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It had taken a little to settle all the dragons down enough for us to go back into the room for the conclave. They had been ready for a fight and more than a few tussles broke out among the conclave.

This time, I shared everything with the other leaders, including my ability to shift to chromatic colors, my suspected heritage, my recent communication with the echoes of Tia and Bart and the events around the duel with Ikta.

"I still think that you made a mistake. She was in a weakened state that might not happen again." Thuun advised me. "But what is done is done. Dragonkind will move forward. And with you joining us, we will hopefully boost our future generations in the coming years..."

I frowned. There was more he was leaving unsaid. That was very unlike Thuun. Gesturing, I encouraged him to continue.

"You have only taken one mate here at the conclave." Thuun bowed respectfully. "Though I am honored it is a green, I'm sure many of us here expect you to take more, and soon." His eyes wandered to the rest of the dragons present.

I worked hard not to roll my eyes. I’d anticipated this discussion, but I still didn’t want to have it.

I leaned back and steepled my fingers. Brom turned to me, and I could tell he was holding something back. Looking around, many of them were.

"Out with it."

Brom cleared his throat and nodded to the rest. "We had discussed it while you were away. Given your status and that you will probably be the nexus for the coming of a great change in the world, we wish for you to accept an honor guard of dragons."

I frowned. "An honor guard?" That wasn’t where I was expecting this to go.

Amara cleared her throat. "My king, a select group of dragons representing the spectrum of our flights. To protect you and your family."

Without her even going into it, I already knew where this was going. "Let me guess, it is going to include a large number of unmated women."

"It isn't like we have any unmated males. And mated dragons wouldn’t be so easily be transplanted to your home in Philly." Amara reasoned, and I was amazed she was able to keep a straight face.

Groaning, I was regretting leaving all of them to discuss together without me. "How many?"

"Twelve." Thuun replied.

"No. I snapped back. Too many. Narrow it down." I leaned back and looked at the ceiling as they started whispering.

They started their discussion and settled it with incredible ease. Far too little conversation for any other topic that the conclave had discussed.

The hairs were standing up on the back of my neck. "Who?"

"Larisa, Chloe, Polydora, Meditrina, Amira, and Sarisha." Amara rattled off.

"Amira is your daughter..." I had met her already in the conclave. I trailed off, trying to figure out if I’d met Sarisha. Then she came to me. "Brass?"

"My daughter." The white dragon clarified, though he frowned slightly that I hadn't remembered her immediately. Sorry, that put her at the back of the line.

"One of each color, save green. They are all unmated and have no commitments." I realized.

"Correct." Amara replied. She seemed to be running the conversation. "Of course, you have no obligation to mate with them. But we believe it is in everyone's best interest if you have other dragons around to aid you should you need it. Times are growing more dangerous and the last thing we want is for the new dragon king to lack force when he needs it."

I nodded. It was a sound strategy on their part. They wanted to keep the unmated dragons close to me, hoping I’d build a relationship. And clearly they’d seen some hope in the women who had gone with us into Tia’s cave, because those women were on the list.

It also created a nice cluster of eight dragons, including myself, in Philly. That would be one way to make sure dragons had strength in the states.

"Fine. The honor guard will leave with me after the conclave. They will be expected to remain in Philly, and if they want to stay, they need to be on their best behavior and listen to Scarlett." I demanded.

"You have my word that each of them will be the perfect lady. We will enroll them in your school next week." Amara confirmed.

"They can't just enro-- Never mind." I sighed, knowing that they probably could find a way to get the women into all my classes.

Tim winked at me from across the table. "I am also moving. My brother and I will be bringing our families to Philly."

Amara nodded in confirmation; she was Herm's mate.

"You two have settled any disputes? I won’t allow fighting dragons into my city." I growled.

"I am aware, and we are working through it. Being injured together again brings perspective. It had been a long time since the two of us fought together." Tim bowed low enough that I knew he would respect my city.

“That puts an aweful lot of dragons in Philly.” I commented.

Amara put her hand on the table to get my attention as she leaned forward. "No dragon would dare harm Philly or try to lay claim to it. Your city is safe."

Brom grunted. "And about to get very busy. I had it on good authority even before we left for the conclave that the city was experiencing a mass migration of paranormals."

I nodded; I’d noticed the influx of paranormals as well. Even without accurate intel it was clear that the population of paranormals was booming. "We need to be careful. So many paranormals crammed together could easily lead to conflict."

"Indeed." Brom echoed my concern. "But that sounds like a problem for you, not for the conclave." He chuckled to himself.

I took the note that he was tired and looked around, seeing the same look on a number of other faces. "Alright then, let's conclude for today. Get some rest and we'll be back tomorrow to discuss what remains. Hopefully, we’ll have some basic topics we can get through quickly."

The dragons hurried out of the room, and I sagged on my throne.

