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Hope this one is worth the $1 most of you have pledged towards me but this was yet another planned webcomic series that never saw the light of day....however this one was monumentally ambitious....

Being an old school fantasy/D&D nerd, the idea of this series originally came to me even earlier than Cali & Friends way back in like 1994. I had done a few random tickling images based on the idea but nothing was ever really developed or focused on heavily and for a long time I thought of it as a dead idea. This was until I met my brother from another mother MirthGoblin who expressed insane enthusiasm over taking it further...breathing new life into the series and developing it further...

The plot we came up with was IMMENSE....an insane multi faceted storyline with various "venturing parties" of characters in random locations across this fantasy landscape both good and bad working towards the same end game....similar to how in Lord of the Rings you had Frodo and Sam venturing on their own apart from Aragorn, Legolas and Ghimli but all working towards the same end result. 

Sadly...it became so over the top and overly ambitious that it ended up intimidating to put into application....however since then I've been further developing all the subtle nuances of the canon world such as races, magic, monsters, cultures and kingdoms....which may lead to a tickling specific themed dice based RPG system or an actual RPG video game in the near future ;)



Daniel Lhota

If you ever do an RPG Maker game with this as the setting, I look forward to playing it!