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The next few days were simple.

My wives had selected and left on small missions. They’d come and go, earning money and dropping it off with the Hua sisters to manage. The Hua sisters had started up a small business around any of the miscellaneous items my wives brought back beyond the mission itself. Their knack for trade was truly beyond anything I’d seen. They managed to continue scaling any wealth they were given.

While they built the business, they’d shove various cultivation materials at me, encouraging me to push myself further. And I appreciated all they were doing for me and our family, but I really hated not being able to leave on missions of my own.

I didn’t like feeling like a baby bird waiting for his meal while trapped in a nest. I wanted to stretch my wings and explore.

So when Xiexie’s father was supposed to be available, I left the courtyard. Striding out with confidence, feeling the eyes of a number of the Yunpi women as I left. I knew they’d soon report back that I’d left the confines of our home, but I was determined to go meet the elder.

It didn’t take long before I arrived at Xiexie’s home. Her father and family lived in a nook on the mountain, built directly into it. The entrance made it look like a cozy cave. It had a simple wooden door that marked the entry, with otherwise natural stone surrounding it.

I knocked hard on the door and waited.

It only took a few moments for the door to swing inward, and a lovely woman covered in hickeys looked out, still giggling from something that had happened inside. As she saw me, her eyes grew, and she seemed to be shocked out of her laughter. “Oh! a guest.”

She sounded genuinely surprised, and I wondered who else she would have been expecting.

“I’m Isaac, a friend of Xiexie’s and son of Lilly.”

“Oh.” She sounded bored. “Come on in, I guess.”

I realized as I stepped in that her dress ended just below her hips, showing off her plump and juicy rear as she danced away, back towards where most of the commotion seemed to be happening.

Women, most of whom were barely dressed, danced about the room as we entered. And they danced while they were cooking. From the amount of food present, it looked like they were preparing a meal for a small army.

Although I supposed over hundred women were nearly a small army.

The cave area had a very rustic feel, with animal skins all over the place and everything made of rough, unfinished wood.

It was kind of like a caveman’s dream.

My entrance caught a few of the women's attention. They came up and pawed at me, pulling me deeper with raw hunger in their eyes. “I’m looking for Xiexie’s father.” I stated.

“Are you sure, hun? There’s something much better that I could show you.” She cupped my crotch as her thumb found my cock and started to stroke it to life.

“Positive. Not that you aren’t tempting, but I don’t share, and I have a feeling you already have a commitment.” I brushed her hand off of me and pushed through the place.

Another woman had a little more sense and pulled me with her through the room full of colorful gossamer-clad women. We entered a new room, which looked like it was a throne of furs. Sitting in the middle was a man wearing a loincloth, which happened to be propped up like a tent as five women crawled over him.

“Oh, a guest? Ladies, off.” He waved a few away like flies.

It was becoming clearer why Xiexie wandered the clan.

“I’m Isaac. A dual cultivation practitioner among the family, like you. Though I only have fourteen wives.”

That at least caught some of his attention. “Oh? Are you looking for a teacher? My women would teach a man far better than I.”

“No, I was more interested in…” I paused, realizing I hadn’t thought much about what I hoped to get from the man. I was just curious to meet Xiexie’s father, and maybe get some advice. “Dual cultivation techniques, as well as getting to know Xiexie’s father.”

“Xiexie.” He turned and called out her name, his brow furrowing. His concern grew when she didn’t appear.

“She’s been wandering the clan and staying with me lately.”

He nodded. “She wanders quite often. Usually someone is looking after her, though.” He narrowed his eyes as he looked through his harem. I had to wonder if he could even remember all of their names.

“Bixiu, find Yiyie. She was supposed to be looking after Xiexie.” There was a coldness in his tone that made several of the girls jump away from him.

For the first time, I felt his seventh rank cultivation. It was incredibly deep, like staring across an ocean and wondering just how much water was in it.

He turned his gaze back to me, seriousness on his face. “Thank you for taking care of my daughter; that shouldn’t have happened.”

“She’s a cute kid, and I have a few of my own. It’s been no problem at all.” The last thing I wanted was Xiexie to catch any flack.

“Apologies, I’ve been rude. I’m Xietu, and this is my home.” He cast a wide arm around the place.

I didn’t like the decor, but I had to hand it to him. He had a style. “Nice place. I’m Lilly’s son. I recently joined the clan after growing up away from it.” I made myself at home, pulling some skins aside and sitting on a chair that thankfully appeared to be clear of any bodily fluids.

