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Exiting the conclave, I grabbed my remaining two mates and the Highaen sisters, pulling them to the side.

Everything had spiraled out of control after my date with Yev and it was the middle of the night. My jaw ached as I let out a much needed yawn.

“Are we going to sleep here?” Scarlett asked, looking around. Everybody was settling in as a group to go to sleep. A few had dozed off, leaning against walls and pillars.

I thought about it for a moment and shook my head. “No, we are going to Bahamut’s study. It’s the only place I think I can sleep peacefully tonight.”

Scarlett nodded slowly, her own eyelids looking droopy, while the two Highaen sisters looked confused.

“Come on. It’s at the top of the tower.” I lifted my hand, summoning a fireball for light. I had to focus a bit more than I would have liked to not throw it. My magic was still a little rusty.

Thankfully, the trip up the tower was uneventful, besides burning a few stray webs.

“They really did a number on this place.” Yev said, burning a web with green fire as we walked.

“Inside before we talk more.” I pushed my aura against the wall and the enchanted wall opened up to the hidden study behind it.

Tyrande walked through with wide eyes, looking at the edge where the wall had been. “Are we behind the wall?”

“It's too big.” Morgana replied, taking the space in critically. “We are likely in a spatial pocket. I can do it; angels could do it. Though many consider my powers unique, Bahamut may have been able as well. Ancient dragons are well known for their broad powers of enchantment.”

The study was how I had left it. I couldn’t help but look it over, making sure nobody had disturbed it. Ikta was a constant worry for me.

But it was still immaculately organized, not a single book out of place. I felt safer here behind the enchantment than anywhere else.

A part of me worried that I should have remained with my people, but I needed a moment to myself with my mates. And I hoped to find more information in the surrounding books.

“So, first off, is everyone okay?” I looked around the room and felt for my marks on my mates while scenting them.

None of them smelled like a skinwalker.

“Fine. Morgana fought, but she’s recovered.” Scarlett reported.

“Hungry.” Morgana grumbled.

I pulled my vampire to my side and pushed her head into the crook of my neck.

“You are hurt. I shouldn’t be taking your blood right now.” I knew her words were heartfelt, but based on the way she was eyeing my neck, she was hungry to bite me.

Rather than speak, I pushed her to my neck until I felt her fangs pierce through my skin, followed by a sensation of euphoria as her venom spread through my back.

It was over faster than I realized, and she was licking at the two puncture wounds until they healed over.

“Did you get enough?” I pulled her back and held her shoulders as I stared into her ruby red eyes.

“For now.” She curled up against my chest like a kitten, suddenly docile. Morgana was always like this when she didn’t feed during sex.

Something about me willingly sharing my blood made her extraordinarily cuddly.

Cradling her, I sat down on the ground and leaned up against one bookshelf. “Tyrande, Yev, how are you?”

“Fine. Scratched up, but fine.” Yev looked over to Tyrande, letting her share her status.

“Not a scratch on me; my overprotective little sister kept me away from the fighting.” Tyrande rolled her eyes, but didn’t seem too put out by it. “It’s not like I’m some docile paranormal. I have magic, after all.”

Jadelyn nodded encouragingly, knowing how Tyrande felt. I made sure not to show it, but it was cute. They both were powerful in their own rights, but against the dragons, Morgana, and Scarlett, they weren’t the same caliber of warrior.

The fighting had been chaotic. I was glad that Yev had kept her sister safe. She easily could have died; I knew we’d lost several paranormals that day.

My face darkened as I thought about the deaths we had experienced. “I think I’m the worst dragon king in existence. We nearly lost a quarter of our species today. My second day as king.”

The weight of my title suddenly fell on my shoulders, crushing me and making it hard to breathe.

Fighting had been one thing. My adrenaline had been pumping. There had been goals and objectives right before my eyes, a trail to keep me focused on.

But now… now I was relaxing, and it felt like I was being betrayed by my mind as it swam in circles, always falling back to the deaths. It was my fault. I was responsible for not leading them through the battle better.

“Zach. It isn’t your fault.” Yev put a hand on my knee. “This was going to happen, regardless.”

“No. My birth was a break in one of these famed great patterns. I triggered this.” I struggled to breathe. “Damn it. This isn’t very kingly.”

