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“Miles~!” Stella called bursting back into the hotel room wearing a slinky red dress. Melody came behind her with a wry grin, wearing a similar dress, but hers was blue.

While the dress was sexy and gorgeous on both of them. On Stella, it seemed like less fabric as her breasts nearly burst out of it.

Kim was long gone by the time they got back.

“Stella.” I greeted her, turning off the TV and standing to receive her in my arms.

She wrapped me up in a hug that might have crushed my ribs if I hadn’t put up some protection. Then she planted a wet, sloppy kiss on me that wasn’t ending anytime soon.

“We had a great time.” Melody helped pull Stella off of me. “And I believe someone promised me something when we got back.”

“Can Miles join?” Stella still clung to me even as her tail got a little frisky dipping underneath Melody’s dress.

I couldn’t help but notice it was a little wet. “What’s this?” I snagged her tail.

Stella yelped when I grabbed it.

Melody’s face went bright red and pulled it away from me. “She had a little too much fun at the club.”

“You wouldn’t be having fun with too many other people, would you?” A small spark of jealousy crept up in me.

I didn’t share. Stella and Melody were different; they were both in a relationship with me.

“No!” Stella flung herself at me again, grabbing my face and pressing hers to mine. “Never ever will I let another man touch me. I’m all yours. Melody is only okay because she’s already yours.”

Stella searched my eyes, making sure I believed her.

“It’s okay Stella. I just got jealous for a moment.” Lifting my chin, I kissed her forehead. “Now, go take Melody for a little more of that fun.”

Stella pawed at me, finally grabbing my pants and tugging me along. “You come too. That’s okay, right Mel?”

Melody looked at me hungrily, but her words said another story. “I don’t want to push you. We’ve already slept together, but this is different.”

I knew that this time it was something more. Before had been a one-night stand, but this time, our lives were intertwined. It was more of a commitment.

“I doubt Stella would take no for an answer.” I winked at Melody. “But I can’t imagine why I’d say no either.” I loved the big smile that crossed her face.

My shoes squeaked against the floor as Stella tugged on me a little harder. “How much did she have to drink?”

“No idea. But people were lining up to order her shots.” Melody giggled as Stella gave up and threw me over her shoulder. “It would seem she’s in a hurry. Stella! Don’t break him.”

“I’m fine.” I kept my powers at my fingertips in case Stella forgot her own strength.

She threw me on the bed. “Get your clothes off.” Her tail was slipping between her legs, lifting her dress as she pulled down her panties.

The little spade on her tail moved up, playing between her lower lips as a small bead of her dew dripped down her thigh.

She was more than ready.

Melody was far more subdued, but highly amused as she came in and sat on the bed by my head. Her fingers worked to unbutton my shirt. “You should really get your pants off. I think she might rip them otherwise.”

Sticking two thumbs in my jeans, I shucked them in a heartbeat, knowing that Stella in her current state really would rip them off me.

“Yes.” Stella crawled over me, kissing at my chest, worshiping me with tender devout kisses. “This is the best, sorry Mel.”

“A little girl time is great, but it just leaves me wanting some of that.” Her hand caressed my cock as it stuck straight up in the air.

I was beyond ready. I’d been ready since they’d walked in wearing the dresses.

Stella was busy leaving sloppy kisses and little pink lip prints all over my chest as Melody locked eyes with me and slowly stroked my rock hard member.

I was in heaven, leaning back with one hand trailing over Stella’s back and the other caressing Melody’s thigh. “You two spoil me.”

Melody leaned down and kissed me lightly. It was gentle, yet full of emotion, drawing my lips up and kissing me again with more fervor.

Her hand abandoned my cock and tangled into my hair, making a mess as she became more passionate.

Melody’s dress draped down on my chest, a light silky sensation.

“You two are so hot.” Stella groaned. “I’m going to make you feel fantastic, but don’t stop kissing.”

My lips curled up into a smile as I kept kissing Melody, switching it up and taking control of her lips with my own.

She gasped as I heard a wet squish below us.

A moment later, my cock was wrapped by a pair of lovely pillowy lips.

I groaned into Melody’s mouth as Stella’s power drew deeply from my own. It was like a thousand threads of silk were dancing down my cock.

Titillated with pleasure, my cock twitched in her mouth.

Stella sucked me as Melody whimpered from her tail. The two of us holding the kiss as Stella worked us both.

