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The man with the audacity to wait on top of my car wasn’t Director Norton.

As I got closer, the man stood up and shook out his sleeves with a grin on his face. He was Hispanic and flicked a cigarette butt to the ground. “Zach Pendragon, the Dragon King.” His mocking tone told me it had nothing to do with my real use of that title.

“Going to introduce yourself?” I frowned at the man and expected a badge to flip out.

“Agent Lopez. I got here a little late, but did I just see you come out of that house over there? I don’t think you own that one.” He frowned with just a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. “Yeah. So, what do you have in your hands?”

I held the painting up. “A painting that went missing. The company insuring it hired me to retrieve it.”

“So you just admitted to theft?” Agent Lopez grinned. “Stealing something that has been stolen is still a crime.”

I rolled my eyes. “No, I did not admit to theft. I was merely acting as a runner for a very valuable good. Going to arrest me?” I held out my wrists.

Agent Lopez pulled out a pair of handcuffs.

Jadelyn cleared her throat. “Zach, I suggest you don’t answer any more questions. I’ll call our lawyer.” Her phone was ringing and she held it up on speaker. “Hello, Mr. Schneider. We have an FBI agent attempting to arrest Zach for holding onto a stolen good that he has recovered for a client.”

A clear voice came over the speaker. “Yes. What crime has been reported that you are responding to Mr…?”

“Lopez.” The agent put away the cuffs and his face soured. “Good day. I’ll be watching you Zach. Next time you should watch yourself.” He pushed off my car, and as he walked away, I saw just the faintest wisp of smoke leave his eyes.

If I hadn’t been looking for it, I would have assumed it was a drifting piece of smoke from his cigarette.

“He’s gone.” Jadelyn muttered after he walked far enough away.

The lawyer spoke again over the phone. “Good. Now, Zach, please do not speak to any law enforcement. Just call me if you are approached. The man in question there just wanted to bring you in; it is much harder to get you out once you go in. He had no evidence save for whatever he saw and assumed.”

He continued on. “Any lawyer worth their salt would have been able to win that one, but it wouldn’t matter because the point would be to waste your time and create a criminal record for you, even if it didn’t go anywhere. Obviously, no one was pressing charges. Be careful Mr. Pendragon.” The lawyer hung up the phone after properly chastising me.

I grumbled and rubbed my head. “Sorry.”

“You are going to have to let people who are good at what they do, do their jobs.” Jadelyn smirked. “Glad to help. I’ll give you Mr. Schneider’s number. He’s a siren, so he’s aware of… things.”

“They’ll also be trying to get you for something bigger than breaking and entering. It will need to be far more concrete than seeing you exit a building for it to stick.” Scarlett pointed out. “But you need to be more careful. I don’t think it’s going to be peaceful if they get you alone.”

I’d had a feeling that Lopez was never really going to arrest me. He just wanted to start showing up, making my job more difficult and make me second guess my choices.

“This is going to be more annoying than I’d like, isn’t it?” I got into the car and handed the rolled up painting to Jadelyn to carry in the back.

“Probably.” She agreed. “We’ll just need to keep you out of trouble.” She let out a little chuckle, clearly not thinking keeping me out of trouble was likely.

“Just promise me you won’t bury me in a pile of paperwork to do that.” I grumbled.

“There is certainly something we could bury you in.” Scarlett teased. “I mean, what happens if we tell your honor guard that you slipped free of them while they were fawning over Yev and you almost got arrested?”

I paled. “You wouldn’t.”

Scarlett just whistled innocently.

“Let’s go return this and then get ready for the gallery.” I sighed.

Jadelyn smiled. “I bet it will be really fun if the manager gets arrested. Oh, then that’ll make a good excuse to not put my painting there without snubbing Carla. Let’s go.” She patted my shoulder.


The insurance company happily accepted the painting and the information that there was another painting stored in his vault. The photo had them scowling, but they didn’t ask me to retrieve it.

Afterwards, we headed back to the manor. Pixie was ready and waiting with a fancy black suit.

“I can’t believe you went out without us.” Polydora had her arms crossed. Amira was behind her, mirroring the older dragon.

“It was a simple investigation. The worst the guy could have done was shoot at me.” I grumbled as Pixie pulled at my white shirt with gold buttons before coming behind me with the suit jacket and helping me slip it on.

The jacket was so fitted it was actually a little hard to put on myself.

“That isn’t the point. We are your honor guard.” Amira spoke up from behind Poly. The black dragon was a little angsty. They all were getting fidgety, wanting more time with me and to get their mark.

