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Hello~What do you envision for poor Hana's fate? I had planned a good ending and a bad ending in one illustration. I figure killing a character can be cool too. But then it's hard to bring her back in other chapters in the future haha.



What if you killed her but the thing that charged her brought her back to life?


Heh?! I confess I hadn't thought of that...interesting! Hana's revenge!


It would be sad to see a character go, so no. Its too soon. :(


Yeah! I love seeing you do new things so this way we could have both!


Hahaha! I like this concept too! Hana becoming the antagonist...I like the way my series is evolving!


I might have to abstain on this vote because I'd like to see some sort of character development *without* that character's death. Perhaps there could be some sort of NPC death or injury with or without removal of that character....... Y'know, maybe introduce some sort of antagonist or evil influence into the storyline! Every good story has a core "baddie" at some point. 😈 Maybe you could add a "good and pure" human that is corrupted by the "baddie" with a sudden hyper-sexualized transformation caused by the antagonist. ... Some of my favorite TF comics involve a corruption of a seemingly powerful and "good" character that takes on the traits of the "evil" one. Vampire or werewolf type corruptions are my personal favorites. Just an idea! 😈


A personal favorite: https://e-hentai.org/g/986149/012719777f/


You're a much MUCH better artist and storyteller that that guy, and I think you could have a LOT of fun with that concept. 😉😁


Well, I've dug a little deeper into the ideas I've been given and I'm thinking of making a Hana who will be saved at first but the corruption will make her sink permanently! And it introduces an antagonist! Ha! my series is evolving in the right direction!


Haha, that's nice! I'm trying to tell a nice story, I don't pretend to be able to make a great scenario! But I'm quite happy that it pleases~~


I would like to point out one criticism of the story and plot of what I linked you to. The second portion involving what appears to be someone awfully young... that portion I'm not wild about. It is the TF of the mother that... gets me going. Her child's TF/TG is a turn off. If that character was older it would probably be in my top 5. As it is it is significantly lower, and I avoid the second half for that reason. It's a little creepy if I'm honest. Your work never has that problem, and I greatly appreciate you for that.


I just saw the chapter. That's kind of the problem I had with Diona...she's a problematic character. That's why I'd modify it and include subtle censorship, for example.


Yeah, I disagree with the characterization of her being super young. I never viewed it that way to be 100% honest with you.


That is something that tends to be subjective, but, speaking for myself, I didn't see it that way at all. Because of that, you get an A-OK in my book!


That's the trouble with characters created by a game company. When you see their age in the lore, it's painful...


All things considered, you are still one of the all-time TF artists I've ever come across!!! Dare I say you have the potential to be the GOAT!! Love your work man!!


You've got what it takes dude! Keep it up! 🔥 🔥 🥰 🥰 ❤️❤️