Not long after they had exited, Yev crept in. "How did it go?"

"As good as I could have expected. There will be six dragons coming as an 'honor guard'." I quoted the term they had used. "But you are the matriarch of my nest."

She grinned, and her eyes swirled chaotically with magic as she closed the door behind her. "A nest matriarch should be the first one to lay her eggs."

“Is that so?” I teased.

Yev sashayed over to my trone and ran her hands along my thighs as she knelt before my throne. “Of course, my king. Your power awes me, and I’m so happy to be your mate, to serve you up a hold brood of dragonlings.” She kissed my inner thigh, and I cupped her face, toying with her ears.

“My lovely mate, why don’t you show me?”

She smiled as she unzipped my jeans. “Happily.”


"I can't believe that you slept with my sister before going on a date with me." Tyrande rolled her eyes.

“Don’t worry, I’ve showered since.” I teased, earning a playful gasp as she lightly smacked me on the shoulder. But her smirk afterwards told me she really was okay with me being with her sister.

I looked down, taking her in. Tyrande’s makeup looked a lot like Yev’s had for our date, making me suspect the two sisters had helped each other.

The results were amazing, and I was thankful it was a date where it was perfectly okay to stare at Tryande. We had a lovely little picnic setup on the beach.

The high elf had her hair twirled into a large bun with pins keeping it in place. She left a few curled strands out to frame her face and give me a large view of her slender neck. And my beast was pounding to mark that neck.

It was also clear that she had indeed pilfered from Tiamat’s horde. A large sapphire was nestled into her chest. It matched her eyes and the swirls of magic within them.

The slinky black dress she wore was criminally fitted, and I wondered who had tailored it while I'd been in the conclave.

“You look beautiful.” I told her, making my appreciation of the time she’d spent getting ready clear.

“Apparently, I should have spent less time getting ready, so my sister would have had less opportunity.” Tyrande commented.

I sighed, not wanting to spend the time we had together on Yev. Tyrande caught my sigh and seemed to realize what she was doing. “Sorry. I’m just annoyed with my sister. She should have held back. She knew we had a date tonight."

I let myself laugh with her exasperation at her sister. "She is strutting around the other dragons quite confidently now, isn't she?"

"Like a peacock. I’m so happy that she has such confidence now, but I can’t believe she took you to bed today. What if I wanted some intimacy after the date?" She asked, clearly a bit sexually frustrated.

“If it bothers you to be with me after I’ve been with another woman…” I started, trying to understand if she truly had an issue. I was often intimate with more than one woman a night.

“It’s not that you were with her. It’s that now you need time to recover before you can, you know.” She started shifting a little uncomfortably.

I nearly choked, realizing what her issue was. "Tyrande, I think you need to understand something. I'm not spent, not by any means. I’m a dragon." Laughter spilled out of me at her misunderstanding.

She frowned. "But did you?"

"Yes, but I could go all night and the next several days before I need time to recover. It’s part of why I need a harem." I smiled at her.

She blushed and looked down. "Oh. Good to know. I thought that was just hyperbole."

Chuckling, I shook my head and lifted a wineglass off the sand. I held it for her to join me.

"This is lovely. The sunset is gorgeous here; no mountains to block it." She sipped from her glass and redirecting the conversation.

"I never thought about that. Nothing beats the sunset on a beach." I took a deep breath of the salty air. "Something about the waves and the ocean breeze make it extra calming."

Even the beast agreed inside of me, curling up like a content kitten.

Tyrande scooted over and leaned against me, resting her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, this is nice."

Waiter Scarlett appeared. "We have a selection of meat to choose from, or snack foods." She held a basket out towards us.

"Are those poptarts?!" Tyrande snatched the foil-wrapped package.

"Really? Poptarts?" I joked as I snagged a package myself and lay it down on the sand beside me.

She shrugged. "Sometimes it isn't about how expensive the food is. These were a treat back home. Like only if we aced some big test would we be allowed to have them in the house." Tyrande peeled them open and fished one out, biting into it with a groan. "Now I'm too old and know they are shit food, but I still have a soft spot for them."

I opened my own and held it aloft to cheers her with the pastry. "You can treat yourself from time to time."

Tyrande raised an eyebrow. "Adulting dictates I eat less exciting things. And you know, eat things with actual nutritional value."

My eyes wandered down her frame, appreciating her figure. "Well, let me say, you are beautiful and I don't want to throw you too far off course. So, I'm taking that poptart back." I joked.

I reached out my hand to take the poptart, and Tyrande snapped at it in warning.

"Don't you dare Mr. Dragon King. Even that title won't save you if you touch my sugar. I try not to indulge my sweet tooth, but once I have, there is no stopping me." Tryande took another huge bite of the poptart, and a little of the filling was left on her lips.

I leaned forward and licked it off her lips before kissing her and sharing the leftover filling as my tongue explored her mouth.