And after their mark, we’d start repopulating the dragon race. That was the entire reason the dragon guard had first been established. We all knew that and the chance to become one of my mates was the prime reason for them agreeing to the job.

They weren’t all exactly trained bodyguards. Poly was the closest, but that was just because she was a trained warrior.

Pixie brushed off my shoulders and came around front to adjust the jacket to her satisfaction. When she got on her knees she brushed up against a certain part of me, there were little cheers from the group watching.

Poly only smirked, watching Pixie cause a reaction. “You really do like these nymphs. Mine is kind of funny, but I can see how they like to rile you up and get you ready. So, where are our dresses like for this event?”

“I’d like to travel in a car smaller than a van. There are always so many of you.” I grumbled in response. I didn’t need babysitters everywhere I went.

Pixie gave me an apologetic grin. “Jadelyn got dresses for two of your honor guards.” Then she turned to the two waiting for me. “But they were sized for Chloe and Sarisha.”

Amira let out a grunt.

Poly only smirked. “Fine. Those two need more time with you, My King. Don’t make them all wait too long.”

She wasn’t wrong, but I was starting to feel bombarded.

“Besides, you’ll show up in a limo for this event.” Pixie told me, smoothing out any final wrinkles. “There, you look extremely handsome. The ladies will love it. Now shoo, I need to get dressed and then we’ll leave in fifteen.” She shooed me out and into Poly’s arms.

The Amazonian woman and bronze dragon was the only one of my women who was my height. She roughly grabbed my lapel and kissed me.

I squeezed her tight ass and pushed her up against the wall, rubbing myself against her before breaking the kiss and nibbling on her neck. “Would you mind helping me with something for a second?”

She grabbed me through my pants. “The others will be disappointed if I spoil their fun.” She whispered into my ear and left me hanging, grabbing Amira and pulling the other dragon away.

I was left to my own devices for the moment, so I decided to head down to the kitchen.

A nymph perked up when I entered. “Need something to eat, Dragon King?”

“No. He’s a messy eater. He always gets blood everywhere, and we can’t have him ruining that suit. It makes him look so good.” Evelyn sashayed up to me and pressed her hands to my chest as she grinned. The winter nymph always was a little mischievous, but she got up to the good kind of fun.

“You’re here? That means…” I looked up to see Maeve gliding into the room. “I thought you two were going back to Winter’s territory to prepare for war?” I was surprised to see them.

“Ikta is helping me with my magic.” Maeve wiggled her finger, showing off the ring I gave her that had once been a Winter Queen of old’s crown and a very potent magical artifact.

“That means we’ll be returning here regularly, with Ikta’s help.” Evelyn continued to tease me with her body. “Oh! I know. We can feed you to help prevent you from making a mess of that tux.”

I snorted, but all three fae women in the room perked up, eyes sparkling. “Fine. I don’t think I’m going to get that much food at this gallery. Make me something meaty.”

“With bread or crackers to soak up the juices.” Evelyn added. “Really now.” She chided me as she pulled me over to a table, sat me down, and then claimed my lap. “Maeve was missing you.”

“Oh yeah?” I savored the touch of the nymph. I really had a problem. “How are things with your mother?” I looked over Evelyn’s shoulder to Maeve.

Maeve smiled, walking over close enough to lean on me. “Tepid on the home front and down right aggressive in court. She’s recovering now that she’s disconnected with Iapetus, but the scheming is redoubling. I always heard the stories, but never did I think she’d go full Queen on me.”

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for more.

“The Queens have a reputation for getting cagey when they think their time is coming to an end. This injury and subsequent near death both at the hands of Iapetus and The Dreamer has her feeling… mortal.” Maeve frowned down at the ring on her hand. “So, she’s guarded. Even against me.”

“The ring is slowly increasing Maeve’s power.” Evelyn explained. “The power of the former Winter Queen is entering Maeve every time she uses it. Adding that to her marriage to you, the big bad dragon king… She’s evolving. And the Queen is wilting.” Evelyn licked up my neck and planted a kiss behind my ear as she whispered the words again. “Such a handsome big bad dragon king.”

“Don’t tease him too much. It looks like he’s going out.” Maeve’s words didn’t line up with her actions as she stroked her hands along my shoulders.

“Hey, someone is going to enjoy having him wound up. There are so many ladies here.” Evelyn was shameless, her eyes flickering over as Pixie appeared. “Oooh. Pixie, look at you, hot stuff.”

