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"Is now a good time?" Stella asked Emma.

We were back at home. The front door had been repaired, although it wasn’t painted to match the rest of the manor yet.Obsidian now had two clones tending to Melody's every whim. Obsidian seemed oddly fond of taking care of the manor and everybody inside.

I frowned at two Obsidians that seemed to be guarding the basement, but I let it go. She was really helping out around the house, and I decided I probably didn’t want to know what they were up to at that moment.

Mona was back in her maid outfit and had taken over making dinner. As I walked in, I saw Stella and Emma standing face to face, having what felt like a tense conversation.

"Good time for what?" I asked the two.

"To settle our differences. We had agreed to wait until later, when we were out of where BSH could watch us." Stella nodded to herself. "Now I get to punch her in the face!"

She wound up her punch, but I put up a kinetic cage around them so that their fight didn't destroy my home.

Emma's skin shimmered, but it didn't stop Stella from bouncing her off the side of the cage.

"Don't ruin the place," I replied, turning my attention to Mona. She and I needed to have a serious talk.

She’d interjected memories that weren’t mine into my head, and I didn’t like it.

Just how much control do you have over my mind? I asked Mona.

She froze, sensing my displeasure. Not so much control as access. I have complete access to your mind.

Behind me, I heard a mix of grunts and screams of frustration. I glanced back to make sure that nobody was seriously losing.

Emma was moving back towards Stella, dancing around her punch and slamming the succubus into the wall of the cage with her own force. They were relatively evenly matched. Stella had serious force, but very few people were more nimble than Emma.

Nearby, Obsidian sipped on tea and talked with Melody and Angelina, like it was just a casual day in our household.

I turned back to Mona, resuming our conversation while the movements and squeals continued in the background.

Are you able to push thoughts like that into my mind all the time? What's the limit?

Mona pushed around food in the skillet that didn't need it and fluffed her skirt, showing me that she was wearing nothing underneath it. Suddenly, my mind took me to imagining bending her over the counter and taking her tight ass right there in the kitchen.

I can make little suggestions, pull thoughts that you otherwise shove down back up to the surface.

I frown. You can make me horny, fill me with those sort of thoughts that we normally just ignore.

She nodded over at the stove. There’s other thoughts besides the fun ones, but those are the best.

Suddenly, the idea of what it would be like sliding back into her filled my mind. A day had already passed since I’d last taken her, and it was feeling far too long.

Damnit, stop making me so horny. You can do it later when we go to bed.

Mona bounced a little, and I saw under her skirt again. My mind went straight into the gutter.

Stop it, Mona.

That was all you. I swear,she squeaked back in reply. But I liked it.

The manor shook with a larger force, making me turn back to Stella and Emma. The latter had managed to teleport out of my kinetic cage, and Stella was hammering on it in protest.

"Cut it out, Stella. Besides, weren't you going to talk to them about the reward you wanted?" I pointed to Obsidian and Angelina.

Dismissing the cage, I saw that Stella's attention had been successfully diverted from fighting with Emma. She bounced over to Obsidian and Angelina, talking in hushed tones.

Emma prowled over and laid herself on me.

"You don't have to keep riling her up," I chastised Emma.

"But it's kind of fun. She’s like a little wind-up doll that I can just twist.” She made a motion in the air. “Her face gets so mad. It’s cute. Plus, she needs practice. She’s all brute force, kind of like when I first met you.”

Emma nibbled on my ear, and after the images Mona had shared with me, my libido immediately sprang into action, the image of her and Kim once again returning to my mind. This time, I was pretty sure it was my own.

"What happened between you and Kim?"

Emma pouted and ran her hands along my arms. "When I'm touching you, you think of Kim?"

"Don't avoid the question," I scolded her.

She shrugged. "We just didn't vibe. I think the two of us are too alike."

I squinted at her, but it really did seem to be as simple as that to her. Moving onto the next subject, I asked, "So, what jewelry do we need to alter before you start doing hero work?"

Emma blew out a heavy breath. "A lot. The hardest one will be the amethyst." She clicked her tongue. "Think you could help me reshape that one?"

"What the hell do you want to make it into?" I frowned, unsure of what she had in mind.

"Well, it is a pretty low heat- and pressure-generated stone. You might be able to pressurize and heat it enough that it recrystallizes after you make it into a throne."

I choked. "You actually want to make a throne?"

Emma shrugged. "It sounds lovely. We can even make a few fun modifications to it. You see, while I was away, I did some studying on how they make artificial diamonds. I think we can do it with your power."

I shook my head. Of course she was researching how to get even more jewels to cover her body.

"Go ahead and get what you need, we'll give it a shot. But if we can make artificial ones that work, you are going to run out of excuses to go steal them," I warned her.

Emma snorted. "I think those days were already behind me when I showed up in Point City. When I came here, I already knew I was going to get dragged into whatever you were doing. Although, I expected you to be doing it alone." She turned and gazed around the room. "Apparently, you have changed."