Her lips were unnaturally sweet, and I savored them as she sucked on my tongue.

"Careful, or I might just eat you." She pointedly took another bite of the pastry.

"And here, Yev said you shared all your treats with her." I teased Tyrande as an excuse to put my hand back on her lap and feel her warmth against me.

"Oh, she told you about our mother's competitions?"

"Yes, like how she won some magic competition and your mother caught you two sharing the chocolate bar afterwards." I recounted the story in my mind. It was such a sweet tale for the two sisters.

Tyrande nodded, her first pastry disappearing and her second one purposefully moved away from me. "My mother can be a bitch."

"Whoa." I hadn’t heard her use language like that much before.

"No, I'm serious. Look, I respect her. But she's so focused on ruling that she doesn't see much else. It makes her great at being a ruler, but not so much a mother. That was a harder thing to understand as I was growing up, but I’ve sort of accepted it now." Tryande leaned heavily against me.

I wrapped my arm around her tightly and broke off a piece of my pastry and offered it to her.

She eagerly ate it and cuddled in further. "Okay, you win. Just feed me sweets, but don't let me get too fat." She made me laugh.

Holding her tighter against my body, I leaned my head on top of hers and just sat there, enjoying the sunset and slowly breaking up my poptart. I fed the pieces to Tyrande and took sips of my wine.

We rested together, growing closer with each moment of silence. It wasn’t that we needed the time to talk and get to know one another. Instead, Tyrande wanted a physical connection.

When the sun finally set, Scarlett came by, stabbing torches into the sand and lighting them to give us some light. Then she refilled our glasses.

"This has been a lovely date." Tryande murmured. "I feel safe."

Those last words hit me the hardest. I knew that both the sisters were still suffering from what had happened the previous winter. "With me, you are always safe." I put a protective arm around her. "But what do you plan to do after this? Just continue to lead Sentarshaden?"

"It's what we've been raised to do our entire lives." Tyrande answered as if that was perfectly clear.

"Do you have to, though?"

"I want to." She clarified. "My sister and I are privileged. That isn't lost on me, but we also have the chance to make things better for others. If we ever stepped down, the role would be filled by whoever in my family was most ambitious. They’d be the type of person who would take advantage of the population. My people." She almost growled the last bit, like a dragon.

Cupping her chin, I tilted her face so our eyes met. "That sounds like an obligation."

She snorted. "I don't see you casting off the title of dragon king and letting Brom lead."

Opening my mouth to argue, but nothing came out for a moment. Maybe we were more alike in that regard than I had realized.

"Fair. There is an expectation that I can't help but try to live up to. So many people are counting on me."

Tyrande gazed at me knowingly, a little smirk hiding in the corner of her lips.

"Now, how about we move onto the fun part of the date?" She teased. "But sandpaper is not my idea of sexy. So, I need to clean off a little, and we need to get off the beach."

I slid my arm under her thigh and picked her up as I stood. "Where to, my princess?"

"Oh, you have a thing or two to learn. I'm not your princess, I'm your queen." She kissed my neck hard enough to leave a hicky. "That's payback for the bite you are going to give me."

Letting out a low growl, I kissed her back, feeling myself rise to the occasion.

"That's what I thought." She patted my cheek. "Now. Onward, my chariot. I made sure we snagged a spare room, just in case I was feeling it and I am."

I laughed with her and marched off the beach and up to the tower as she directed me to the room she had taken for the night.

"Your other mates know you might not be back tonight?" Tyrande said proudly.

"Think you can last all night?" I teased, kissing the tip of her ear.

Tyrande let out a soft moan. "Careful."

I kissed her ear again as I kicked the door closed behind us, then I flicked her ear with my tongue.

She sighed and strung together a few syllables of nonsense. Then she snapped her fingers, blowing the sand off us into a neat little pile by the door before another few words blew it all out the bottom of the door.

"Much better. Sand gets places that can be rather uncomfortable. Especially when a lady goes to a beach date without even a thong on."

"Without?" I placed her on the bed and kissed her, my hand wandering up her thigh and finding no underwear. An appreciative growl grew in my chest.

Tyrande laughed and broke the kiss before pushing me to sit on the bed. "You don't get to use me as a chew toy like my sister." She pulled out the pins holding up her hair and shook it out to its full golden length.

The blonde locks waved over her shoulders as she gave me bedroom eyes and pushed off the bed, splaying her hands over my shoulders and pulling my head forward to kiss her sensually.

I groaned this time and leaned back from the kiss as she teased my neck. Her hand swirled with magic. I felt my pants tug on their own and slip down my legs. "Magic in the bedroom?"

“You haven't, yet?” Her eyes lit up with glee.

“Oh, I'm going to pop your magical cherry.” Tyrande giggled as she hiked up her dress and slid onto my lap.