The summer nymph had her pink hair partially tamed and pulled back. She wore gold framed glasses that only made her blue eyes even brighter. But her outfit was a tight white skirt and shirt that hugged her form tightly. Her chest wasn’t open. Instead, it had a sheer material lined by lace down the front.

She looked like a sexy business woman as she came to a stop, striking a pose for us and holding up a leather folio. “I’m glad you like it, My king.” She did a small curtsy, probably as far as she could go with that skirt, and the gold coin dangled off a new lace choker.

“He certainly does like it. I think he’s about to spear me.” Evelyn giggled as she rubbed herself against my lap, grinding into me.

“You’ll regret it if you tease him much more.” Pixie chided Evelyn.

The nymphs seemed to be getting along. I was glad they didn’t have much jealousy.

“Just warming him up.” A plate of hors d'oeuvres was put down in front of us and Evelyn didn’t wait, snatching up one of the pieces that looked like a small cube of steak stuck to a cracker. A green sauce and a few sprinkles of cheese were garnish. “Open wide. We need to feed you before you get too hungry on us.”

Maeve just chuckled and looked up as Ikta and Summer appeared. “I’ll see you later, husband.”

“Both of them?” I tried to say, but it came out muffled through the food.

Ikta, Summer and Maeve walk into a bar… There had to be a good joke in that setup.

It was more than a little concerning that the three fae factions had joined forces. And were all under my roof. But it also seemed like it could lead to something good, despite being complex.

My attention was cut short as Evelyn giggled and stuffed another morsel of food in my mouth. “Don’t worry.”

“Yes, don’t.” Pixie agreed. “It’s good. The Fae Queens have often been at odds, but they also have been the ones that understand each other the most. They can’t help but be rivals. Let them have some time together.”

Her words were punctuated by the click of heels on the hard tile floor of the kitchen.

Scarlett came around the corner first, her hair done up with little ringlets curling down and framing her face. Her dress was a distracting red that faded to gold on a diagonal. Her kitsune was already hidden, making her green eyes pop as she smirked at me for staring.

“Just wait until you see the others. Oh, you had food made. Thank god. You’d get judged if you eat a ton at the gallery.” Scarlett came by and snatched some of my food, making me growl at her. “Oh don’t be like that. She’s making more. Can we get a few glasses of champagne?”

Scarlett didn’t even comment on my lap nymph feeding me. Apparently it had become more normal.

“Are the others going to be long?” I asked.

Scarlett was wolfing--no--foxing down my plate of food and spoke around a full mouth. “The nymphs are doing wonders on us. They really know how to do makeup and hair.”

“Of course.” Evelyn laughed, making her breasts jiggle in my face. “We strive to look our best at all times. Glamors aren’t always welcome. And you’ve selected some of the best nymphs.”

Scarlett raised a brow at the nymphs present. “Really? Do any of them have combat training?” I could see her brain already starting to revisit security protocols to take that factor into consideration.

“Plenty.” The nymph cooking me food replied. “Though, we don’t really pick up arms to do more than defend ourselves.”

Scarlett nodded absently, still lost in whatever thoughts were swirling in her mind.

My mind was blanked by two more entrants to the meal.

Sarisha and Chloe appeared in dark navy dresses that felt like they were supposed to be plain, for them to fade into the background, but neither of them could do that. Chloe’s pale skin and Sarisha’s mocha skin were both on full appetizing display.

“You two look incredible.” I smiled at them, making Sarisha blush.

“I hope I don’t disappoint then.” Jadelyn’s lyrical voice came from behind them as she clicked along in her heels, coming into view.

Jadelyn could walk in heels unlike any woman I’d ever seen. It was like she was born in them.

Hugging her body was a pale blue dress with gold frills cascading at an angular cut from just below her bottom.

Jadelyn was always beautiful, but she had an expert touch of makeup on her face, and her hair was pulled up. Only a few perfectly placed locks had broken free, coming down to make it look just a little messy and a lot more sexy.

She grinned at me and walked over to kiss me on the cheek and whisper a small note into my ear. “I love you Zach Pendragon.”

“I love you too.” I kissed her back before she could get far.

Jadelyn turned, taking in the second platter of food the nymphs were bringing over, as well as the champagne being poured. “Oh perfect. I hate having to pretend to be a little bird at these things.”

“Right?” Scarlett quickly grabbed a champagne glass, taking a hearty sip.


Daniel Sifrit

So.. Zach powering up the Winter Queen.. is that your way of combatting Global Warming or are we talking Ice Age?


Thx for the chapter