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We’ve wrapped up Dragon’s Justice 2. I think it is pretty good. Someone is going to want to fight me over that ending. It is non-traditional in Haremlit to have the guy chasing after the girl like this, but I think Morgana is worth a little extra tension and I’ll do my best to make this worth it. Thank you all for your support.

I promise, Morgana will be on the cover of the next Dragon’s Justice. Kelly might get some romance too, because she’s clearly ready.

Otherwise, Dao 1 audio is done and being processed by Audible. Dragon 1 Audio is supposed to be done by end of Nov, but I don’t think Threet has even started yet, so not sure if that’s going to make it or if it’ll be late.

My backup artist has officially started the Saving Supervillain series covers and I’m excited to get ahead on art. I put off doing an omnibus for Mana 1-3 and recovering Legendary Rule because I haven’t been able to get my cover art more than a week before I need it. I absolutely love Yanai’s work, but he’s busy. The new artist is fantastic at mimicking his style.

As for me, I’ve been rereading Dao 2. Reading my own work is very awkward. I struggle to not edit as I read. You’d be amazed at how many minor flow changes I want to put into my works with each pass. No matter how many times I go over them, there are always minor changes with each read. But I need to read Dao 2 to reconnect with the characters.

Monstrous Horizons Volume 1 is almost done. I think I’ll push some of my spare time in that direction and try to wrap up the volume and then put it down for a while. Time is scarce and I need to put all my effort into Dao to push out another book in a month. My spare time will be going towards one of the few new series I have planned. Maybe write myself a vacation for next summer with the side project ^^. One in which I’ll spend writing, just on a beach somewhere.

Otherwise, the plan is to write Dao 3, then probably get back to Mana 5.

I binge watched One Punch Man after finishing up Dragon 2. The insights I have watching a show, now that I spend so much time thinking about stories, are interesting. Saitama is just about the flattest character ever, yet the show was actually interesting because everyone around him is so incredibly dynamic and contrasting to him in different aspects. That and I spent entire episodes waiting with bated breath for Saitama to show up and kill the villain with a single punch. Lots of suspense through making the viewer wait for that moment.

So I think that is going to inspire me to work a little harder on side characters in the upcoming series I’m planning. Use the harem girls for more contrasting comparisons to make the MC and them more distinct. I am always working on something with my writing.

The four top ideas swirling in my head are an evil-ish LitRPG series, Super Hero, a Watering Downs inspired cultivation story(fate/stay/night is a modernized Watering Downs) or a straight fantasy. I’m toying with the idea of doing the fantasy as a trilogy back to back in 3 months. I think Super Hero is the one I’m most excited to write, the other three I have solid concepts that interest me, but not sure which one I want to do. They will all probably come to fruition, but I need to pick just 1 to replace Mana in the rotation this spring and another for Dao in the summer/fall. Super Hero will probably replace Mana in the rotation when it is completed this spring.

I don’t expect Dragon to finish anytime soon, unless I really botch one of these books. It is my best-selling series to date by a solid margin.

Other ideas rolling around in my head - NSFW covers, Yanai is on board, but his time is so limited, I’m concerned about impacting a release date. As the cover situation improves, I might get some of these done.

When I started the Patreon, I ran art with a tight budget, but as it has expanded, I’m going to offer some new options for artists and improve the art I’m offering. Including voting for who should appear each month. More to come in the next few days.

Manga/Comic for Mana Master - I’ve been doing research to see what’s needed, biggest problem is I’m picky about the art. I love bold black and white manga art like Witch Hunter. I have not yet found the artist I want to get pricing, but thinking about doing a kickstarter later this year if I can identify an artist to do a single volume of Mana and see where that takes me. I’ll have it here on Patreon, regardless.

I love questions, if you have one I'm happy to answer.



Excited to see your take on Superhero. I think there's a ton of potential there.


I am as well. The idea has matured over a while and changed, but I think it's solid.

Andy Holewinski

So is there an update on when the new mana book will be coming out on audible books? So will there be one or two (book 5 or 6) more books in the mana series, " I haven't listened to the forth book yet I'm not sure how it end"? Your post above sound like it is coming to an end.


There are 6 planned books for Mana. Book 4 is scheduled to be completed by the narrator by the end of the year, but it also sounds like he is currently behind on his projects. I hesitate to give an exact date. But once he finishes it takes another 2-3 weeks for it to come out on audible.