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  • Chastity Cage
    ---A metal cage fitted around the penis, preventing erection and arousal.
    ---Subject must not be erect to wear this.
    ---Limited interactions with the penis are still allowed.
    ---counts as orgasm denial
  • New Vagina Types (Equine and Canine)! (Thanks Berni!)
    ---Selectable in the "sex organs" customization menu
    ---Seeing test subjects with this can be controlled via "Animal-style genitals (female)" slider
  • Livestream Camera
    ---A camera that will broadcast your exploits to the unwashed masses.
    ---Counts as exhibition.
    ---Once researched, can be bought by talking to the requisitions officer
    ---The more stuff you have going on in the video, the more viewers you'll get
    counts toward the exhibitionism enjoyment/objectives
  • Gender Transformation
    ---two new chemicals (protogynol and nul-protogynol) can be used to convert a penis haver into a vagina haver and vice versa
    ---mid-transformation, both genitalia can be stimulated
    ---careful, most subjects don't want this
    ---no effect on herms
  • Improved ingame camera
    ---First person mode no longer shows backs of eyeballs/faces
    Improved situations where camera might clip into bodies
  • Support for balls on herms (Thanks Berni!)
  • Background interaction improvements
    ---UI hints around how to use background animations
    ---using your mouth on someone's penis while using your hand on their ass
    ---using your hand on someone's vagina while using your other hand on their penis (herms)
    ---kissing someone while riding their penis on the table
  • Herms now have unique models for their genatalia (Thanks Berni!)
  • Added new butthole puffiness slider (Thanks Berni!)
  • Improved the look of most of the ingame embellishments (Thanks Solace!)
  • Made custom characters more common
  • Added ability to delete items by dropping them in the trash icon on the inventory UI
  • Bugfixes
    ---Fixed anti-orgasmic diode location
    ---Minor performance improvements
    ---Fixed ballgag delivery location
    ---Fixed player being able to walk through walls
    ---Fixed issue where sex toys - anal preference was much rarer than it should be
    ---Fixed larger breasts "collapsing" in on themselves sometimes



awesome update, planning on adding portal toys?


I agree, that would be awesome. Or some other way to get subjects to interact with each other.


Nice update. But I've noticed a bug — floppy ears and their slider don't work. All the characters' ears now always stand up straight. This bug was also in the testing build.


Oh my god thank you so much for fixing the first person camera, I’ve always been so disappointed that I wasn’t able to properly use it.


Nice catch! I think I know what caused this and it will be fixed in V11.


I'm not getting any audio - have tried everything I can think of


I couldn't get these following changes to work: -Chastity Cage -Livestream Camera -Anti-Orgasmic Diode -Slimeus Myxococcus -Blindfold -Increased volume of sex sounds so they're actually audible