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Dar woke from his time with Cherry to the smell of bacon. He could only think of one arguably better thing to wake up to, smiling up at Amber as she held the plate near his head, wafting the aroma over him.

“Thank you.” Dar snatched a piece, making the maid giggle.

Marcie was at the foot of the bed doing the same to Neko, only the demon wasn’t waking. Dar watched as Neko’s nose rose in the air, sniffing from her spot, curled up at the foot of the bed. Marcie pulled the bacon back, but still asleep, Neko’s head just simply followed the bacon right off the edge of the bed.

Marcie kept going, but so did Neko’s nose. Marcie took one more step, and Neko tottered on the edge of the bed. She finally woke up, but it was too late. The cat girl fell off the bed, quickly rolling into a crouch to save herself from face planting.

“Morning Neko.” Dar got her attention before she could realize just what happened and jump on top of Marcie, who looked terrified at the same concept. “Looks like you are hungry. Take the bacon from Marcie and say thank you.”

Neko sprang up and snatched two pieces of bacon from the maid, shoving them in her mouth and talking around them. “Thank you.”

“You are most welcome.” Marcie curtsied. “Would you like anything for breakfast?”

“More bacon?” Neko asked hopefully.

“Can you see if they have any milk?” Dar asked, realizing Neko still had a fairly limited palette from only living in Hearthway.

“Milk?” Neko asked curiously, prowling back over to the bed and curling up against Dar’s side. “I’m no kitten.”

“Specifically, cow’s milk or maybe goat’s milk. We often drank it where I was from.” Dar explained.

“I’ll see what I can do.” Marcie tucked the plate against her bountiful chest and bowed before she headed out.

Amber handed Dar the rest of his plate of bacon. “Anything you’d like?”

“If we are eating different things, I’d be interested in eggs. How are we paying for all of this?” Dar asked curiously.

The maid gave him a smile. “Sasha sent us here with some coinage and a small bag of salt to trade for more coins.” She pulled back her dress, revealing her naked hips and a coin purse tied to her thigh.

Dar leaned back in bed and pulled Neko tightly to his side. If he were back at Hearthway at the moment, he’d be meeting with the family and leadership, figuring out tasks for the day. But here, he didn’t have those responsibilities. It almost felt like he was on vacation.

He relaxed into the moment, only to have it be broken by the lumbering of Karn outside his door. He groaned as his moment away from responsibilities came to a screeching halt.

Pulling on his clothes, Dar threw Neko hers as well. “Meet me when you’re dressed.”

Dar slipped outside the room. “Karn, what are you up to today?”

The bear sipped water out of a cup that was comically small compared to his hands and body. “I’ll entertain the prince and attend his court for today and tomorrow. I doubt his words or actions will change my mind, but I better see an effort put in.”

Tami stepped out of her room, rubbing tired eyes. “I’m sure he’ll have every spirit or demon he can wrangle up serving court in some capacity. You’ll see a big change from yesterday. Your threat scared him. I’m sure of it.”

“Wasn’t a threat.” Karn grumbled. “You only threaten when you don’t follow through.”

The deer woman gave Karn a weak smile in response and grabbed a fist full of leafy greens that had been in a nearby basket, tearing into them, munching like… well… a deer. “Do you need a bucket to drink from?” Tami asked Karn.

“The cup will do.” Karn ignored the barb.

At that moment, the maids came back into Tami’s place with a basket of fresh ingredients and started making themselves at home.

Tami watched them with interest. “You two have dao.”

“Yes.” Marcie nodded as Amber had her back turned.

“Don’t bother them.” Dar tried to divert attention from the two girls. They could potentially generate more questions than he wanted to answer. Right now, no one outside Hearthway knew that Dar and several other humans around him had started on the dao path.

The last thing he wanted was that information getting into the hands of the royal family of Kindrake, or the wizards. Immortality and power were far too tempting.

“What about you, Tami? What do you have planned for the day?” Dar asked.

“I was thinking about going and scouting to confirm the report about the trolls in the hills.” She gazed over at Karn. “That is, if we were still interested in doing something about it.”

“Yes. But first, I will fulfill the commitment I gave your master.” Karn said full well, knowing the title would dig under her skin. Dar had no desire to tag along with that.

“What about you Dar?” Tami continued.

“Setting up some trades for my village.” He watched Amber work on eggs while Marcie brought milk to Neko, who was padding out of their room. “I’d like to get some basic amenities like milk cows and hens to bring back.”

