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That’s dragon 4. I have a pretty good idea where dragon 5 is going. Zach and the gang will be back in Philly as things go awry with some forces reappearing. The dragons still need to respond to the vampires’ attack of a dragon. Meanwhile, Zach is going to keep working for Morgana while his two friends snoop and most assuredly get themselves mixed up in something they won’t understand.

I have the book pretty well fleshed out, but I put it down to work on Supervillains.

So, onward into supervillains and it is going well. More broken characters while Miles’ past continues to unravel and, of course, some lovely hero action. Things just continue to increase in complexity and I have a little thread to pull to start a second series in the same universe. I’m on chapter 16 for the first draft. Starting today, I’ll be working the second draft in the afternoons to get you all your chapter a day.

Otherwise, audio for Mana 5 should go on preorder here soon. Dragon 4 will start recording at the beginning of July and my new narrator team is all set up to start in October.

I am still planning to take a month ‘off’ after Supervillains. For those of you on Patreon, I’ll make it so the next month no one is charged as I won’t be giving daily content.

There are a number of backend things I’m going to take some time to work on, while I’ll keep writing. I don’t think I can stop writing, I truly enjoy it. There will be one full week off in there and then hopefully get ahead so I can sprinkle in a few other off days in the coming months.

Unfortunately, there are a few things going on as I’m in a rental as a stopover for moving across the country, the situation is squeezing on some of my available writing time. I hope by the end of the year I’ll be able to get into a new place, get that time back and won’t have to take another month off. Luckily, I think we timed the housing market well, but I’m ready to get back into a more fixed place.

As I said, Supervillains is going very well. The story seems to be stretching a little here in book 2, so I’m a little scared of how big this book might need to be to finish the plot, but I’ll just keep at it. If I continue to be this excited about supervillains. Then I might just roll straight into book 3 for supervillains during my vacation.

We’ll see. I’ve passed up a few itches to plow straight into the next book, but I might indulge myself this time.

That would kick Dao further down the road and I dislike that, but I want to follow my inspiration during my off month.

So, I’m pushing onwards.

The stories keep flowing well. I push myself at times, but I work well under pressure. Here soon, I’m adding a proofer to my process, hoping to get the final drafts a little cleaner. Lately, I’ve been getting a rash of errors reported on Amazon and it takes too much time away from my writing to keep fixing them and reuploading my books. With the added constraints on my time this summer, really working to narrow my scope of work down to just writing and editing as much as I can.

End of the day, my writing time produces books and I want to keep getting more books out. Trying my best to focus my time on that.



For those of us with a yearly subscription will we get an extra month rollover at the end of the year long cycle?


Great question, dug this up from my side of Patreon. How does paused billing affect annual patrons? When you pause billing, annual patrons’ memberships extend by one month. For example, say a patron has an annual subscription set to end on November 1st, 2025. If you pause your billing cycle in August 2025, their membership will extend by 1 month and now ends on December 1st, 2025.


How many books are going to be in dragons justice? It feels like it could happily go for 10-20 books with how everything is set up?


Narrators asked back on book 2 for their planning purposes. I told them 8ish. There are solid plans for at least 7 books.