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As I joined the doctor up in my bedroom, the twenty person bed had become a mess of cords, and a little machine was set up to the side of the bed. It was beeping, as she was messing with it.

"Uh. What's that?"

"Monitoring." She said distractedly.

Melody was behind me, lingering in the doorway. She seemed unsure if she should enter until Stella grabbed her by the shoulders and picked her up to move her out of the way.

"What kind of monitoring? Tell me all about Miles." Mona stepped around the other two and got very close to Wells.

The doctor blinked as she picked up a case; I already knew what was going to be inside of it.

I insulated myself from the gun-shaped object that picked up ki. I needed to hide the amount I was putting out; it was a little trickier this time because I had to try to match what I’d put out previously.

Wells stared at it for a moment and wrote it down on her tablet. "Interesting. There normally isn't much variation. Except for a few oddities, like the Director. Okay, lay down on the bed and I'll get you strapped up."

Angelina had warning in her eyes from the doorway.

I knew there was a risk, but I'd manage it. And I’d already been told I could make it through it, assuming I’d made all the same choices.

Laying down in the bed, Wells started crawling over me and the oversized bed as she hooked me up. More than once, her sweater sheathed chest smacked me in the face, but after a few minutes, I was all strapped in and her equipment was beeping away.

"How do you feel?"

"Like a science experiment." I said, being honest with her.

She shrugged, seeming to accept my answer. Then she pulled a small silver case onto the bed and popped it open. It had a single vial and an injector gun in the foam padding.

"It's pink." Mona commented, sounding surprised. "For some big scary drug, pink is kind of a wimpy color."

"That just happens to be the light refractory of the chemical." Wells dug around in her pocket for another, smaller vial and stuck it in the injection gun. "Need to get your heart rate up."

Stella jumped onto the bed, landing on all fours. "I can do that." She swished her butt in the air.

Wells paused and looked at me for an explanation.

"Let's not scare the good doctor, Stella. We'll play after." I reached a hand out to her for comfort.

Wells took that as a sign to continue and jabbed me in the arm. The injection gun hissed loudly.

My skin prickled, and my breathing picked up. Everything just seemed a little more vivid and in focus.

"Epinephrine injected." She watched the monitor, the beeps doubling in frequency. "Good good." Wells fumbled around with her pocket while she kept watching the monitor. After a bit, she had a vial with the Libertech’s drug. She pulled out a large needle and slowly drew from the vial.

"Here, bite down on this." She gave me a mouth guard.

I stared at it warily before complying.

Without warning or any kind of countdown, she jabbed me in the chest with the injector, and I watched the pink liquid bubble in the vial as it flowed into me.

"All done." She said, withdrawing the needle.

"That wasn't so b--" I wheezed as I seized up and my entire body went rigid.

With everything I had, I held onto my power. I held it in a vice even as I felt it try to wriggle free.

"There's likely to be some discomfort." Wells commented offhandedly as she continued to watch the monitor.

Stella crawled over me and grabbed my arm, shoving it between her breasts. "Doctor, it looks like he's in a lot of pain."

"Make sure that mouth guard stays in." Wells didn't look up from the monitor. "It appears to be working.”

My entire body was straining while Stella placed a hand on my chest to keep me still with her super strength. It was going to leave a bruise.

My body felt completely out of control as I fought to maintain a hold of my powers. I began to feel my body convulsing.

I kept repeating the end goal to myself. I’d become powerful, able to defend my harem against the new, more powerful threats. It was worth it.

I clung to that idea as I held onto my power and my body revolted, jerking back and forth under the extreme pain lacing through me.

Thankfully, Stella had me pinned to the bed with a single hand.

The others were standing by the bed with worried looks.

"Huh." Wells said in a tone that was far too casual.

"What is ‘Huh’?" Melody got fired up and her hands glowed orange, ready to pick a fight.

Wells dug around in her bags. "He's about to go into cardiac arrest."

My head whipped to the side.

But Wells didn't look concerned at all as she swapped out the injector for two little metal disks. "Don't worry. A heart attack is easy to fix." The doctor stuck the two metal disks on me, one on the side, the other on my chest. "You are going to feel a little prickle."