Tami stared at him. “We are talking about the concerns of the kingdom, and you are busy buying milk cows?”

Dar only shrugged. “Not every day can be the life or death of a kingdom. Sometimes you just need to focus on surviving.”

Karn gave a deep belly laugh. “I like that. Maybe when we are done here, I will make an effort to just live and survive. Sounds like a happy, simple life.”

Dar wasn’t sure if the bearman was making fun of him or jealous, but if Karn had a harem back on Frost’s Fang, he had reason to want to find a way to settle down a bit.

Neko sat down next to Dar, transfixed on the bowl in front of her. She slowly dangled her tongue down, puzzlement on her face as she took a first tentative lick. Her eyes lit up as she tasted the liquid. Immediately, she was lapping it up, chugging down the contents. Dar knew she’d love it.

Karn put his cup down. “I’ll be heading out. Will you stick around to see what can be done about the devils?”

“Of course.” Dar wanted to fight them for his own reasons. He could absorb their corpses for the little dao tree.

After experiencing the tree’s assistance in developing his shadow dao, Dar knew what his path forward in cultivation would be. He was going to need to kill more Mo and see just how quickly he could advance through his own Dao path.

The bear nodded and lumbered out of the space. Tami was still stuffing her face with leaves as fast as she could. It would take a lot of them to keep her body fueled. “I need to go as well. Don’t burn my place down.” She said before following Karn out the door.

And in only a moment, Dar realized he was left alone in her home with his women. It was nice to be back in their small group.

“Amber. What did The Prince say about trading Tami’s brother’s book of dao?” Dar asked as soon as he was sure she wasn’t going to come right back in.

“He was sending men to find the book after I left. Lingering about outside the door, it seems like you gave him the idea to try to offer it to Karn for his support.”

Dar scoffed. “Of course he did.” He said with an eye roll. “Maybe we should just steal it.”

The two maids looked excitedly at the prospect.

“Don’t get your hopes up. If he successfully sells it to Karn, I don’t think we will steal it from him.” Dar wasn’t about to make an enemy of the bear. If he was honest, he liked Karn. The demon was a bit rough around the edges, but he was far more straightforward than most humans Dar had met in Granterra.

Neko raised her cup to Marcie. “More?”

“Sure kitty.” Marcie joked, taking the cup from Neko, who was sporting a milk mustache from her hasty drinking. “If we get goats, you can have this all the time back in Hearthway.”

That prompted Neko to turn wide eyed to Dar, begging.

“Sasha wanted cows or goats. Goats would probably be better. They’re hardier than cows.” Dar thought aloud. “Dane Goodhaul should try to find some here in the city, but we’ll see what he pulls together as they negotiate.”

“I would like to check on the merchant. I can help ensure he is getting Sasha’s goats.” Neko declared.

Dar and the maids exchanged a glance. One of them should go with Neko, but none of them volunteered. Neko read the silent conversation, crossing her arms.

“I can go by myself.”

Dar wanted to tell her no and convince her that she needed someone with her, but he also knew Neko needed to have some more independence. She wasn’t a child for all that they often treated her with kid gloves.

“Fine.” Dar sighed. “Please check to make sure that you can find your way back to this house. Identify some tall landmarks on your way out. If anyone stops you or gives you trouble, make sure you tell them you are Tami’s guest and by extension, a guest of The Prince.”

Neko nodded rapidly, excitement bubbling up in her eyes.

“And take your fill of bacon before you leave.” Marcie brought over a plate of hot bacon for the cat girl, who happily accepted several strips and downed them with the last of the milk before standing triumphantly.

“Good luck, Neko.” Dar waved her out.

The moment the door closed, he let out a heavy sigh. He was fully prepared to have a problem arise from her venturing into the city, but he couldn’t keep coddling her.

“She’ll be okay.” Amber snuck up behind Dar as she whispered in his ear, her hands finding his tired neck and kneading those muscles.

Sinking back into her touch, Dar let go of his worries for the moment. “I know, but I can’t help but worry.”

“You’ll never accept her into your family if you keep thinking of her like a child. She clearly isn’t one. I mean, have you seen those tits on her?” Amber pressed her own into Dar’s neck for emphasis.

For a moment, he wanted to struggle, but then he realized the maids had him alone, and they were going to take the opportunity.

“Marcie, come here and feed our master.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The mousy maid’s tone changed, only confirming Dar’s read on the moment.

“Before we get too far, girls, I want to be sure that you both know what you are getting into. Red means stop, yellow means slow down, and if anyone hesitates, you can let them know to keep going with green.” Dar explained the rules, wanting to make sure they didn’t feel forced.