“Lilly…” Xietu scratched at his chin before snapping his fingers. “Fourth rank girl, in the Western Branch.”

“She’s sixth rank now and a woman.”

But Xietu just shrugged off his error. “They are all kids to me. But good to meet you. Let me give you something as thanks for looking after my daughter.” He swirled his hand, and a scroll appeared in it. “Since you’ve said that, you have your own harem. This can’t hurt.”

The aged scroll was made of hide and colored at the edges.

I didn’t know what was on it, but its age made it clear it was likely precious and ancient knowledge.

Tucking it under my arm, I bowed to him in thanks.

I wondered if I should ask for his support among the clan, but from what I’d observed, he had stepped away from politics. He was focused on pleasure and cultivation, and help in those areas would likely be all he could provide.

The home might seem lively with all the women dancing around, but I knew that to him they were just resources to help his cultivation. He’d closed himself off from the world and sought to reinforce his seventh rank. He was so lost in the pursuit of the eight rank that he likely wasn’t even enjoying his cultivation sessions.

I cringed a little, not sure I wanted that life in the future. His own daughter was lost wandering the family estate because he was so engrossed in this cultivation.

I wasn’t going to find what I came for from him. Bowing, I excused myself.

As soon as I left, I released Phoebe from her ring. “Out of curiosity, did you know anyone beyond this point in cultivation?”

“He has hit the great wall that many have faced. I knew of one man who had managed to get past it, but not without a great deal of help and opportunities that no longer exist.” Phoebe looked off into the distance in thought. “But there still might be a way forward. The world shifts and changes, and with that, new opportunities arise.”

I took her hand in mine, enjoying walking with her and being outside the confines of my new home. I hoped that it might also bring her some comfort and banish the loneliness she’d expressed when we’d last chatted.

“Thank you for bringing me out of the ring.” She bumped her hip to mine, totally reading right through me.

Squeezing her hand, I tried to stay positive. But I was also aware of a familiar family guard that I’d seen trailing me twice on my way to the cave, stepping out behind us.

I was being followed and tailed by the Yunpi guards, even if I was in good standing with the western branch.

They wanted me to remain and service the women like a stud horse. It was hard not to roll my eyes.

“Let’s go for a walk.” I pulled Phoebe down a path in the Yunpi Estate that I hadn’t been on before. The place was large enough that it might take me months to see everything it had to offer.

But from what I’d heard, I was fairly certain this path led to the market. The Hua sisters headed that way often enough and spoke of the directions.

“How do you feel about the Yunpi family so far?” I asked her as we walked.

“It’s different. From what little I saw at the tomb, I expected you to be in mortal danger nearly every second of your life.” She teased.

I cringed, knowing that while everything looked civil, I was certainly still in quite a bit of danger.

Even though the Bishou hadn’t made a move, I had a feeling it was only a matter of time. While I hoped my threat would be enough, I’d also insulted them, and if they got an opportunity, I had no doubt they would take it.

And the Leon family behind that threat would also take me out if given the opportunity.

“Who knows, maybe assassins will jump out of that melon stand and attack me.” I stated.

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t think assassins are going to be in high numbers in the middle of the Yunpi Family estate.”

I knew she was right. The Yunpi Family had too many guards that patrolled the place. It was like they were a fortress at war from the sheer magnitude of their forces.

And in reality, they were at war with the Leon Family, which lived nearby. It only made sense that they were on high alert.

“Oh look. A little glass phoenix.” I picked up a small blown glass bird that was red with streaks of orange and yellow.

Phoebe snorted. “The beak is all wrong.”

“It’s art.” I teased her, putting it down, seeing that she didn’t much like her likeness made into glass.

But I did want to give her some sort of trinket.

I looked her over, noticing that she seemed to like gold and blue gems based on what she was wearing. So I kept my eyes peeled, looking for something that might be similar but still special.

But as I took a step, Xiexie hit my back like a rocket, a clingy one. “Big brother!”

“Hello Xiexie.” I picked her off my back with one arm and put her in between Phoebe and I. I took one of her hands in mine. I gave Phoebe a look, and she paused before taking the other of Xiexie’s hands.

I smiled as we swung her between us. “What are you doing out here alone?”

“I’m not. Ai is with me.” Her little head swiveled around several times, looking for Ai, but with no success. “I could have sworn…”

“That you ran away from her?” Phoebe laughed. “You cause a lot of trouble for how small you are.”

Xiexie turned to Phoebe, defiance painted on her face as she puffed out her cheeks. “I’m not small.”