Tears stung at the back of my eyes. I wanted to cry for those we lost.

Jadelyn shushed me and came over, wrapping my head in her arms and cradling it against her chest. “It’s okay, husband. You didn’t cause this.”

“She’s right. If you want to blame someone for breaking the pattern or whatever, it was your parents. You didn’t have a say in being born.” Scarlett pressed herself up against me, followed by Yev and Tyrande.

I took several shuddering deep breaths before I pulled myself together and just enjoyed the warmth of the women around me. “Today was a shit show.”

“What are we going to do about it, though?” Jadelyn pushed my mind out of the past, she knew how to keep me focused and pushing forward would help me. “I know my husband. You are going to come up with a plan and solve this.” She encouraged me.

“Plan…” I trailed off. “It’s reliant on being able to find some clues from Bahamut or Tiamat.” My gaze shifted in the pile to meet Yev’s. “Any thoughts?”

“A few. She’s Bahamut’s opposite, right?” She stepped back and the love pile untangled itself, everyone sitting back down except Morgana, who was content in my lap, nuzzling my chest.

The world wouldn’t believe me if I told it that Morgana Silverwing was a cuddler.

“Yeah, opposite, but drawn to each other.” I said. “Bahamut confirmed it was on the island.”

“He said island and not tower?” Yev asked. “That’s significant.”

I nodded. “Island not tower.”

“Well, that rules out something as simple as his being at the top and hers being at the bottom. The jungle doesn’t have any distinct places in it… but she might have just made it random.” Yev thought aloud while she tapped her lips.

“No, it was a particular place. Besides, I don’t think that even with spatial magic that it would be easy to make an enchantment amid the jungle with all the growth.” I looked down at Morgana to confirm.

She peeked open one eye. “Correct. The constant growth would likely disturb an enchantment.”

Yev snapped her fingers and her eyes lit up. “The dueling beach. That stone cliff would make a great spot.”

I liked her idea. “Combat is chaotic and dueling to settle debts sounds very chromatic to me. We’ll check it in the morning. I want us to all get some sleep; we can scout during the daylight.”

Another thought hit me, and I gave Tyrande a grimace. “Sorry, Tyrande. We might have to postpone our date.”

There were sleepy nods all around. Tyrande barely even acknowledged my comment before curling up against her sister.

The adrenaline and second wind from suddenly being attacked at night was fading, replaced it with the heavy desire for sleep.

And I wanted to sleep, but there was one other discussion I needed to have.

Getting my body to move, I extracted the sleepy Morgana and lumbered over to Jadelyn and pulled her to the side of the small study, speaking in whispers. “Are you okay? The skinwalker. I know that has to be hard on you.”

She shook her head; her face set in determination to stay strong. “I’m fine. Bad memories, but nothing I can’t handle.”

My fingers traced her neck and pulled at her jaw, lifting her lips to mine. I kissed her softly for a moment before letting my fingers trail back down. “You don’t have to always be okay. If the king of dragons is allowed a moment of weakness, then I think his wife can have one too.”

Jadelyn swallowed loudly in the otherwise quiet study and looked around.

The Highaen sisters were out cold, leaning against each other. Scarlett had taken up leaning against the doorway, eyes closed. Morgana was resting where I had removed her from my lap.

My lovely siren blew out a heavy breath as quietly as she could. “I have nightmares sometimes. That someone is walking around in my skin.”

I pulled her close. “You never told me.”

“It is just a nightmare. They aren’t real, and when I’m awake, I know that you’d never let that happen to me.” She whispered as quietly as a mouse.

My heart ached for her and I ran my hand along her head, trying to swallow her in comfort as I pressed her to me. “That’s right, I’ll never let that happen to you. No one touches my mates.”

She nodded into my chest, and I felt her tears dampen my shirt. Jadelyn didn’t speak for a moment and we just sat there, holding each other while listening to Morgana’s soft snores.

Jadelyn eventually lifted her head. Her eyes were puffy and red, but she wiped at them as she sniffed. “Hopefully, I’m not too ugly.”

“You are a cute crier.”

“No one is a cute crier.” Jadelyn rebuked me. “But thanks for lying. I’m going to sleep here.” She declared and snuggled back into my arms.