He had explored this side of his sexuality with more than one ex girlfriend before he’d been brought to this world. It wasn’t something he prepared for, but he realized he was more than receptive to this sort of bedroom play. He didn’t need to be a dominant man in every situation, but done right. It could be so much fun in the bedroom.

“Yes, Master.” Amber’s hands kept working the knots in his shoulders. Marcie came up and handed him his plate of food, but she kept the fork.

Pulling her dress slightly more off her shoulders, slipping it lower on her curves, Marcie leaned forward and speared a hunk of eggs, blowing steam off of them before raising them to his lips with a sort of reverence.

She watched Dar take the bite of food and smiled brightly, licking her lips as she watched him eat.

Dar had no idea being fed could be so stimulating. He chewed the food, feeling Amber press her chest into the back of his head further, while Marcie looked at him hungry for more than food.

“You two.” Dar shook his head. “I think I can feed myself. I’d like to see you two in action.”

Amber let her fingers trail down Dar’s arms, goosebumps rising in the wake of her soft touch. “Slave, on your knees.” She barked at Marcie.

The other woman shot down as if someone had just bolted her knees to the floor and waited patiently, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Dar crossed his legs and leaned back, watching them with a smug smile on his face. Only half of it was acting. He was definitely turned on.

Amber grabbed Marcie’s dress and hiked it up, revealing a silk rope that was no doubt courtesy of Sasha.

The rope had been tied around Marcie’s body, with a knot lingering just at the cleft of her sex, where the rope dripped with her juices.

The sight of it did something to Dar, and he forgot about the food in his hands, his hunger replaced with other urges.

The more Amber hiked up Marcie’s dress, the more he could see of her large chest, which was squeezed tight, bound between a complex knot that rubbed them around the base.

“Say please.” Amber pressed into the small of Marcie’s back as she finished pulling off her dress, revealing the prize.

“Please, Mistress.” Marcie’s expression shifted. She was already a submissive, mousy woman, but her secret revealed had taken off the quiet mask, showing a lewd woman beneath that panted for her mistress.

Amber was rough, but not uncaring, as she shoved a knee into Marcie’s back and pulled her arms back, looping some excess rope over Marcie’s shoulder to hold them back and keep her bountiful chest thrust forward. Then Amber proceeded to tie Marcie’s arms behind her back.

Dar clicked his tongue. They were playing with bondage, but they were still missing some key points. As their master, he needed to make sure they did it all properly.

“Slap her tits, Amber.” He commanded, stepping into his role and trying to keep the excitement from his voice. He was eager, but this type of play required control.

“Yes, Master.” Amber slapped Marcie’s chest hard enough to make them jiggle, but not even hard enough to leave a mark.

“Come here.” Dar beckoned the pair.

Amber helped Marcie to her feet and brought the bound woman over like she was a platter of food. “Master?”

Dar looked into Marcie’s eyes as he let his fingers softly caress her nipples, running around and over them as her skin pebbled with anticipation. He let his fingers savor her soft breasts for just a moment, bringing her pleasure.

Just when her expression shifted, he swiftly slapped each of them, causing her to cry out in surprise. “What do you say to that?”

Marcie hesitated, unsure what he wanted.

He didn’t mind; training was half the fun. He grabbed her chin and forced her eyes to focus on him. “You say, Thank you, Master.” His other hand slapped her chest again.

“Thank you Master.” She breathed. Her eyes dilated slightly with need as her face flushed. Dar was watching her closely, making sure she was enjoying herself. But she was definitely a total sub.

He wondered about Amber. She dominated Marcie, but was she receptive to being a submissive?

“Amber, lick her chest. Sooth them with your tongue.”

The redheaded maid didn’t hesitate for a second, diving into the other woman’s bosom, her pink tongue flitting out and licking Marcie’s nipples while the bound woman cooed and squirmed in her bindings.

Dar’s hands wandered over Amber’s form, feeling under her dress. He ran his hand along her naked hips until he reached her sex and ran his fingers along it. It certainly wasn’t dry; he felt a bead of her want dripping down her thigh.

“Do you have another rope?” Dar asked.

“With our things in the bedroom.” Marcie answered excitedly.

“Get it. No hands though.” Dar pulled Amber to him, his hand finding her pussy lips and exploring her as she gasped. “You stay with me.”

He wanted to get a read on the maid and see if she really was a switch or if he needed to give her enough domination of Marcie.

