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The Sinhunter is a slightly stronger enemy in the WIP game "Little Laughters".

Voice lines recorded by Christopher Escalante


-I will make a necklace of your horns!

-A white and red jacket would suit me, hehe.

-You are weak, Grinion!

-You can't scare me, maggot.

-I'll consume you, fiend of Warai.

-In Septoria's name, I will erase you from this world!

-I'll turn that smile upside down.

-Your tale ends here, Grin.

-Neck down, let's make this quick.

-I'll spread that fur, all over the floor, hehe.

-The devil's laughter, shall be silenced.

-Meet your doom, slave of Warai.

About the Sinhunter:

The Sinhunter is a believer who longs to correct the erroneous world of Septoria.

It is said that they are put under the horse helmet very early in life to symbolize their strength at a very young age.

However,  this led to them having serious problems breathing. They hardly bring  out words without panting afterwards. Their panting also resembles that  of a horse.

Combined with their physical strength and with weapons dipped in light, they still pose a potential danger.



Von Yoosten

I don't yet know about the Sinhunter itself, but this voice is heaven sent, holy shit. It just sounds like someone who was smoking his whole life without getting a raucous voice. A bit unsettling but awesome to listen to. Reminds me of something very specific, probably some kind of final boss from an old game that I can't point my finger on... that bugs me now. But the voice itself aside, the audio editing sounds very professional. With regular Tritoria I can at least wrap my head arround imagining how the editor would look like regarding the audio, but just listening to the first 10 seconds of this upload sounds much more... advanced! good job!


He convinced me to add this character in Tritoria too :) Maybe... he is veeeery expensive...