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 Would you like a gory chapter of Layla? containing skin rip and other nasty stuff~



I think you should. It would add to the monsterousness of the transformation.


Yes, I have this urge to do at least one gory chapter once to test !


In my opinion, there is always a place for a little blood in a TF, it's just how much that is the question. Personally, I'm into the more horror-driven non-consentual first stages of TF, followed by 'mental corruption that is eventually accepted post sexual stimulation' style. I hope that makes sense in translation! 🤔😂


Haha, I get it! it's my thing the mental corruption with the almost finished transformation :3. I always put a little blood on my nails but I never let go. Maybe because I'm afraid to disgust people haha.


Skin ripping is a very uncomfortable thing for me, personally speaking. I am fine with some gore though. The gore that you did in Eula’s dragon transformation was perfect. It’s up to you though if you feel comfortable with skin ripping though. For transformations, I also like appreciation the build-up to the transformation, with the process being both painful but sexually stimulating. A little to a medium amount of gore would be fine for me


I can understand ! After I don't want to be completely gory but more sexy, like a beast coming out of a cocoon, it's hard to express yourself with a translator :3


I understand the difficulty of trying to talk through translator. Especially since English may not be your first language. As for the skin rip, I can kinda see what you are thinking. Although for me, I feel as though skin rip might be too quick for a transformation. Since if we set aside the gore and blood, all that we might see is just the claws growing, the tail sprouting, and then the wolf emerges from the “human cocoon”. It doesn’t really make me horny like with regular transformations, where we get to see the human body forcibly change into a new form, which is both painful yet erotic.


I know what you mean! Mmmmh, I'll do some sketches to introduce the thing a bit when I have time and I can rectify it later!


I look forward to the results! Knowing you, I’m sure you’ll find a way to make it sexy!


Haha, it's nice ! I'll have to start studying French again now :3


Thanks ! I'll try it, it's a concept I wanted to do a long time ago, I'm not looking to spill guts on the floor or anything weird, I don't like myself ! But I wanted to be original in a chapter haha. Thanks for your comment, I'll try to make it sexy yes !


I'm with you on skin ripping generally being too fast to... uh... satisfy, DaMan. I think there are certain TF situations where it kinda fits. Multiple initial and perhaps sudden appendage appearances like some sort of insect, arachnid, or maybe a caterpillar/millipede kind of thing come to mind. A rapid skinning over/healing after the skin breach followed by the traditional (if that's possible 😅) form morphing/translating type slower transformation followed by inexplicably intense arousal works well in my opinion. Am I the only one that has a hard time coming up with ways to describe what gets me off regarding this bizarre lifelong fetish? 😳😅 I tried and failed miserably to explain it to somebody a long time ago, but I think it came off as "werewolves are hot." 😂


Haha, I understand you, I have no one to talk to! My friends think I like furry when it's something else...


Honestly I’m the same. I really don’t have many people or friends who share the same werewolf or transformation kink as me. Also for the skin rip, it also really doesn’t make sense to me for when they turn back into a human. It would make sense if the transformation is permanent, but if it’s a temporary thing by the light of the moon, how does the skin grow back if they rip it off? Also werewolves are indeed hot. 🤣


Haha, don't look for realism in these things, just a desire to do something in this style! special yes :3


Honestly I don’t mind a bit of gore but skin ripping Tfs is something I feel uncomfortable about so if there’s a non gore version then I’m happy with it


I take note of the comments, I see that it is rather mixed! it is not a problem, I would stick to what I usually do

Scott Blundell

Not a fan of gore but I am surprised the poll sits at 50/50. Thought it would be one end or the other. The stuff you do now is chefs kiss. But I totally underatand if you wanna try something new and different.


Not a fan at all.


Eh, the way I see it if you want to stretch your creative legs go for it. Personally I am not a fan. However I can't see the harm in it. If you did it how you did the manga and only published it once it is finished and in a zip file that is labeled then yeah. Those who want to see it can, and those who don't can see the label and skip it if they are inclined. I would be interested to see your take on it even if it is not my thing.


Thank you! I'll test some sketches to see if I'll stay in more classic things!