She drew me into her throat with long, languid slurps. Her throat wrapped tightly around my cock, and then she added to it with humming.

Melody’s hand grabbed Stella’s horn, rocking her deeper on my cock, to the point that Stella coughed and snorted.

I couldn’t take it any longer. The build up was intense, and I found myself erupting down Stella’s throat as I broke the kiss, breathing hard.

Stella slipped off with a wet sigh. “That was amazing. Push me deeper anytime.”

Melody licked her slightly swollen lips from the extended kissing. “Anytime. Now it’s my turn.” She pulled the wet tail from under her dress and pushed Stella off to the side.

I thought Stella would complain, but she rolled off to the side with a pleased smile, as if this had been her plan the whole time. She laid back on the bed, her breasts spilling apart as her tail went to work between her folds. She lay there lazily, looking over at us.

Melody’s dress tickled at my hips. As much as I wanted to rip it off, the mystery was sexy too.

I could almost imagine us back at some club, fucking in a back room.

Melody sank herself onto me easily, swaying her hips as she braced against my chest. “Stella, I might need your help for this one.”

“What do you need?” Stella sat up immediately, more than eager to help.

“Come back here and keep me from tipping back.”

Stella was there in an instant, holding Melody as she leaned towards my legs, but I already knew what I was supposed to do.

Pulling my knees up, I thrust upwards, hard enough to bounce Melody off my hips.

She squealed in delight as Stella watched with wide eyes.

I kept pumping my hips up, thrusting and nearly losing my connection with Melody as she twisted and rolled her hips. She tried to stay on as I bucked like a wild bronco.

“Yes.” Melody screamed as she braced herself against Stella, losing herself with each heavy pounding she took.

Stella held her under her arms, watching with wide, eager eyes as I fucked the sense out of Melody.

Each thrust knocked her up, making her dress splay just enough to see our soaking wet union.

The moment after I got to the peak, she’d come crashing down on top of me, seeming to melt into me with pleasure.

One moment she was a picturesque equestrian, the next she was loud and relying on Stella to keep her upright as I continued to hammer her g-spot.

“Yes. Yes.” She moaned, grabbing Stella’s horns and pulling her down for a post orgasm kiss, loving every second of her ride. “Don’t stop.”

And she didn’t hear me complaining. Watching her unfold as she kissed Stella was the hottest thing I’d seen in a long time.

I hadn’t realized Melody had such a wild side.

When she finally came down, her blonde hair was plastered to the side of her head and she was panting.

“I want a turn!” Stella said, her eyes sparkling with energy.

“Only if you let me have your tail.” Melody grabbed the spaded tip as she got off me and slid it up into her folds.

“Do I not get a say in this?” I joked.

Stella slipped down onto my cock, her power already making me tingle. “You can do me any way you want as long as I have you in me.” She rocked her hips as I bucked hard enough to throw her.

But I used a small bit of my power to keep her on me before I pounded into her again.

Stella let out a soft cry of pleasure, grabbing Melody and kissing her as she rode me. “This is incredible, both of you.”

I lost myself in the pleasure of thrusting into her, watching the two of them together. We quickly became a tangle of limbs as we tried new positions, ones that I hadn’t even imagined with a single partner.

That night, I learned that having more than one lover was not only a way to have great sex, but it also was a way to feel even more love.


Stella slid a stack of pancakes in front of me, while Melody slouched in the chair across from me, looking completely wiped out.

The TV was on the news; Stella had been watching yet another commentary on her heroism.

“How are both of you not tired?”

The two of us shared a look. The answer was our abilities, but that went too close to Rule Two. My power and Stella’s draining me had kept both of us going long into the night.

“Stamina. I’m going to need it if I’m now part of a harem.” I replied casually, pulling out the BSH tablet. Both women were grinning in victory, but I ignored them, letting them have their victory. I had admitted we were all something with commitment and to them, that was a win.

As I dressed my pancakes, I paused, flipping through the investigation that Kim had unlocked to me.

“What’s that?” Melody asked, curiosity overcoming her exhaustion.

“Investigation into Omnigirl’s kidnapping of me. They clearly knew she was doing it, but it shifts focus pretty quickly to the mysterious super that took her out.”


“Not me, at least according to Mindfuck. She did her role perfectly, it seems.” I flipped through the tablet, and she had put on a perfect show.

