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I would like to write these words once I am well rested!

 I was able to prove to myself that I was able to finish the mangas I wanted this month! But as you know it's a hellish pace of 12 hours a day that I had imposed to myself and I don't think I'll start again soon haha.

I'm taking my vacation and I'll start working again around January 5th! I'll take care of finishing Yue by the end of January or the beginning of February, knowing that it's my biggest project so far it's already a good challenge for the beginning of the year ( ̄▽ ̄).

But I'm thinking of adopting this more chill pace of 1 manga per month in release and I could devote myself to some illustrations or I just couldn't do any haha.

If the mood takes me back, maybe two manga in a month but it will never be more! I don't want to ruin my health, but I'm happy with my challenge anyway.

I thought about other projects for the beginning of the year, like a new banner to be more professional and I have a perfect idea of what it will look like huhu.

I'm also thinking about making some chibi characters like Celestia, my dear mascot that I could make stickers of maybe, it would be a nice thing to offer on the 5$ Patreon. 

I know Patreon takes care of the logistics and printing so why not ( ̄▽ ̄).

Well, that's all I had to say, I'm talking a lot right now.

Thank you and see you in the new year~



Go ahead and take your vacation! You've more than earned it after the immense grind that you put yourself through for Yue's and Hu Tao's comics. While I do like the 2 manga per month, your health comes first and I respect that. Make sure you take care of yourself and unwind! Can't wait to see what you have for us next year!