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We walked into the arena, as they had called it, more like a small colosseum. Monster girls filled the stands cheering on the current fight.

A large hippo girl was holding a man down into the sand, getting her fill.

I only looked to see if I recognized the man, but I didn’t, and turned away. I wasn’t particularly interested in watching the whole affair.

There you have it folks, another one bites the dust. We’ve got more coming, so stick around for the next fight.

I followed the sound to a magical speaker. “Who’s speaking?”

Sylvia pointed towards a booth on one end and there was a blonde bunny girl leaning back and talking to a monster girl holding a man by the back of his neck. “That’s who we have to talk to get you down there, anyway.”

“Follow me and stay close.” Kelly narrowed her eyes and puffed up her compact frame as she bulled through the crowd.

People got the hell out of her way, and I had to reassess just exactly who my guard was.

We got all the way to the bunnygirl announcer without issue. That was, until Kelly cut someone in line and they growled, drawing a weapon.

“Are you sure you want to do that?” Kelly spun and pressed the wolf girl back.

Only now must she have realized who she just provoked, because the wolf girl held up her hands. “Never mind. Please go right on ahead.”

“She has a little bit of fame here.” Lauren whispered in my ear.

I only grunted in response. She was still a pushy bitch.

“Ah hello.” The bunny girl said without looking up. “What have you got?”

I got a good look at her, blond hair that swooped off her back and another section fell like a curtain across half her face, giving her a hint of mystery. She captured all of that mystery with dark purple eyeliner and bright red lips that looked delicious.

Bunny girls were probably harmless, right?

“I have a Colonel Sam Ridden from the human fort here and I’d like to put him down in the arena.” Kelly growled.

“Huh?” The bunny’s head snapped up. “Oh fuck. Sorry Kelly, didn’t know you were coming. Who did you say you had?”

“The colonel of the human fort, powerful mage. Top tier seed and fighter.”

The bunny’s eyes slid over to me. “You’re fucking kidding me?” Then she looked over my shoulder at Lauren. “Tell me this is a joke Lauren.”

“No, Claire, he’s the real deal. Better yet, he’s here of his own free will. The colonel here is staying with the Pharaoh discussing a prisoner exchange from their last conflict.” Lauren hissed.

Now her focus shifted to me. “Okay, well, this is a big one. I’ll have to get a sample though, to verify just how how quality your seed is.”

Personally, I thought that might just be fun. She was a lovely woman.

But Kelly was a prickly bitch. “You doubting me? Calling me a liar?”

“No. No. I’d never do that.” Claire waved her hands in front of her face. “Okay, highest grade. I can work with that. You know this is going to create a bit of a wild mess when he goes down there, right?”

“We know and he knows, but do me a favor Claire, I can’t bring damaged goods back to the Pharaoh. So, don’t put anything too nasty down there.”

“Hey, they bid. If they bid high, then I don’t stop them from going down.” Claire shrugged.

Lauren rolled her eyes. “Then I’ll just have to intervene if it gets too bad.”

“Fuck. Okay, I’ll keep the big girls out, but again I can’t control everything here.” She tried to pacify my two guards.

I was getting a little tired of them, assuming I was going to lose. “It’ll be fine. I don’t think I’m going down as easy as you seem to think.”

“Alright, big guy.” Claire smirked, clearly not believing me.

“You guys want this right now?” She turned back to Kelly.

“Get in the arena, let’s see if you can fight.” Kelly nodded towards me.

I so wanted to prove her wrong, let’s do this. Stepping out of the booth, I jumped down into the sandy arena pit.

Alright, Ladies and Bitches. We have a treat for you today. A mother fucking Colonel of the Rindall army. Mage extraordinaire, toughest fighter we’ve had in here for at least a decade. Top quality seed from a mage this powerful and yet so young. I give you COLONEL SAM RIDDEN.

Jeers from the crowd showed that they didn’t believe the bunnygirl, yet they still got excited looking down at me were a number of monster girls from all walks. But what they came here to see was a man hunt.

“Twenty Gold.” Someone shouted from the stands.



The bidding went all the way up to one twenty before it settled on a large monster girl wearing a bikini. She was covered in rough looking scales and had a powerful gator tail trailing out behind her.

“I hope you are as tasty as she claimed or I’m going to suck you dry getting my fill.” The way her tail lazily swished behind her told me that she wasn’t taking this seriously.

Too bad for her, I was.

When she charged, it was predatory, but clumsy. Maybe if we were in the water she’d have a chance. She pounced, and I grabbed her arms over extending her torso and used my hip as a lever as I twisted, throwing her over my shoulder and landing her flat on her back with a solid thud.

The Colonel isn’t an easy target, girls. He’ll get your blood pumping, there’s even a chance you won’t win. Don’t think he isn’t a challenge.

She was still trying to sell me?

But I focused back on the fight because gator girl was getting back up on her feet looking pissed as hell. Crouching down, I waved her forward. “Come on, you must have better than that.”