"Yeah, I have," I agreed, waiting to see if it was a deal breaker.

But as Emma looked up at me, still running her fingers along my arm, I could see that she wasn’t deterred by the other women. She accepted who I was now, and it warmed my heart. I leaned down, cupping the back of her head and kissing her.


We broke apart as Mona whipped between us, bringing a casserole dish of bacon-wrapped and cheese-stuffed chicken to the table.

"That looked delicious." Stella popped up from where she had been talking with Obsidian.

"Of course it does. Mona reads the Miles cookbook in his head," Melody laughed.

I realized that Melody was right. I did remember this casserole. “Stella, are you going to fill me in on this reward?”

Obsidian looked at Stella to see if she could spill the beans.

“Nope. Angelina can do her part, but Obby needs to study a little on what I want for the other half. Her clones will work on that tonight, and she’ll be ready tomorrow. From you...” She bit her lip. “I need you to depower me a little.”

Obsidian nodded. “We could do it in the morning if you wanted.”

Stella sighed. “Yeah, let’s get it over with before I chicken out.”

I dug into dinner, but I noticed that a pair of Obsidians entered the front door. They were carrying a crate and marching straight down the stairs.

"Okay. I can't keep ignoring them anymore. What are your clones doing in the basement?"

Obsidian stopped mid meal and looked with more than a little guilt on her face. "Not much."

"Obby," Stella said in a warning tone.

The replicator held up her hands. "I might be building down there."

"Building?" I asked. "What are you building?"

"Well, excavating might be the correct term. I bought up the rights underneath the surrounding homes." She shrank in on herself a bit, clearly unsure of how I would take the news.

I pressed two fingers to my forehead. "How big is it going to be?"

"You are making a lair!" Stella bounced in her seat as she rambled. "You're totally making a lair. I want a lair. Miles, say we can have a lair! Oh my goodness, it’s going to be awesome, isn’t it? That’s perfect. Absolutely perfect."

Stella reached across the table and grabbed my hand, exerting her power to make it feel pleasurable. "If you’re hesitating, know that I would fuck your brains out for a lair."

Melody laughed. "You'd fuck his brains out no matter what. But... and I can't believe I'm saying this... a lair could be kind of fun."

I concur, a lair would be nice. You've never had one even when you were a villain.

"But we aren't villains. Heroes don't have lairs." My statement was met with a flurry of eye rolls.

"Why do lairs have to be a 'villain' thing?" Emma scoffed as she air quoted. "They’re really more about privacy and comfort. There’s no reason they need to be associated with villains.”

Obsidian was nodding along with Emma’s assessment. "I don't like the cold, dark stone kind. We'll make it very comfy. What would be the point of a cold, dark cave full of bats? I hate the stereotype.”

That seemed to win over all my ladies.

“So, do we get to see it?” I asked, realizing that we were indeed going to have a lair.

“It isn’t done. Making a lair takes time, even with as many hands as I can throw at it. Right now, they are using picks to dig out a cavern." She held up her hands to stop Stella from jumping out of her seat.

I gave her a blank stare. "You realize that I could dig that out pretty quickly?" Then I turned to Emma. "Could I use that to try and make gemstones?"

She shook her head. "You need purified minerals, not just dirt."

Angelina raised her hand. "I could help with that, but I'm going to need a lot of things to make up for the lost chemicals."

"Do you eat dirt?" Stella asked curiously.

Angelina sighed, clearly knowing that she was about to open herself up to lots of dares from Stella. "Yes, I can. Dirt is mostly minerals. I can secrete a liquid form of what would make up various gemstones from that. I just need the basic chemical components; dirt would work."

Emma blinked and looked at me. "Did you pick them for all this synergy?"

"No." I got a little angry as I saw Melody shrink. "No one is picked for their powers. Each person here has joined our group because they fit. We are all a little..." It was hard to say the next word. The last two times I had had a family, it had all gone wrong.

Mona helped me by putting her fingers to my lips. "You don't need to say anything. We all understand."

I pulled her hand down. "Thank you. And thank all of you. I wouldn't be where I am without you. All of you.” I gave Emma a stern look for her comment. “Now if we are done with surprises, let's eat."

Stella wiggled in her seat saying 'lair' sporadically during the meal. The reminder was completely unnecessary, because throughout the entire meal, crates continued entering our home as giant tubs were taken out.

"Is there a massive pile of dirt outside?" I asked.

"No, we've managed to keep it at a minimum, but Angelina's help in purifying it would be wonderful. I also want to see you make these gems."

Angelina nodded. "After therapy. He's skipped out several times now."

I realized she was right, and therapy was probably a good idea. A lot had happened over the last several days. It was probably about time to have her help me work through all of it.

"Sounds good. We'll go do therapy and deal with everything else in the morning. You girls are welcome to tour Obsidian's project if you stay safe and Obsidian says it’s okay." I stared around the table and pushed away from it. "Let's go get this all started."

"Sex after." Stella chirped before ducking a swing from Melody.

