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"So," Chloe awkwardly tried to start a discussion in the car. "My sister was looking pretty chewed up at dinner."

Morgana rolled her eyes as she took another corner far too sharply, and I had to hold onto the oh-shit handle. "She was marked, repeatedly." Morgana chuckled.

We were out for our job tonight. Morgana was driving the van, recklessly, while I was in the passenger seat with the two dragons in the middle row.

Morgana’s wild driving was taking us downtown to an up-and-coming neighborhood with lots of industrial buildings converted into apartment buildings.

"More like a well used chew toy." Sarisha muttered.

"My sister is not a chew toy." Chloe crossed her arms.

I knew we needed to move on from the subject before either of them got into a fight. Luckily, I had the perfect distraction.

Pixie had come through for me with my requests during dinner. "Chloe, I have tickets to the One-Two Shockers' concert. It is two weeks out--"

"No way!" Chloe threw herself forward and grabbed the two tickets out of my hand the second I’d pulled them out of my bracer "How did you get these? They sold out immediately."

I smirked at her. “You do realize I’m loaded now, right?" The youngest of my dragonettes was in her classic heavy metal band t-shirt with a leather jacket over it and dark jeans that she’d put holes in, showing off her pale skin underneath.

Chloe rolled her eyes and settled back into her seat, holding tightly to the two tickets. "Of course, but even so, these are so hard to get." She did an excited little squeal and pumped her fist, nearly putting a hole in the van’s roof.

"Watch it," Morgana scowled in the rearview mirror before she spun the wheel to take a turn. We did nearly one-eighty before going down a side street.

Despite being bounced around, Chloe didn’t seem to mind. She happily bounced all over with each harsh turn, smiling dumbly to herself as she stared at the tickets.

Her energy made me smile, and I was glad that I’d listened to Larissa. It would be a great date night with Chloe.

But I noticed that Sarisha next to Chloe looked forlorn.

Luckily, I had a solution for that too. My time with Larisa before dinner made me realize that some of these girls were going to require different paces and different courting rituals than I was used to. The dragons were older and many of them were embedded in other cultures.

"Sarisha, I spoke to your father after dinner." I looked over my shoulder to check on her. Her jaw had dropped, her eyes were wide, and she was stuck in something between embarrassment and disbelief.

"You didn't?" She whispered covering her face with her hands so only her exotic blue eyes popped out above her fingers.

"Yes, I did. He was quite excited to talk to me. Apparently, he had been expecting the call for some time." I smiled at her. "I inquired how your family dealt with marriages. He told me that typically, you would have your marriage arranged by him and your spouse's parents. Unfortunately, bringing Tiamat in would be unpredictable, so I asked to arrange one between me and you, myself. I hope that was okay?"

Her embarrassment faded plainly into disbelief and she covered her mouth with her hands. "You didn't have to do that. I know that's not how you would do things normally." I noticed that she didn’t say I’d done anything wrong, so I was feeling pretty smug.

I gave her a smile. "Just because I'm the Dragon King doesn't mean we have to do everything my way." I smiled and added "Just most things."

Morgana started howling in laughter in the seat next to me. "If you think you are going to get your way with all of these women, you have another thing coming."

I rolled my eyes. "At least pretend like I'm in charge." I teased Morgana.

"You can have your moments of dominance." Morgana wiggled in her seat and bounced her eyebrows. Her teasing had taken her eyes off the road, and she had to jerk on the steering wheel at the last second to avoid a head-on collision.

I suddenly had two allies in the backseat shouting at her to watch the road.

"Yeah yeah." Morgana waved away their complaints. "Zach is the one who has crashed multiple of my cars. I haven't been in an accident since we started working together."

That wasn't quite fair, but I let her get away with the claim.

Morgana settled down, driving the tiniest bit more conservatively, but still terrifyingly fast.

We pulled up to our designation, a man’s apartment we were going to be surveilling.

Apparently, he had bought a second apartment to use as an art studio. But his wife believed that he was using it to have affairs.

Unfortunately for the horny artist, his wealthy wife didn't believe in harems. It was a shame really.

"So, we're just waiting for him to bring a girl over and then take a picture of it?" Chloe asked, picking up the camera from the duffel bag.

I shrugged. "Boring, I know. This is why I didn't need my honor guard here with me."

Morgana snickered. "If you wanted to stop your honor guard from coming with you, maybe you shouldn't give them concert tickets and arranged marriages with them on the way."

Sarisha nodded along with Morgana. "She has a point. Besides, with four of us here we can take turns napping."

I made myself cozy, sinking down into the seat. "I guess I'll take the first dibs on a nap." I smiled as I closed my eyes and waited for them to argue with me. But to my surprise, none of them seem to mind the idea of me getting some sleep. Instead, they started arguing over who would take a shift with me.


Jadelyn adjusted the silk hood of her cloak. Everything had to be perfect for the golden plushy society.

Part of the success of any secret society was the experience. She had to make those who had already reached the highest status, the wives of the Dragon King, and those who were prospects both believe in the golden plushy society.