Mindfuck also used to be a therapist for the prison industry. She would know what she was doing and what they were looking for. My promise to her was due. It was just figuring out how I was going to do it.

I wondered if there was some truth to what Kim had said about heroes turning dark as they’re exposed to too much darkness.

I had no doubt, Angelina, Mindfuck’s real name, had seen some darkness.

“Hey, what’s that?” Stella pointed with her spatula.

A ticker ran across the bottom of the news station. It stated that Venus was just released from the hospital.

She was in her roman goddess costume striding up to a podium amid camera flashes.

“Hello, I wanted to assure everyone that I am okay. After releasing so much in that blast, I had a moment of weakness. Thank you to Demoness for saving me from that rather dangerous fall.” Venus nodded to someone off stage who must have asked the question.

“But I wasn’t alone. There was another super out there that aided me from the shadows.” She stared right at the camera in a way that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

“We could do so much together if you came out of the shadows and aided me openly.”

Her comment led to loud questions being yelled from the surrounding media. The microphones only picked up garbled snippets.

Venus held up a hand to stop them. “I don’t know who it is. But my offer stands to become your partner.” She stared at the camera again.

Stella cleared her throat, staring at me.

Melody caught the look and did a double take. “Is Venus talking about you?”

I sighed, cutting into my pancakes. “Yep. I can also boost powers. She recharged faster and had a more powerful blast because I boosted her.”

Melody frowned, putting the pieces together. “You also took away her power; that’s why she fell.”

I didn’t confirm or deny it. “She is also apparently a telepath. The moment the titan turned, she tried to dig into my head when I refused to help her again.” I tensed my jaw.

No one liked to be pushed that hard.

“Bitch.” Stella slammed down a pan she was cleaning. “I shouldn’t have caught her.”

“It was a huge temptation. Most people would do far worse if they knew what I could do.”

Melody watched me carefully. “You boosted Stella during her fight with Omnigirl. That’s why she had that sudden burst of strength.”

“Yep.” I raised my hands in defeat.

“Has anyone ever found out and forced you to use your powers?”

I paused, considering her question, but ended up shaking my head no. “There was a mentor of sorts when I was going through a bad time. But I did most of that willingly, if I’m honest.”

“What about Omnigirl? She knows about this power?” Melody asked.

I tensed, realizing I had never told them what had happened last night.

I cast a net around us to make sure no one would eavesdrop.

She wasn’t going to like it. My secrets seemed to be dancing away from my control faster and faster. But I had to face this one.

“Omnigirl and her manager are dead.” I said slowly.

“What?” Melody pinched her brow down in confusion before checking with Stella, who was looking dead at me. “How? Did you do it?”

I leaned back in my chair. It was now or never. I could tell she was about to run.

“Yeah. I flew to Point City during your date so I would have a clear alibi. And it worked. Kim even came by to check on Stella, thinking she might have done it to avenge me.”

“I would have too.” Stella agreed in a heartbeat, her tail flicking agitatedly behind her.

“You… you killed her?” Melody had put down her fork.

Nodding, I couldn’t exactly make this one any softer. “Yes, I killed the woman that kidnapped me earlier this week. The same one who planned to let a villain turn me into a mindless junky for sex.” I waited to see what she would say..

The idea of it made me disgusted.

“But she was a hero.” Melody was stuck, and I was sure it wasn’t just that she was a hero.

She stood up quickly and backed away from me. “I need a minute.” Melody escaped through the hotel room door.

Stella glanced at me disappointedly. “That could have gone better. Why aren’t you following her?”

“I’m letting her have a minute.” I gestured to the woman who had just asked for exactly that.

Stella put down the spatula and put her hands on her hips. “That’s not what she needs. She doesn’t know what she needs right now, but it is you. Go and get her. After last night, you aren’t going to give up on her.”

Stella paused. “Besides, she knows too much. If she runs away, I’ll have to kill her, and I don’t want to do that.”

Her last statement took me aback more than anything else. Stella would kill to keep my secret, even if it was someone she had feelings for.

“You are amazing Stella.” I kissed her cheek before bolting after Melody.


Jamie R

Damn... That's one hell of a cliffhanger. Melody will come around. She's just one of those people who grew up with things being Black and White, Hero's are good etc...

Winston Smith

Oh Stella. That's a girl that you know will always have your back.