The girls nodded as I took Angelina away and upstairs to the 'therapy room' as I was starting to think of it.

"We made big progress before. Sit, let's see what we can do this time." She gestured to a new couch. When it had been replaced, I had no idea.

I made myself at home, given that it was my home, on the unfamiliar couch. "So we talked about my parents, what's next?"

"How about your relationships? There are a number of women in your house now, and you seem to be straining to manage them all."

My instinct was to immediately object, but I took a pause, running my fingers through my hair as I realized she was right. "There are a lot of them. But that's the way of today's families, right? Harems are the foreseeable future. Even if we solve the Y chromosome tomorrow, it will be a few generations before it all evens out."

Angelina scooted the chair over from the desk and sat down. Her body rippled and she sat in her doctor form, lab coat, stockings, and all. My eyes ran up and down her legs.

"You seem more sexually active. Is that normal?"

I grunted. "Don't know. Harems don't exactly come with how-to books."

"Then let's write our own." Angelina clicked her pen. "Emma, let's start there. You two have the most history. How is that going?"

Leaning back into the couch, I got ready to talk for a while. "She's different than I expected. I’m getting a feeling like... like she came here for me."

"Why shouldn't she? You two have a ton of history, and it sounds like before she went away that you two were close.”

“She’s always done her own thing. I didn’t expect her to come right here. Emma should be wandering stealing things, not moving in and agreeing to everything so easily.” My voice picked up at the end as I grew frustrated.

Angelina jotted something down, and once again, I wanted to get ahold of that notepad. Damn thing.

"So, she didn't do what you expected. But she's come to support you, and that's a problem?"

"No?" It came out as a question. I tried to give her a little more. "I guess I like to predict things, to be right. This goes against what I would have guessed, and it has me on edge."

Angelina laughed. "We all like to be right. But we aren't. Is it possible that Emma has done a lot of thought while she's been away, and that's led her to come back and seek you out?"

I wiggled uncomfortably on the couch. "I guess,” I admitted.

“You’ve changed quite a bit. It would stand to reason she has as well,” Angelina added, and I nodded along. She was right. I hadn’t realized how guarded I was about Emma’s return.

"You think of her as a cat. Maybe it’s time to stop thinking of her as some wild tomcat and think of her as YOUR cat," Angelina added.

I opened my mouth to argue but then snapped it shut, thinking before I spoke again. "So if you frame it that way... then I guess it makes sense."

"Of course it does. Now, onto the next on the list. Mona." Angelina tapped on her pad of paper. "You are enabling her dependency on you. Let's start with why."

I let out a small chortle at her directness.

Mona, can you step out for a moment? I don't want you looking over my shoulder while I talk about you.

She sent me a vision of her pouting before she slowly pulled back from my mind.

I'm going to see it later anyway,she commented

We both know it is different. Thank you. I could feel her leave.

"Sorry. I had to kick Mona out of my head."

Angelina jotted something down. "So that's how you see it? Like she has taken up residency?"

"Sort of. She's always in there. She’s usually either going through my active thoughts or my memories. When I am happy, she soaks up my happiness to drive her own satisfaction," I explained.

"Miles," Angelina warned. "That—"

I interrupted her. "No. Let me continue. I'm well aware of how it sounds. It is also why I was reluctant to be physical with her at first."

Waiting to see that she’d let me continue, I kept going. "She has started enjoying it as we’re together, but not just because of my happiness. She’s had small moments of joy of her own."

"That's huge!" Angelina leaned forward. "When I've talked to her, she describes life as if it is unfeeling unless she's connected to you."

I sighed. "I think it is, but there’s a chance she can reclaim more of her own emotions. Her past really conditioned her. She has no positive stimuli unless it is through whomever she's connected to. I won’t go into it further unless she chooses to confide in you, but know that I’m trying to help her.” I paused, adding, “Though, she's starting to push sexual images into my head." I rolled my eyes.

Angelina was rapidly writing on her notepad. “That’s great progress. Also, that's a way humans understand social connections. They probe with things and gauge reactions. She's... well... stunted in that regard. That she's starting to explore and gauge based off of you is huge. It means she's beginning to grow." My therapist was getting excited as she babbled and scribbled.

She was in her element, working away excitedly on all of us. I smiled as I watched her work, once again enamored by her. Her passion for helping others was clear; she was never meant to be a villain. Not truly.

And she certainly was a peacemaker among the harem. Every harem should have a therapist.



This was one of my favourite chapter actually. Every therapy chapter was amazing though. Loved that everybody now has a role in the household and that Obby is nearly like the AI of the Lair. Seeing Emma and Stella fight, they need a sturdy training room, maybe one that is permanently enforced by Miles. I want to have a Lair tour where we can see the room of everybody. Also the Batman reference was gold.


I almost wrote another batman reference in. Really wanted Kim to try and call for Void via a big spot light and make fun of it.

hawkshe .

Not a fan that Mona seems to be edging towards mind-controlling Miles as we go along