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Okay I need a little bit of an extra bump this month....need to pay for car inspection and certain repairs. As per the usual agreement, I charge now for the sketch but you get the final colored piece free of charge later once its done...its just an advanced payment if anything.

Here we have Miranda being used as a sex toy by my slime girl Marseille and her non-canon would be lover/suitor DashadyAlien as they use both their bodies to ensnare her powerful form and tickle fuck her into madness, indulging on her torturous bliss...

(the theory is that these two goo based lifeforms, while able to experience emotional love, lack actual discernible sex organs and rather than experiencing sexual pleasure themselves, they feed on the sensations of their "playmates" vicariously. So two goo's who want to get busy need a third party as the "passion generator" XD)



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