But that was cleared up quickly. The moment Marcie left, Amber melted into him, letting him play with her as she ground herself into his hand.

Dar smiled, not ready to let her climax yet. So instead, he brought his wet fingers out from under her skirt and up to her mouth.

Understanding what he wanted, Amber sucked her own juices off his finger, her tongue eager to please. She worked to get every ounce off before swallowing and opening her mouth for more.

“What do you say?”

“Thank you, Master.”

“Good girl.” Dar petted her cheek and gave her a single tender kiss on the forehead. “Now, I think it is time to check in on our other pet. Do you think she can get the rope without hands?”

“Maybe she needs help.” Amber smiled.

“Or punishment for failing a task.” Dar stood, hoisting Amber up in his arms, and headed towards the bedroom.

In the room, he found Marcie on her knees, her head buried in a bag and her hips waving in the air as she tried to retrieve their other rope without hands.

“Slave, what’s taking you so long?” Dar demanded, making Marcie jump.

“I can’t get it.” She said, her voice muffled against the bag.

It was everything Dar could do not to settle in behind her plump rear and thrust into her sex as it wiggled in the air.

Instead, his hand came down firmly on her ass, leaving a red handprint in its wake. “Try harder.” After the slap, his hand gently caressed the handprint, cupping the cleft of her rear.

He didn’t miss the way she wiggled her hips into his hand and thrust herself into the bag, making the rope going through her sex continue to rub her.

“It’s a shame you can’t get it.” Dar sighed. “I was hoping to give you a reward.”

Marcie suddenly went into overdrive, pushing things aside in the bag with her face. Sure enough, she came back out, holding another silk rope in between her teeth.

Dar stroked her head. “Good girl.” He placed his hand in front of her mouth and she spit out the rope.

Holding her chin, he lifted it up level with the bulge in his pants. “Is this what you want?”

“Yes. Thank you, Master.” She panted and nuzzled his cock through his pants.

“Amber, lock the door.”

“Done Master.” Amber was swift in completing the task before presenting herself before him and shrugging her own dress off her shoulders.

He scowled. “Did I tell you to remove your clothes? Bend over the bed.”

“I’m sorry Master.” Amber pouted but raised her ass high in the air.

Swatting it several times, Dar shook his head. “I’m sorry, Marcie, but she needs to be punished. For now, pull my pants down.”

Marcie bit at his pants and tugged them down several inches at a time as Dar pulled on the rope. He felt its strength and flexibility. It would do.

He looped it over Amber’s shoulder and down around her breasts, running it behind her back and then finally down to her thighs. Pulling the rope tight, he forcing her to open her legs wide. He’d put her into a position that forced her into a spread eagle, yet gave her some control of her arms.

“How does that feel?” Dar asked, worried that he had gone too far.

“Thank you, Master. Green.” Amber smiled from the bed.

In the time he had worked her over, Marcie had gotten Dar’s pants down and his cock sprang free. Both women were looking at it with wide, eager eyes.

“Amber, watch what a good slave deserves.” Dar smiled wickedly as he grabbed Marcie’s head, pausing for only a brief second. “You need to tap if you want me to stop.”

“Yes, Master.”

“I’m serious.” Dar watched her eyes as she nodded before putting his cock to her lips. The moment she opened wide, he shoved it in.

He wasn’t gentle, nearly choking her with his cock as she tried to take it, sputtering and drooling over it. Pushing into her warm, wet mouth felt like a release of its own.

He’d held back with them, wanting to progress their relationship and establish trust before they got too intimate. But things had changed since they’d first become his maids. They were now immortals and a part of his family.

Dar let himself go, indulging in the warmth of her mouth and thrusting his cock to the back of her mouth as he forcefully opened her throat. He felt himself rubbing at the back of her throat. Holding it there, Marcie’s eyes grew wide as she realized her airway was well and truly blocked by his massive cock.

She moaned and slobbered over him, but then, for a moment, she panicked, flailing, but bound and unable to do anything about it.

Dar could see the moment fear started to creep into her and he pulled out, bending down and kissing her temple. “Good girl. Do you want it again?”

Adrenaline pumped through her, her concern washed away as Dar ran his hands tenderly over her head. “Yes.”

Dar didn’t wait for her to open her mouth and accept him this time. He thrusted himself deep into her throat again, though this time she didn’t panic quite as quickly. When he saw the flicker of uncertainty in her eyes, he held it just a moment longer before giving her air and comfort. “I think I’m well and ready.”