She moved over to her station and tapped a few buttons that made a whirring noise, like something was building up.

“Get your hand off him.” Wells told Stella.

Stella backed off, a nervous expression on her face.

Then there was a loud beep as Wells pressed something, and my world turned upside down as I convulsed from the electricity going through me.

It fucking hurt.

"Once more." She said it nonchalantly, once again prepping the machine.

This time I dreaded the two little disks touching me. But she didn't prolong it and shocked me again.

"There we go." Wells smiled and started to remove the disks before thinking better of it. "The change happening in your body is remarkable. Getting to see it work up close will be fantastic data."

Angelina's head snapped to Doctor Wells. "This is your first time?"

"I have all of Libertech's research data, but not their experience." Wells didn't seem to care one bit about Angelina's anger, despite the fact that the beautiful therapist looked about ready to strangle the doctor.

"'Lina stop." I managed to barely croak out the statement as my body once again began convulsing.

It was taking everything I had to not let my power whip out and shatter something in the room.

Angelina shrank back in on herself and crawled up onto the bed, flowing over my leg. "I don't like this."

"Happening." I said around the mouth guard. "Too late."

Stella shushed me and lay against me again, petting my chest even as she held me down. "Soon, Master. You'll be glorious."

Wells was engrossed in whatever data she was seeing. "Alright, I think it has spread through him. We can give him a mild sedative to relax him." She took the injector and stabbed my thigh, pumping another drug into me.

Everything sagged as my body rapidly relaxed.

"Better." I sighed.

But it still felt like my power was boiling in my grasp. It was definitely pushing me, but I had held a lid on this power for years. I would not let a few drugs make me destroy my home.

Taking deep breaths to center myself, after what felt like forever, my power began settling down. Wells stepped over me, pulling off the sensors. "You are all done, or at least, all signs of drug activity are done. Whatever it has done to your power is complete. I'm going to draw another blood sample to check your genetics, and then you need to report any changes in your power.

She continued as she prepped the blood withdrawal. "I'm quite excited about the chance to use this on someone registered as just enhanced. The possibilities are endless, so please be a good patient and fill out the forms I send you."

Doctor Wells pointed the ki reader at me again, and I intensified the mist of ki I let flow into it. "Three thousand. A three fold increase." She nodded, jotting that down.

And just like that, she left as quickly as she came. She wasn’t at all concerned about my harem or bed.

Melody was at least the responsible one and made sure she made it out of the house fine before coming back with a tied up Obsidian and plopping her in the corner. "What do we do with this one?"

"Gag her and keep her in the corner." I said, feeling too tired to do much of anything.

Mona curled up on the other side of me, tucking my arm down between her thighs as my other arm was pressed into Stella's chest.

"How are your powers?" Angelina flowed over me and her liquid body seeped around me before I felt her buoyant body beneath me. She positioned herself so my head rested against her chest.

I flicked a bit of energy into the air, but with the sedative in me, I just couldn't focus. "Unknown. I feel tired, too tired to use my power. I know it's early, but maybe... I'll... just..." My body sagged, utterly exhausted.

I felt Melody lay on top of me, and I surrendered to the comforting warmth.


The next morning I was up bright and early, feeling rested as I slipped out of the bed while the four women slept.

Mona cracked her eyes, rifling through my brain before turning over and using Melody to replace me as her snuggle buddy.

I took a few steps before realizing the Obsidian in the corner had disappeared. But the ropes were neatly coiled on the floor.

I shrugged it off, but then I heard a commotion downstairs.

Checking the bed again, I verified that all my women were currently in my bed.

Throwing on some boxers and shorts, I opened the door to go see what was causing the commotion.

An Obsidian moved past me with a duster, while another was in the upstairs bathroom cleaning a toilet. Not sure what to do, I wandered downstairs, passing no fewer than a dozen Obsidians.

When I reached the kitchen, I saw one Obsidian munching on a piece of toast at the table while another Obsidian was buttering a new piece for her.

"What's this about?" I asked her, and she looked up from her toast to me with a smile.