“Of course not.” Phoebe’s eyes pinched into two little crescent moons as she held back a laugh.

“Tell her I’m not small, big brother!” Xiexie pleaded with me.

Putting my hand at the top of her head, and then moving it up to the top of Phoebe’s, I shook my head. “Seems like she might be right. You aren’t even half her height.”

Phoebe gave a genuine laugh. Maybe the first I’d heard from her. “Here, I’ll make you tall.” She picked Xiexie up and put her on her shoulders.

“Did you know you have fiery wings?” Xiexie asked Phoebe.

“I do?” Phoebe gave a good impression of being shocked and spun around several times like a dog chasing its tail. “You tricked me; I have no wings.”

Xiexie let out little peals of laughter. “They are on your back, silly.”

Phoebe’s wings flexed and flapped a few times. “Oh, there they are. I have wings. Who knew?”

“You did, silly.” Xiexie squealed. “They are your wings and they are so pretty. Can I have wings?”

“I don’t think you’ll suddenly grow wings.” Phoebe told her with a sad face.

Xiexie banged on Phoebe’s head. “I’ll grow wings if I want to!”

“Ouch. Hey, you don’t get to ride on my shoulders if you hit me.” Phoebe looked at me to save her.

I stepped in and hoisted Xiexie from Phoebe’s shoulders. “Go ahead, I dare you to hit me.” I could almost feel Xiexie hesitating on my shoulders before sagging in defeat.

“Fine. I won’t. But I still want wings.”

“If we can find a technique that gives you wings, I’ll buy it for you.” I promised.

Xiexie pulled on my hair as she mushed me on, a sudden eagerness overtaking her and making her forget the promise she made just moments before.

It took a few more stalls before I spotted the perfect bracelet for Phoebe. It was gold with three little soft blue sapphires set into it.

“Phoebe, what do you think about this one?” I picked up the bracelet, much to the vendor’s delight.

“That is mountain gold, and within it I set mana infused sapphires, a wonderful gift for an esteemed cultivator such as yourselves.” The vendor pitched me.

I knew most of it was flowery words with no substance. Every fiber of my being wanted to counteract her sales pitch, but Phoebe looked wide eyed at the bracelet after those words. “Sounds perfect.” I found myself saying.

The vendor was pleased with herself as I exchanged mana crystals for the bracelet and slipped it over Phoebe’s wrist.

She smiled as she stared at it, rotating her wrist around to have it catch the light. Xiexie was silent for one of the first times, staring at it as well.

“Like it?” I asked Phoebe.

“It’s wonderful.” Phoebe smiled so large that her cheeks pushed her eyes closed into little crescents before she leaned in and planted a kiss on my cheek.

“Eeew!” Xiexie complained from atop my shoulders.

“That’s how you know a girl likes a boy.” I told her.

“I like Isaac very much.” Phoebe echoed me.

Xiexie pulled on my hair. “Do you like women with wings? Wasn’t there another one with green wings?”

“How observant, Xiexie. I do like women with wings. But I also like women without wings.” Besides Quinn and Mei, I’d had no idea what my mana beasts would look like before I bound them.

They just all happened to be beautiful women, and I wasn’t complaining.

“Onward.” Xiexie demanded. “We are going to find a technique that makes wings.”

Among the shops, there was more than just jewelry and small baubles. Many were selling cultivation resources as well.

We toured those stores, and every time I found something interesting, Phoebe pointed out the flaw. It was like she understood the foundation of cultivation to an extraordinary degree.

I had to wonder what rank Phoebe would be in the present rankings of cultivation if my body didn’t limit her.

In the end, most of the techniques we found were of minimal use. The Yunpi likely didn’t let their best techniques circulate at simple shops.

We did, however, find a cultivation technique for Xiexie to have wings. The shopkeeper smiled as the little girl squealed and clutched the scroll close to her as she walked out with Phoebe and I. The task done; we turned back towards my courtyard.

“I’m going to have wings.” She said for the… dozenth time as we walked back to our courtyard.

Unfurling the scroll, there was a picture of a beautiful pair of butterfly wings. The vendor told me it was popular among children who see their parents fly and want to join them.

It apparently has a quite slow and soft flight. Which was perfect for children to not hurt themselves.

“I’m going to have wings.” She said again as she closed the scroll and marched into the courtyard with determination.

Almost immediately upon entering the courtyard, I could feel the tense atmosphere and strode past Xiexie into the main building.

My wives were gathered around, talking in hushed tones.

Kat was the first to look up, and at my arrival, they all quieted down.