Marcie looked over at Amber, who was watching from her position spread eagle on the bed. Dar realized she’d gotten a hand wiggled just barely down to her hips and was trying to rub one out.

“It seems your Mistress is being rebellious. Let’s fix that.” Dar hoisted Marcie by her rope, pulling her shoulders even further back and squeezing her breasts.

“Thank you, Master.” She panted as Dar placed her face in Amber’s open crotch, pushing the eager sub’s face into Amber.

“I expect her to moan for me.”

Marcie started lapping at Amber, eagerly rubbing her face in her mistress’ juices. The mousy girl really came out of her shell as a sub. Dar smiled to himself as he lifted her hips and parted the line of rope that had been soaked through by her own eager sex before thrusting himself into her without warning.

She yelped into Amber’s sex, but that quickly shifted into a moan as she pushed her hips back into his.

Smacking her ass, Dar let himself enjoy her juicy pussy as he stroked into her and reached around to tweak her nipples. They had been bound tightly for so long he worried that they would be overly sensitive, but she didn’t complain. If anything, she relaxed into the pain, enjoying letting someone else control her.

Dar wasn’t a sadist, but he would admit he derived some pleasure from the dominance aspect of the act. He enjoyed both the power and watching their pleasure in it. He watched as the buxom maid under him bucked and squirmed as he pinched down harder on her nipples.

“Amber, pet your slave. Tell her how good she’s being.” He demanded.

Amber’s hands ran through Marcie’s hair. “You’re such a good girl. You are showing our master just how well trained you are.”

Grabbing the knot on her back, he pulled hard, using it for leverage as he pounded into Marcie. Soon, she was screaming in the throes of passion as her tits bounced on Amber’s thighs. She came undone over Dar, spilling her juices all over his thighs.

“Bad.” Dar rolled her over and slapped her chest again. “You finished before me.”

“I’m sorry, Master. I couldn’t help it. You felt so good.” Marcie panted, looking both satisfied and repentant at the same time.

“This slave will satisfy you, Master.” Amber waited on the bed, her legs still spread. “Let me show a lesser slave how it is done.”

“No, Master. I can redeem myself.” Marcie pleaded in a byplay that left him smirking.

“You’ll watch.” Dar commanded, holding Amber down and cupping her chest. They weren’t nearly as large as Marcie’s, but they were still a firm handful.

“Let me work you with my mouth, Master.” Amber opened wide. Dar flipped her around so her head hung just off the edge of the bed and she looked at him upside down.

“Open wide.”

Dar fucked her open mouth, watching her throat bulge with each thrust and her eyes water as she tried to swallow him whole. She was far more relaxed and managed to not choke on him. “You’ll clean me off, and then we’ll see if you can please me.”

He smacked her chest, and the moment she winced he knew she wasn’t into pain, just submission. He met her eyes, letting her know he saw that and would adjust.

Shifting back into the moment, Dar finished cleaning his cock in Amber’s mouth and pushed her back onto the bed. Standing over her, he eased himself inside of her. The maid cooed and encouraged him, thrashing against her bindings as he slowly edged himself deeper and bottomed out.

“Yes Master. Fuck me, Master. I need your cock.” Amber panted.

Her sex pulsed as she tried to squeeze him inside of her. He let Amber play with him in her sex for a moment while she adjusted to his size.

Once it didn’t feel quite so constrictive, he pulled out and thrust back in, slowly enjoying the feel of her. “You feel good. Do you like being on your back for me? I own you.”

“I’m yours. Never will I serve another, because no other could claim me like you do.” She encouraged him, trying to flex her legs and wrap them around his hips, but it only caused the ropes to squeeze her thighs further.

Dar was ready for his release. He pumped himself into her while his finger found her clit and used a knuckle to roll over the swollen pearl.

She tensed under him, trying to keep herself from cuming. Dar enjoyed pushing her to the edge, eventually losing himself and exploding into Amber, pumping ropes of his seed into her ready and waiting sex.

After his release, she relaxed. All it took was one more stroke of her clit to send her into spasms as she keened, finally receiving her release.

“Marcie, now is your chance to make it up. Clean up your Master and Mistress.” Dar pulled out of Amber with a wet squelch and held himself out for Marcie.

She wiggled in her bindings to inch over to him, licking at Dar’s once again rock hard cock. “Yes Master. Thank you Master. I promise not to disappoint you this time.”

Dar leaned back, enjoying the feel of her mouth running back and forth around him.



Been waiting for this chapter. But I don't understand why they still considers themselves his maids given that they are just as much his Dao companions as the rest?