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I come to give some news! This month of November is a bit quiet, a bit of IRL doesn't hurt but I'm a bit behind on my projects and also persona 5 which has also taken up my time ( ̄▽ ̄).

So for the month of November:

Reina's chapter out.

The first sketches of Hu Tao harpy / dragon version

Possible release of Mona's Curse III.

It's already not bad!

For December :

I'll start Yue's chapter! My heart is swinging between Momoka and this one but I decided to do Yue to change the routine and to finally see this transformation into deathclaw!

 The chapter will contain some horror and some foot focus shots for my pleasure though haha. See a skin rip scene, I have to test it !

 Release of Hu Tao harpy/dragon version ! I think ?

And for January :

 I'll do Momoka's chapter as planned!

I will create my new main character LinLin, a loli possessed by a demonic spirit and who will transform into a demonic succubus in a new adventure!

I will also make Layla the new character of Genshin Impact into a sleepy werewolf! 

I'm really excited about it!



Count me in on the excitement my friend! Demonic anything is right up my alley, and while feet aren't my thing, I wholeheartedly appreciate anything as well done as your art! Keep up the amazing work, my brother!


Haha, thanks! I keep my goal in mind and make the best thing possible! I'm very eager to start Yue soon, the exotic things are really interesting !


Seriously brother, your art will take you places you can't yet imagine. Keep it up! ❤️❤️👍 NEVER doubt yourself! You have what it takes inside you to be an honest-to-god world-class artist with what you produce. Stick to it, and your dreams will come true. 💕❤️


You got persona 5? Nice I’m still waiting for my copy but I hope you enjoy it


It's been a long time since I played a J-RPG, I like the 5 and its atmosphere ! But I find that there is a lot of dialogues not too interesting and the dungeons could have been better but overall I like it !