That’s why they wore gold cloaks with a silver dragon embroidered on the shoulder where Zach liked to mark them. Zach’s first two colors.

Before, Jadelyn and the other wives would meet up in her bedroom and talk about how they could support Zach. After, she had given many of them the golden plushy dragon they had joked about it being like a sorority. They were more than just a part of Zack's harem; they were sisters and would support each other.

They’d decided to extend the invite outward to any of the possible new women, and it was almost time for their first meeting since the wedding where the society had ballooned. It was a good growth, but Jadelyn was still nervous with all the new members and how they would integrate.

It was also the first time in the secret room of their new manor.

Jadelyn put on a smile as she opened the doors and invited in the rest of the wives. They filed in one by one into a dimly lit room, a secret room they had built into the manor. Each one of the women that were marked by her husband wore their gold silk cloak to add to the mystery.

As they funneled in, the rest of the ladies that joined the golden plushy society filtered in behind them. They were not yet mates, but they each were given a golden plushy to have as a symbol of their potential. And each of them was currently standing in nothing but underwear or lingerie, holding their plushie.

Jadelyn scanned the crowd finding everyone she expected but stopped at Rebecca Till.

"What are you wearing?" Jadelyn looked at Rebecca and shook her head.

Agent Till shrugged, She was wearing fluffy pajamas and pink fluffy slippers. "You said to wear what we would wear to bed." She looked around at all of the nymphs wearing barely there lingerie. "That shit has to be cold."

"I think she meant to wear what you would wear to bed with the Dragon King." Ikta replied, covering her smile. "Besides, your partner seems to have gotten the memo."

Jadelyn had tried not to draw attention to the fact that Helena had shown up. The nephilim's presence had been a shock. No doubt she’d get flighty if anyone brought it up directly.

"I'm just here to support my partner." Helena lied.

No one here believed her for a second, but nobody wanted to deal with the pain in the ass she’d be if they challenged her on her statement.

The angel reeked of sex with their husband only a day ago. She wasn’t fooling anyone.

Jadelyn clapped her hands twice and sconces on the wall lit up, casting a bit more light around the room. She wanted everybody to see her as she threw back her hood.

"I want to welcome everyone to the golden plushy society." Jadelyn’s eyes drifted over to where even the Summer Queen and Ikta stood among the entrants to the golden plushy society. "The purpose of the golden plushy society is for the ladies that surround Zach Pendragon, the Dragon King, to get together, understand each other, and form a sorority that works in solidarity to help Zach. I think we can all agree he is meant for something great. It is our duty to support him."

Ikta clapped excitedly. "Great speech! So, when do we fuck him?"

A number of the nymphs took up her question and started asking it in various colorful ways.

Scarlett groaned and threw back her silk hood. "Shut up. This isn't about getting to fuck him." She rolled her eyes. "This is about us becoming a unified force. The last thing Zach needs is to be distracted by a harem that is trying to pull him in a dozen different directions."

"Wait, no fucking? Then why am I wearing my favorite bra and panties?" A nymph asked, looking down at her lacy duo.

Jadelyn parted her gold silk cloak to show that she too was wearing lingerie underneath. "Because..." She struggled, trying to find a good excuse. She was partially just following what her sorority had done. "Because we are showing each other our full selves, not hiding anything."

"But you are wearing a cloak." Summer smiled, pointing at the article of clothing.

Ikta jumped in. Jadleyn expected the woman to back Summer, but she actually came to Jadelyn’s defense. "Summy, don't be like that. She's trying her hardest. And it’s not like it’s any big task for you. You are rocking that look." Ikta waved her hands vaguely at Summer's large breasts barely bound in silk.

Summer couldn’t help herself from grinning and standing up a little straighter as she glanced over the nymphs who all had their own allure. “Yes. Please continue Jadelyn. We are baring ourselves to each other.”

Jadelyn couldn’t quite tell what the Queens were thinking. But she did know how to manage a large group of people. She’d push through the noise. “Then we gather to get to know one another better, and to discuss Zach.”

“How big is his dick?” A nymph blurted out, and the others chattered away again.

“Quite large.” Kelly chuckled, holding up her arm and stopping her finger on her forearm to try and show them.

Gasps and moans filled the chamber. Jadelyn rolled her eyes. The women present were apparently hornier than a sorority.

“We should have a mock up made, just so that we can get familiar with it.” Ikta suggested.

“No. Just wait for the real thing.” Polydora took off her hood. “I can guarantee it is worth it.”

Jadelyn clapped twice and took control of the meeting. “First, let me say that I’m grateful to have our husband back, but we had a serious failing in his capture recently. We need a better way to keep track of him.” She looked around the room, waiting for ideas.

Summer raised her hand. “We can give him a gift of sorts that allows for the Golden Plushy Society to track him. Really after the mess in The Wilds, we should have already done that.”

Pixie pulled at her collar. “He made this so that he could summon me. We just need to invert the enchantment and put it on something he’ll always carry with him.”

Sabrina threw off her hood, excited with the challenge. “It should be cast in a strong metal to be sure that he doesn’t somehow damage it.”

“It would be perfect on that bracer of his…” Jadelyn tapped at her lips.