“Raa!” she screamed and charged, but I caught her in the same toss, only this time, I used my wind sorcery to propel her high into the air on the toss.

I winced as she landed with a heavy thump. I didn’t want to kill her, but I needed to make a point.

This may have been more than she could chew. Will she even pin the colonel?

Deciding I could just end this, I summoned up bindings from the earth and wrapped them around her limbs for she could get up, then looked up at the booth. “How do we end this? Does she tap out?”

Not only her, but the rest of crowd grew quiet.

Oh boy. In a surprise turn of events, we have the Colonel winning as he stomps his first challenger. Everyone give him a round of applause. We’ll be right back folks, the colonel will be down there for another round.

She stepped out of her booth and hastily waved for me to come.

I didn’t see any reason to go around and up the stairs on the other side. So I released the gator girl and stepped up on a pillar of earth that rose me from the pit to the edge of the stadium and stepped off to talk to Claire.

She eyed my magic and shook her head. “Fuck. You made that look too easy. You just scared half the girls out here that they don’t have a hope of taking you on, the other half you just turned into rabid hungry monster girls.”

“Uh, sorry? I thought this was a fight.”

“Yeah it is. That wasn’t a fight. You creamed her. We sometimes get some big guys that can go a few rounds of victory, but those are twenty minute fights where we get a big sweaty man wrestling with a monster girl.

“So slow the fuck down, drag it out or you won’t get any more challengers.”

I did my best not to roll my eyes. “I’m heading back down there. Hold on to my coin till we are done here.”

Stepping out of the booth, I rode that same pillar of earth back down to the arena floor.

Ladies and bitches, lets get this back on the road. The Colonel didn’t even break a sweat and came in here and challenged all of you girls, saying I ought to just pay up because none of you are going to beat him.

There was a roar of challenge from the crowd, and they stomped on the floor together, making a thundering boom echo around the arena.

Claire was smirking at me from her booth before she spoke again.

Alright, bids are back up. I want to see some monster girl pride put the man’s cock where it belongs.

That must have been a fan favorite phrase because they all screamed together. “In our pussies!”

She was really whipping them up. I wondered who’d I’d be up against this time.

“300 hundred gold!” A voice cried for the first vote.

The crowd hushed and parted. A single scorpia stood there and seeing that she had everyone’s attention, she clarified. “My mistress, Pelladonis is on her way to challenge the colonel.”

Pelladonis herself is rushing here to fight the colonel. After her latest raid on the human fort, this must be a grudge match. The princess of the Rose Trading Company, everyone, get your hands together.

The crowd cheered, but I was left confused. Princess of the Rose Trading Company? As in one of the big three slave traders?

But I didn’t have to wonder for much longer as the crowd parted at the entrance and the same pearlescent colored scorpia came into view at the edge of the arena.

She held her hand out and someone gave her a two tonged staff. It didn’t look lethal; it looked…

I sighed. It was in Sam’s journals. It was called a mancatcher, a weapon with a long pole and two prongs that were supposed to be used to hold a man away and down. Really it was most effective if there were multiple people using it together, you could essentially immobilize someone.

“HA! We meet again, Colonel.” Pelladonis struck a pose at the edge of the arena and beat the butt of her mancatcher against the ground. “Didn’t know you came all the way here to get another taste of my lust.”

I snorted. “Last I remember you and your girls were fleeing from me.”

Oh, this is going to be good. They have history, and it sounds like there’s a score to be settled.

“Going to just grand stand on the edge of the arena, or are you going to come down here and put your money where your mouth is?” I taunted her.

Betting is open ladies, get in while you can before the first blow.

Betting? Shit. I looked up at Claire in the booth. “I put my earning from before on myself for the bet.”

Her eyes went wide, and she leaned back into the mic. The colonel is putting all his money on himself. Pelladonis, do you hear that? He thinks you’ll be a joke.

Fuck, don’t rile her up more.

“One thousand gold on myself. It’ll make it so much richer when this man squirms below me.” Pelladonis jumped down into the arena, sending her braid of white hair fluttering.

She landed with a thud and her pearly chitin caught the sun and shone on the arena. She looked like a champion of the arena, but I beat her once before. I could beat her again.

Even now I could feel my earth sorcery had grown, and she would be the perfect monster girl to test it all against.



Thx for the reposted chapter

Az Reel

*sighs* The reference probably won't mean much to you Americans, but when I read hippo girl, I had to think of the Happy Hippos from the Kinder eggs... now I need brain bleach... *shivers*

Daniel Glasson

Trying to picture the hippo girl and my brain just keeps coming back with a feminized version of the hippo guy in Killing Bites. On the other hand, the image of the bunny girl was instant


Yeah... spoiler, you probably aren't going to get hippo girl action. You might get bunny girl action though.

Daniel Glasson

Just caught a mistake. You called him Dar when he was looking for the announcer