one of them.”

We couldn’t always let being in public be a weapon against us. Not when they were preparing to do so much worse.

She let go of my arm. “So be it.”

I turned back to Elena. “Anything else spotted on the boat? Details?”

“It’s a small yacht. My source didn’t see anyone else, but they had just stopped for gas and the Agent Lopez got out to fill it up.” Elena grabbed a napkin and ran her finger over a fang before blood splashed out onto the napkin and she held it out to me.

Damn that was a talent. She did a whole painting in that single motion.

The painting with her blood was a fantastic monochrome watercolor painting of a boat. “Thank you. I need to use this information before it goes stale. Sorry to run.” I got up without any interruption and hurried out with Morgana, the nymphs hot on my heels.

I had my phone out an instant later, texting Jadelyn and Scarlett for their location. Scarlett answered right away.

They were at the Scalewright manor.

I turned and headed upstairs for my portal room. “Nyske, get me Polydora and Regina. Tell Regina we are going on a hunt.”

Through my closet, I found the door to the atrium and walked through quickly to the Scalewright manor, stepping out to a siren standing guard.

“Uh. Hello Dragon King.” The siren woman winked at me. “Anything I can do for you?”

“I’m grabbing Jadelyn.” Pushing past the siren, I knew my way around the manor. In no time I found Jadelyn, Scarlett and their mothers in a parlor chatting.

“Husband.” Scarlett was the first to notice me, and her excitement dropped at my expression. “Where are we going?”

“The River. Agent Lopez was seen on a small yacht.” I told them both, catching Jadelyn’s eye.

“Wonderful!” Jadelyn clapped. “I have been waiting for an excuse to show you my yacht.”

Funny how that had never come up before, but I wasn’t surprised. “You have a yacht?” Really the question should have been, how big was it.

“It’s a family yacht.” Claire, her mother, added. “I want to come too.”

“We are going to go pick a fight with two amped up former FBI and possibly the Spring Lady.” I told Claire. “This isn’t some sight-seeing trip.

She sipped from her mojito. “So? We are sirens, and they are on the water.” A wicked gleam entered her eyes as she took another sip.

I guess she had a point.


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