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This scenes are masterpieces, its too sexy! ☆w☆ I love absolutely everything about this character! ♡


Oh my god what a sequence! She is so huuuge to! I love it!


Was absolutely looking forward to this comic! And you delivered with flying colors! Will there be more to this comic or are you finished with the sketch work and about to start with the final drawings?


Hello~ Mmmh, honestly I'll maybe propose an alternative to the feet scene to see something different! But it's more because I like it otherwise I'm happy with the look of the manga and I have nothing to change! After Celestia's chapter, I'll do the ones of my high school students, starting with Kokoro~


Ah I see! Personally I loved the entire comic but for the last part with Celestia towering over the destroyed school building, I believe she would wear an annoyed expression rather than a “shocked-in-tears” expression. Since she knows her transformation is very large and she might have had to erase memories when she ruled in Teyvat, so this is just a repeated occurrence that happens. But that’s just my opinions on it. It was a 10/10 for me! Definitely worth subscribing to! Looking forward to Kokoro’s transformation!


Thanks for your message! For the last page I wanted to add a little one with the 3 high school girls looking at their transformed teacher with a blasé look like "Is it really Celestia?..." It would be interesting to accentuate her awkwardness and that she regrets being angry about trivial things! haha.


It would be a funny epilogue to the sequence. It would be interesting to see the 3 girls see their goddess in her true form but looking extremely sad and annoyed that she has to expend her powers to fix the school and erase the memories of everyone at the school(except for our 3 girls since they too are werewolves). Which brings into question, would Celestia be forced to erase memories again if anyone saw Reina, Kokoro or Momoka in their werewolf forms?


Lol her “why am I like this?!~” look at the end was gold

(JP) Deltaforce2468

Looks great. My question is will this chapter be in color?


i want to see what happens after like maybe she sexually itching, she needs some relief!


So, I'm going to add a little sequence on page 16 where we can see the 3 blasé high school girls haha. I'm hesitating if Celestia erases their memories just to forget her werewolf form. She may not want us to see her in her true form~.


Haha~ I didn't plan a sequel. Since it's a slice of life it's punctuated with embarrassing little stories in high school!