“Can’t get it off him.” Trina replied. “Not since he was blessed by Typhon.”

The girls murmured.

“Can you carve it into the side of the existing bracer?” Summer asked.

“No, he’d never willingly let us put a tracker on him.” Tyrande stepped to the side and brought out a standing table and then started to put wine on it. She noticed Jadelyn giving her a side eye as she pulled out another bottle. “Look, if we are going to have these discussions, we should also include wine. It’s been a long few days with my sister.”

“Hey!” Yev called out from behind the crowd. She had been convinced into her human form, but she was wrapped in furs and sitting on her egg.

“Don’t bitch. You can have wine now. The rest of us have to go nine months without wine when we are pregnant.” Tyrande said as she started to pour and pass them out. The dragons grabbed a few more tables and put them out in the center so everyone could have a place to put their glasses as they talked.

“None for me.” Kelly waved away the glass and Jadelyn raised an eyebrow in curiosity. “Just in case.” Kelly couldn’t meet her eyes.

“I’ll take her drink.” Taylor stepped past all of them, grabbing one while she started to mingle.

“If you want to secretly put an enchantment on him, Nyske might be able to help.” Summer pointed to the newest member.

Jadelyn knew Nyske was the newest member of the society, and she’d joined with a bang. Kelly hadn’t stopped gushing about how she’d saved several of her wolves’ pregnancies. “Could you do that Nyske?”

“If you guys made a drawing of the enchantment, I could probably carve it into the underside of the bracer. Hell, I could probably carve it into one of his bones, but I’m pretty sure it would fade with time.” She replied with a shrug.

Sabrina quickly pulled a pencil out of her hair and started to draw a design on the tablecloth itself.

“Well, if that’s handled, then we can move onto other matters. We have looked into the jail that imprisoned Zach. I would propose a solution to that prison.” Jadelyn added, raising her glass in a toast now that everyone had a glass that wanted one. “To the first session of the Golden Plushy Society.”

“To the Golden Plushy Society.” They all cheered.

“We could do a quick hit of the prison.” Polydora suggested. “I mean, you bring the dragons and the Queens down on it, and I’m pretty sure we can just make all of the people running it disappear overnight.”

Summer knocked back her wine and Ikta poured her another glass. “The Golden Plushy Society wields great power.”

“Yes. But we must be secretive about things as well.” Ikta agreed. “If we were to solve all of Zach’s problems, he would become a lazy dragon.”

The girls all laughed.

“Behind any great man is… an army of powerful women.” Kelly lifted her glass and they all drank again to the toast.

Jadelyn smiled. So far, the society was going well. There was definitely camaraderie building among them. She took another sip, but she held back a little bit. Somebody had to try to keep them all in line.

“So. We can help Zach, but we need the dirty details.” Jadelyn’s nymph, Tulip, blurted out and turned to Pixie. “What does he like? In bed of course.”

If Jadelyn thought they were united in attacking a prison that had held their husband, they were ironclad in their sudden desire to swap bedroom tips with each other.

“He likes to be riled up.” Pixie started. “As a dragon, his possessiveness is a big part of it.” She pulled at the gold coin around her neck. “Though I’m not marked, he used this to mark me as his. His eyes are always drawn to it. Well, they’re drawn to it after he looks down my shirt when I bend over.”

They all laughed and some of the nymphs touched and looked at the gold coin.

Jadelyn could see just how proud the nymphs were to serve him, whether that was directly, or indirectly. “His hoard is open to those of us with marks.” Jadelyn tapped at her lip. “I bet we could give everyone a gold coin from there. Maybe we could use it to mark the staff in case other nymphs filter in.”

Tulip leaned over a table, boring her gaze into Jadelyn’s own. “Mistress. You are full of wonderful ideas. The plushies are cute, but a piece of the dragon king’s hoard would certainly mark all of us nymphs as his.”

Summer laughed. “Careful, or you are going to make all of the nymphs in faerie revolt.” She patted Tulip on the shoulder. “Ease up on them. You will all find your place among his house in time if you are patient.”

The nymphs vibrated at Summer’s words.

Helena raised her hand to get Jadelyn’s attention. “I like this idea of killing people at the prison better. When can we do that?”

Jadelyn smirked. She was not surprised the angel was looking to take some anger out on the prison. And Jadelyn had no doubt Helena wouldn’t admit she was doing it for Zach. Heck, she might not even believe it herself. But Scarlett had already noticed the angel smiling far more than normal after she came back smelling like Zach.

Nobody said anything, but Jadelyn couldn’t believe they thought they were keeping it quiet in a house full of paranormal senses.

She smiled, taking another sip of her wine as the women all jumped in to add thoughts as they worked their way through the agenda of topics.

AN - I'm almost done with the book. 33 Chapter written, I think I have 2(?) more that I'll finish tomorrow. A bit of a long conclusion, just lots of harem things that need to get tied up or teased out but didn't make sense to stick in the middle of the faster pace of the last third of the book.



So, when is the AI art of Till in pink fluffy slippers coming?


Thx for the chapter. Was very entertaining 😄