"Just cleaning up a little. Even if the one dresses up as a maid, I don't think she's doing much cleaning."

"Are these all your clones?" I asked, seeing the ladies quickly and efficiently working the entire mansion over.

"Yes, they will rejoin me once they are done. If they don't die, then their memories don't spread." Obsidian took a sharp bite of her toast. "We never discussed what you told me a few days ago. You wanted to hire me?"

I sat down, and one of her clones brought a plate over. Part of me wanted to use my powers to make breakfast. It had grown to be a habit. But sometimes it was nice being served. "Can you make eggs and bacon?"

"Coming right up." The one that was buttering toast stood, handing the main Obsidian the toast.

"Also, do I need to feed all of them?" I asked, realizing we might need to go grocery shopping..

Obsidian shook her head. "No. They will all be reabsorbed before they get hungry."

I laid my hands on the table, feeling odd at being idle. "Well, I wanted to hire you to look into the Monster Fruit drug that is going around the city."

"Monster Fruit?" She frowned. "The two lumpy giants that appeared on the news?"

"That's only part of the time. The other half they turn into heavily mutated super with a huge boost to their power." I explained, carefully watching her expression.

"Ah. That would make sense. None of my clones have taken it, but I had been curious about the drug. Why can't the BSH track them?" She asked, clearly curious.

"The only contact with the actual supply appears to be a teleporter." I explained.

Obsidian's eyes grew wide. "They completely air gapped their processing from distribution. Clever, but I'm not sure how I'm supposed to solve that."

"Think of it as more of a fact finding mission than anything else." I replied.

Obsidian made a noise of understanding and nodded as she beckoned one clone over. "This is number two, or at least, this is one of her clones. She's one of the worker clones."

Number Two waved at me before splitting a second clone off of her. "Pleasure to meet you."

Obsidian rolled her eyes. "She was insistent on coming here to eat breakfast. She is also part of why I had to free myself. Though..." She rubbed at her wrists that were still red. "It was a very pleasant evening."

The primary Obsidian turned to the extra clone of Number Two. "Everyone should be on the lookout for a teleporter in the city, as well as drugs being passed around with the promise of increasing powers."

As soon as she finished speaking, a spike of shadows shot through the clone's head, and she disappeared into the shadows. Those shadows went out, sending the memory to the other Obsidians.

"There. That's done." Obsidian turned to me as if that had been the most normal thing in the world.

It was not.

The Obsidians milling about the manor cleaning everything started marching back into the main Obsidian while Number Two sat down at the table with a smile.

Soon, the only remaining extra clones were the ones cooking me breakfast.

"There's never a revolt?" I asked.

Obsidian shook her head. "Not for me. My sense of self has been honed for years. Two has a little more trouble."

Two only shrugged and looked over at the fridge expectantly. She wanted breakfast.

I smiled, happy to oblige and get to play with my powers.

Reaching out, I opened the fridge as the sound of metal shearing made me clamp down on the vibrations in the air.

"Whoops." I caught the fridge's door before it hit the ground.

"Seems your power will take a little getting used to." Obsidian chuckled. "I experienced much of the same thing during Liberator's tests."

I remembered the hundreds of Obsidians in the incubation tanks. It was hard to forget. "It seemed more elaborate there."

"Liberator was trying to remove other variables, pressure, nutrition and far more to get the best results. He was a perfectionist. Plus, I already died a few thousand times to get to the serum you took yesterday."

I let all the contents of the fridge flow out and dance in the air as I made Two breakfast.

The sun just started to shine its orange light in through the window as I finished and laid a platter down for Two.

But with the fridge suddenly doorless, I decided to continue cooking for Obsidian and for the girls when they came down.

Thinking about it further, I latched Obsidian to her chair, making a rope snake its way around her wrists. "You are just going to have to eat the hard way."

"A lot of things are going to be hard." She leaned over the table and her pink tongue slithered out of her black lips, snagging a hunk of eggs and drawing it into her mouth as she kept eye contact with me.

Suddenly, Mona was in my mind and very excited. She was out of bed immediately, headed straight into the kitchen.

