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My passion is burning, here are the first 5 pages of Mona's curse IV with Amber-chan~

Feel free to say what you think about it !

Thanks again for your support!




You are breaching new grounds! Awesome stuff, it's getting harder to wait for Celestia's entry :D


Getting excited now! Didn’t expect Amber to be the “man” in this relationship!


Thank you~ Amber will have a true dominant personality at the end of her transformation. This is because she is younger than Eula and in the end her instincts are stronger than Eula.


Will this dominant personality only emerge when Amber transforms? Or is she permanently more dominant over Eula even in human form?


In fact, his dominant personality will manifest itself in his dragon form. Human Amber is not like that. She has discovered new unsuspected pleasures and her basic attraction to her friend Eula has made her more "crazy" than the other transformed characters~


I see! I think it would be very sexy to imagine Amber having a more sexier personality at night, especially when she turns into her dragon form!


Haha, yes! I think so too. Since at the end when they will wake up in their human forms I had foreseen that Amber won't be really the same as her personality ! So that will open the thing to a subplot later.


I would be very excited to see a subplot with Eula and Amber dating since their feelings for each other might have gotten stronger after they had sex together as dragons. They would be in a relationship with each other during the day, but when night comes, they would go into the woods and transform as they have sex with each other. Just a suggestion/wet dream that I’ve been thinking about.


it's an interesting idea! I haven't thought about the subplot yet because unfortunately it won't be for a while but I like the idea. After that I thought about a subplot where Eula and Amber are looking for the identity of the werewolf who transformed her first and discover that it's Mona thanks to their nose. Another idea where Eula and Amber live their lives trying to hide their curse from others. These are ideas I had.


I guess my wet dream falls in line with your 2nd idea where they live their lives but hide their curse. I guess in my idea, they embrace their curse(and the horniness) since their new love for each other helps keep them sane when they transform into their dragon forms. Of course, once they transform, all they would think about would be having aggressive sex with each other, so I don’t know how sane that would be. Either way, I look forward to seeing what your idea for the Eula Amber subplot will be!


Thank you! I'll see how it goes depending on my mood~. But the idea of causing a transformation due to the excitement of wanting to fuck Amber or vice versa can be an embarrassing and fun context! Ha, I would develop this scenario!


That's really hot! Hitting all my futa TF kink notes there Zobbie, you just might convert me to Amber main now. Can't wait to see her 'dragon' <3


Thank you~ this is the exposition of my fantasies that I definitely wanted to see in a chapter haha. I like Amber she deserves more attention! Too bad in game it's not that :'(


I agree, Amber has an amazing character design... but sadly in-game she's too weak with low damage. Although... compared to most characters, she has one of the best Taunt effects to pull enemy aggro! Hmmm... perhaps she will 'taunt' Dragon Eula once she's done with her full transformation, oh yes! OwO


Tease? Mmmmmh, I don't know but I'm sure she'll rebel in the end :D !