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Hey Patrons! V9 is basically done. We'll get feedback here, then from Discord testers, then public release! We already have a few things in the works for V10 but I won't spoil that for now!

Also, if you're a $15+ tier patron and you'd like your character added to the mod, please do it in the next week! I will be finalizing V9 this week and if you miss this date you'll have to wait for V10.


Added: Anti-Orgasmic Diode
Attaches to nipples and prevents orgasm
Added: Collar
Light/Dark variants
Added: Slimeus Myxococcus
A strange slime creature that attaches to the penis and feeds on the subject's cum.
Added: Rope Harness
A full body BDSM rope harness.
Added: Blindfold
In automatic control schemes, moving the mouse left/right now controls thrust depth
Short/shallow on the left, long/deep on the right
Added support for decals to RackNet characters
Only works if uploader/downloader both have the mod
Exporting/importing a character adds them to your favorites too, allowing you to use them as a test subject
Increased volume of sex sounds so they're actually audible (Thanks Skye The Foxie#4038!)
Taking a shower cleans cum off your character (Thanks Skye The Foxie#4038!)
Fixed: issue where embellishments would disappear while wearing clothing
Fixed: "Dismiss subject" sometimes causing the game to be unresponsive or crash
Fixed: invalid install locations will now inform the user rather than crash
Known issue: rope harness and blindfold have minor clipping problems



I'd like my character added if possible if not I understand


I have a little piece of input? Perhaps a way to "un-knot" the subject if using a canine dick would be nice, or at least a button that controls when the knot actually happens? I find it frustrating when you can't control when the character knots, and when they do you can't undo the knot animation until the game completely restarts. Just a thought!

Jonathan Girard

Are there any plans to add larger storage containers, and/or make the specimens process faster? I seem to spend a lot of time standing around waiting as to not waste.


Oh. Maybe it wasn't clear that you can un-knot a subject by agressively pulling out with the mouse while in manual mode.


Longer term, yep, it's been suggested! For now you can buy small specimen containers and place them to increase your storage space. You can also turn on the specimen processor first thing and it will automatically process specimen as it appears.