I’d been considering starting into Bahamut’s books, but as Jadelyn curled into my arms, I pushed it off.

My mates always came first, and I was going to stay and comfort my mate while she needed it.

The warmth of Jadelyn seeped through me and I felt my own eyelids droop, suddenly far heavier than they had been just moments before.

I drifted off to sleep with my warm Jadelyn blanket. It didn’t take long before I sank into sleep.


My eyes opened, and I saw little motes of mana were visible to me as they drifted like pollen on the breeze through the study.

“Oh look, he’s here.” A deep male voice chuckled.

“Huh?” I turned to see a couple sitting together in the study on a swing that was most certainly not there before.

“Hi, honey.” The woman with the most vibrant red hair I’d ever seen before wiggled her fingers at me. “This really is a surprise. I didn’t even have an idea of having you last time I imprinted myself here.”

“Imprint? What’s happening? Where are we?” I was suddenly feeling my chest tighten up.

But for some odd reason, I wasn’t scared or defensive of the strangers. There was something familiar about them that drew me to them.

“Your body is exactly where you left it. However, there is a mechanism in my study and Tia’s that helps capture a snapshot of our minds and then dumps them together.” He clasped her hand and held it tightly. “We can not be together in the world, but our incarnations have always cheated and been together here.” The man explained. “Though we can see a little of the world directly outside. I spent a substantial amount of energy to pull your mind into here for a chat.”

“Tia? Tiamat?” I couldn’t help but ask, staring at the woman. Everything else he said went by the wayside as a sudden realization sank in.

She had a more angler face than most women, but it gave her an almost wicked beauty when paired with her fire red hair. It was thick and wild in a way that looked like it would break combs rather than be tamed. The man, on the other hand, had a neatly trimmed beard and held himself like a king.

“Yes, that makes me Bahamut, or as she called me most recently, Bart.”

I nearly choked. He went by Bart?

This was too much. I must be dreaming. “This is funny, brain, but let’s go back to my regularly scheduled darkness while I sleep.”

“You aren’t dreaming, Son.” Tia said, getting up off the bench and observing me while she walked around me. “At least, that’s what I think you are.”

“You don’t know?” I asked, confused. “Being a mother is the sort of event most people remember.” My sarcasm came out sharply as a defense mechanism.

Bart chuckled. “He has your tongue for sure.”

“We are but a snapshot of the last time we visited this island.” Tia explained. “Our souls have been reincarnated many times over. Each time, our memories are foggy, but clear as we age. Last we were here, you weren’t even an iota in our minds. So I’m not sure, but you have our powers, so I would think it is likely.”

“Sorry, son.” Bart splayed his hands. “I know that isn’t what you want to hear. But I am glad you are here, taking up the mantle for the dragons.”

My throat was tight, and tears were welling up in my eyes.

“Oh, no. I’m sorry.” Tia swooped over to me and grabbed me. “We both thought our time was nearing after this last conclave. We wouldn’t have had a child, though.”

Fuck, they didn’t even want to have a kid. They didn’t want to have me.

Bart hummed to himself as he stroked his beard. “It could have been our next incarnations, when they didn’t yet know the consequences.”

Tia’s eyes went wide. “Yes, there’s no way that we would have done it had we known. Son, has there been a significant change in the world? Has everything shifted and started going downhill?”

I did my best to clear my mind of the thoughts and emotions swelling inside of me. I needed to focus. My people needed me to get answers, not get lost in memories.

“The spider queen, Ikta, attacked the conclave. If you have information to help me with that, I need it.” I replied, trying to force my emotions back down and use this time wisely.

Tia clicked her tongue. “Yes, then you are most definitely the son of us or our next incarnation. To deny the world its wildness, we had to deny ourselves our attraction. Besides, if we both reincarnated into the same body, you would be a complete mess.”

“She already smashed the mural in the basement of the tower and stole part of her power back.” I explained quickly. “Where is the second half?”

Bart turned to Tia. “Do you remember where you put it?”

Tia scratched her head and tousled her mane of red hair. “I’m not sure.” She stuck her tongue out at Bart.

Bart sighed. “How many times have I told you to organize your study? The place is a complete mess. The—“

“I will not take a ruler to the shelves and make sure each book is exactly one point six one eight inches from the edge.” Tia snapped back.