“What’s wrong?” I demanded.

They looked around, passing glances and unspoken words to each other, none wanting to be the one to tell me. And that meant it was bad news. I narrowed my eyes, growing impatient.

I scanned the group, taking inventory of who was present. I saw all my wives, and those I expected, except… “Where’s Lanhua?”

Michelle sighed. “She was ambushed by the Bishou.”

My cultivation flared in anger, and it pressed down on everyone in the courtyard like a mountain. A few of the weaker Yunpi girls cried out in surprise.

“Calm yourself, husband.” Kat flitted across the room, catching me and stroking my face. “They took her alive after losing five of their own.”

“I was also attacked.” Celina admitted. “But their poisons had no effect on me. I killed the four that came for me. They underestimated my abilities.”

Celina was only a fifth rank immortal. Several sixth ranks should have been able to take her, but they played right into her strength.

“You won’t be leaving the courtyard.” I glared at her. “I will not have you risking yourself.”

The Bishou’s targets and the message were clear. Lanhua and Celina had been with me when we attacked the Bishou hideout in Blueheavens.

They were being targeted for that attack.

“Have we heard from them?” I tried to calm myself down. If they took Lanhua alive, then it was likely she was a negotiating tactic. They’d reach out with demands.

“Nothing yet. But Isaac, maybe we let the Yunpi handle this?” Michelle stepped around me, seeming to want to get between me and the exit.

“Michelle, I am going after her.” I glared at her, letting her know that I knew what she was doing.

Tabitha poked her head in. “You called for me?” She was the strongest of the Yunpi ladies sent back with me. Tabitha had kept her distance, and I already knew why. She was widowed and had made her disinterest clear when I’d first met the elders.

“Great, you’re here.” Michelle clapped her hands. “One of Isaac’s ladies has been captured by the Bishou. We need the Yunpi’s help. Without it, there is a high likelihood he will charge off on his own.”

Tabitha narrowed her eyes and frowned. “You won’t be able to leave the family estate. I assume she is pregnant?”

“No, I haven’t even touched her yet.” I replied, not understanding what that had to do with anything.

“Then why would the family risk conflict with the Bishou? We are already walking a tightrope with the Leon family. The Yunpi can’t be caught up in a war on two fronts.”

I growled at her. “The Leon family hired the Bishou to attack me. This is already part of their conflict with the Leon family.”

She shook her head. “The family won’t see it that way. I can almost guarantee it.”

“Fine. I’ll speak to the elders.” I gave her a sharp wave of dismissal and she left.

“That was rude.” Michelle had her arms crossed.

I knew she was right, but I didn’t care. I was furious that the Bishou had attacked me once again and even more so that people thought they could stop me from ripping their hearts out through their throats for touching one of mine. “Well, we are short on time. I need your help.”

“Short on time?” Celina asked with her brow pinched together.

“Yes, Tabitha will now alert the family that I might run, so I need to move quickly before my guard doubles or triples.” I said simply.

A plan was already forming in my mind.

“Wait a second.” Michelle put a hand on my chest. “You can’t go. That is exactly what the Bishou and the Leon family are trying to achieve. The second you leave the estate, both of them will be hunting you.”

I pushed my forehead into Michelle’s. “Remember when you were injured in the woods and those little fiery apes chased us across the river?”

She blushed. “Of course. You know I do.” Her tone was unsure, clearly not liking the direction my thoughts were taking me.

“Well, I would come to any of your rescue. Because I love you all. Though Lanhua hasn’t joined us in bed, she opened herself up to me, and I have a duty to protect her heart and her person. I believe she would do the same for me.”

“I don’t like it. When will we finally get a break?” Michelle rubbed her forehead into my own.

“Soon, hopefully, but not yet.” I kissed her forehead before going through the rest of my wives and kissing each of them. “Stay safe, and be ready for me when I get back.”

Turning, I saw a Yunpi guard standing on top of my courtyard wall. Tabitha had likely already told him. He was ready to try to delay me until reinforcements arrived, but I had every intention of escaping before then.



I am curious why Kat doesn’t use mind magic to help keep important things from the elders also will be interesting to see if they threaten his kids for leaving

Tanner Lovelace

You have Isaac say about Lilly, his mother: “She’s sixth rank now and a woman.” But at the end of the last book when he finally is reunited with his mother and she hugs him you said: “My head spun as I realized she was a seventh rank cultivator.” It kind of surprised me when this book started that she wasn’t also an elder since you had said she was 7th rank.