"My fated. I am your maid; I can take care of that." She hurried over to my chair and scooted it back.

"Are you sure?" I watched her and dug into her mind.

She nodded emphatically. I could tell how much she’d wanted this moment the night before; it had been part of why she’d dressed up in the maid outfit.

She hadn’t expected me to pass out as soon as I’d had the injection.

"Yes." Mona stared into my eyes as she leaned over, giving me a wonderful view of her frill-lined cleavage.

"I don't mind either." Obsidian strained in her chair while Two looked back and forth excitedly.

"Yes, my fated." Mona groaned as she rubbed her stomach over my growing erection and leaned close enough to my ear that her breath tickled me. "I need you."

She flooded my mind with sultry thoughts. Images of me pounding into her while she moaned.

My zipper sounded, bringing me back to the present, and I felt a warm hand take me.

The entire time Mona stared into my eyes, and it felt like she was laying herself over my mind. She couldn't get enough of the feeling of my pleasure.

Her hand danced over me, feeling it out before she started to pump, taking different positions with her hand until she found what caused the most intense sensations. And then she kept her hand just like that, continuing to pump.

Her own breathing grew shallower and more rapid as she pleasured me to the point that she shuddered and sank to her knees, taking me in her mouth while moaning loudly.

I realized that my pleasure was cycling back to her through our connection, and she was getting off from it.

She continued reading my reaction as her tongue went wild over me until she found a particularly sensitive spot. She continued to run her tongue over it until it grew desensitized, then she moved on to another.

Her slick mouth was working me perfectly.

"Mona. That feels wonderful." I sank my hands into her brown curls and tried to do the same to her, sinking into her own mind as I plunged tendrils of my power into her sex.

She reacted with a small squeak as I entered her with my power. I could tell she wasn’t sure what to do with it, but I let it be exploratory. I softly brushed and rubbed around her body, working to show her the sensitive areas. She moaned a little around me as I rubbed at her favorite spots.

I could tell she was still focused on my pleasure, but there was a new interest in her to explore more with me.

It had become a competition of sorts.

As I pictured us exploring together, she got excited and swayed her hips over my power, plunging herself onto it with a wet squish.

As I rose towards my peak, she moaned loudly.

The sound of her moaning hit me, and we came at the same time.

And then it hit.

Thousands of tendrils of her telepathic power buried themselves into my mind once again. It became a feedback loop of pleasure, and I popped a second time into her mouth as she continued to suck me.

Mona took it all in pace, swallowing me deeper into her throat as the love and adoration she felt for me flooded my mind.

She pulled off, looking a little love drunk as a little dribble of my seed clung to her lips. "I love you."

Feel good sensations rippled through my body.

I knew exactly how she felt. She got pure joy in pleasing me. It was overwhelming and eye opening.

Mona was tied to me in a way I didn’t understand until that moment. It was like a raging bonfire that threatened to consume me.

But I didn’t let it. I simply leaned forward and kissed her forehead. "Thank you. That was delightful, my Mona." I cupped her cheek, and she squealed with happiness before getting up and twirling around the kitchen, doing a little happy dance.

Obsidian sat in her chair, both impressed and confused.

"She's telepathic and dependent on the connection to me for pleasure." I explained.

"Ah." Obsidian said nothing further.

Mona came back over and fluffed her maid uniform before sitting back down on me, sinking my cock into her wet depths. "Hold my thighs."

I did, getting a handful of stockings. The soft, tight material felt great in my hands as Mona moaned and rocked on me, trying to find the perfect angle.

As much as her thigh was wonderful, I reached up under the dress, grabbing a handful of her chest and kneading the soft globes.

When she found the right angle, she looped her hand around my head and began bouncing on me, sliding me along her slick tunnel. "Oh, Miles. I love you. I love you so much my heart could explode."



Mona should change her superhero outfit into the Maid outfit. Though I do want to see her in her normal Venus outfit. For some reason I picture her more as Athena rather then Aphrodite/Venus. Not sure why 🤔


So is miles telepathic now with the mention of reaching into her mind or is it just describing a greater connection of her link


I think it is more her link that allows him to enter her mind as well, but only her mind