“The golden ratio is the beauty of organization, dear.” Bart said with a smug smile on his face, and Tia looked like she was a volcano about to erupt.

It seemed like this was about to be a familiar argument, and I didn’t have time for that. “Enough you two. What about your study? Is it on the fighting beach?”

Tia beamed at me. “Figure that out on your own?”

“No, one of my women put it together. She’s a green.” I couldn’t quite call her my mate, at least not yet.

“They are here in the study?!” Tia asked excitedly.


She ran me over and went to the wall, where she swiped at the mirror. As she did, it clarified into a window looking out into the study where we were sleeping.

I could see the angle was high up, like it was on the shelf. Through the port, I could see myself and the five of them sleeping peacefully.

“Which one is she?” Tia asked excitedly. “The one in your arms?”

“No, that’s Jadelyn. She’s a siren. Yevannara is the one on the left of these two.” I gestured to the Highaen sisters.

“She’s beautiful. Good for you. You need some chromatics to balance you out or your metallic half.” Tia said, chattering excitedly. “You are going to have such cute babies with her. Oh, my! I’m going to be a grandmother.”

Bart groaned. “He’s already in balance, dear. If he takes mates, he should balance himself out better. Take another gold. Gold women are always great. And you are already a grandmother, many times over, dear.”

Tia cleared her throat and shot him a sharp glare. “Not as great as the leader of the chromatics, though, right?”

There was clearly a correct answer to the question, yet Bart ignored it. “Wouldn’t know. We never got that chance.”

I tried to hold back my laugh. They bickered much like a married couple.

“Well, we know for a fact that you ended up getting the chance. My existence proves that. But I need to know more information. Tia, what do you know about the Spider Queen?”

“Call me mom.” Tia replied, a wistful look on her face.

“No. You’ve admitted I was a mistake. You don’t get that role.” As her face fell, I realized how strongly it had come out. My emotions were getting the best of me. I’d kept them buried for so long, it was hard to keep them balanced.

Tia’s lip quivered, and her eyes became wet with tears. “NO!” She threw herself at me. “You are the child I always wanted, but could never have. Call me Mom or you will get no more answers out of me!”

She really was all over the place and sort of dragged me along for the ride. Keeping her on task was nearly impossible.

I would have thought Tiamat was some rage filled monster, by her reputation, but she was just a woman that didn’t hold back her emotions at all, letting them lead her. Bart, on the other hand, was all logic.

It was chaos and order, though certainly not evil and good.

Tia smothered me in a hug that just didn’t let up as she kept twisting me about like she was keeping me from running away.

More than anything, my brain was short circuiting and working to reboot as a replica of my mother, or whatever she was to me, hugged me.

I never really expected to meet my parents or the last upload of their memories of their possible last reincarnation. Yeah, that was a mouthful.

But I knew they were likely the closest to my biological parents as I was going to meet.

“Tia, stop it.” I finally gathered myself and pried her arms off me.

But she clung to me tightly. “No. Call me mom. Just once?”

I sighed. “Mom, can we get back to the topic of how to stop the spider queen?”

“He called me mom!” She let go and danced around before stopping and planting her hands on her hips and glaring at Bart. “Why are you not happy?”

“He’s here and doesn’t know his parents. That means the world is heading for a disaster, and he has no support. If we could be, we would be with him, no matter our incarnation.” There was a somber tone to Bart’s voice, one that was filled with regret.

“Don’t ruin this, Bart. We are here now, at least in some capacity.” Tia scolded before turning to me. “As to Ikta, there’s very little you can do. She’s going to destroy humanity and likely the whole world if she gets her hands on the second half of her power.”



Makes me wonder what exactly happened to Zach parents. My current guess is Jade is right, as she usually tends to be, but once he was born or shortly after something big happened. They hid him separate and he ended up in the orphanage.


Okay I personally would love to see Jadelyn or Scarlett let slip to Kelly what a cuddler Morgana is and then Kelly changes her nickname for her from blueberry to cuddler


Kelly is probably very cuddly in her were form. She might actually cuddle with Morgana at some point 😊

John Duncan

If you remember they came looking for him. It was said in book 1