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Some BS Deity

Right? This girl could be in just about any modern day book and I would believe it. She has some good energy but she has completely hidden her draconic nature. Helps that Trina is a bit more timid than most dragons so she doesn't have the confident presence the others do.


I love it, and no she does not, and should not scream dragon. So much of their lore is them shifting in to the background when they want to... Yev doesn't scream dragon in her art, she screams high elf with a thing for green. Trina screams girl next door you want to go camping and having a few beers with, and I ADORE it and will fight anyone who disagrees. Yev is gorgeous but looks like a princess (as she should), way outside the personal strike zone, to pretty, to done up. You make less then seven figures? F right off. Trina pm the other hand is the kind of girl who is hot as hell, but you could see yourself trying to talk to in a bar visited by regular people.