Even though we were just starting, I could feel her wet warmth as she teased herself on my thigh.

She bumped my erection and looked down, pausing for a moment. She tilted her head as she studied it. “Please tell me it doesn't get bigger.”

"No, I think you have me fully turned on." I gathered her dress and tugged it over her and off her, leaving her naked in front of me.

But I left the large sapphire on her. It caught my eye as her chest shook from her breathing.

I cupped her chest and pulled her close for another kiss.

She was so silky smooth under my fingers.

"So, do you bite me now, or after?" She asked hesitantly.

"It barely hurts." I sat on the bed and pulled her into my lap.

Tyrande rolled her eyes. "You sound like you are about to give me a shot."

"Okay, it hurts a little, but it'll help if it is while you are climaxing." I rubbed at her collar, where I planned to bite her.

"No, I’d rather do it before. Also, you should know that I haven’t had a boyfriend in a while. I might be a little snug." Tyrande warned me even as she brushed up against my erection, sending a tingle up my spine.

I could sense that she was nervous, so I pulled her closer into me, kissing her as her body melded against mine.

Slowly, I shifted to kissing on her ear and nibbling down her neck as her body wiggled in my lap. She smelled like sprigs of mint fresh from the earth.

Once I had her distracted, I cracked my jaw and pressed my teeth against her skin as I held onto her hips. The magic came easily as my teeth sank in, marking her with my magic.

She hissed for just a moment before stopping. "Oh. That isn't so bad." Tryande ran her fingers through my hair.

I let up and my jaw fixed itself back into place as I leaned back.

Her magical eyes swirled with satisfaction as she lifted her hips. “Now your queen is going to ride her dragon.”

She kept eye contact with me as I felt her lower lips as she pushed my erection into her folds. She was tight, like being constricted by a snake, but she twirled her hand, magic sparking at her fingertips as she cast a spell.

The friction suddenly felt much smoother, slipped deeper without the same restrictive feeling, yet remaining just as snug. Whatever she had done was even better and lube.

I held onto her hips, lifting them gently as she rolled her hips and lay her breasts against my chest.

"Good dragon." She rocked her hips as she continued to stare at me.

The way her eyes swirled was mesmerizing; I couldn’t look away. Her eyes lit up as her slick sex wrapped itself around me, gliding over the head and burying me in a sensual paradise.

Her hand languidly made circles on his chest as she smiled brilliantly.

I was burning up with passion, but I felt no urge to move. Instead, I let her ride me.

She was smooth, like the finest silks as she gracefully rose and fell upon me, her soft lips swallowing me with each cycle. "This is perfect." She sighed.

Going slow had a way of creating so much anticipation, and my body was slowly building up with tension. My balls felt like they were swelling, aching with release.

I had a feeling, that when I finally released, it would be explosive.

Tyrande sat all the way down on me, engulfing me completely as she rocked slowly, her sex quivering around me.

I gripped her hips tightly, trying to suppress the urge to hammer into her. I ached for my own release.

Tyrande knew what I wanted and leaned forward to give me a soft kiss as her hand swirled just over my shoulder and I felt a dragging sensation on my cock, like it was in a thrust that went on forever as she rocked on me.

My peak just kept going higher until she shifted her hips and bounced on me a single time.

"Come for me, mate." She whispered in my ear.

My body was ready, and it twitched excitedly as I stopped holding it back.

As I did, I saw spots. I emptied myself inside of her in what felt like firehose being turned on, but I knew the reality was far less impressive.

Tyrande gasped, her magical eyes swirling into overdrive as they lost focus and she clutched at her breasts, mashing them and squeezing them between her fingers. "Oh!”

I enjoyed the show, still rock hard inside of her as she ground against me with more urgency.

She seemed to roll into a second orgasm as my seed flooded her with mana. Tyrande grabbed onto me for stability as she gasped and ground against me. Her eyes had taken on a wild edge as she kept grinding into me.

"More." She moaned.

"I told you, we can keep going all night."

Tyrande squirmed in my lap, driving my cock as deep as it would go into her sex before shoving me back on the bed and rode me far more aggressively. "Who knew it would be so... potent?"

I chuckled and bucked her in my lap.

She met my eyes again, her eyes electric as she took me into her body over and over.

Her hand swirled in the air, and I felt a renewed sense of whatever she had done to magically lubricate us. "Fill your queen again." She stated grandly, putting her hands on my shoulder as she pleasured herself against me.

She leaned forward, her chest out and in my face as she used her leverage on my shoulders to take me deeper into her. I held her lower back, pushing up into her, happy to oblige.

I lost myself in the Highaen beauty, letting time cease to matter as we enjoyed each other's bodies.



No Trina in the honor guard?


Also, this wild have been a good opportunity to find out what happened when she was kidnapped, how they treated tyr, etc.