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due to the relentless fraud pledges by bots every month, I've no choice but to put this into action. Patreon inform me that I've to at least make this public to my patrons so heres my update to my patrons. 




I think its not implemented immediately in fear of attempts to scam money immediately out of patron's pledge.

Shade the Raven

I'm waiting to do this myself. I keep getting scam pledges every few months, they don't ever fall for the trap amount, it's always thr mid-range ones. And when i get pledges from 'weather centers' or regional news teams, i know they're not even trying to hide that they're scammers


usually the tell-tale signs are accounts registered on the same month they pledge you and just you only....well thats what I've observed from these "bot" accounts.....

Shade the Raven

I've noticed that too with them. Sometimes they seem legit, but the aforementioned pair above... yeah, just no

Matt Roszak

Aw that sucks. Is this a common problem? I've just started using Patreon so I'm not too familiar with the problems yet...


almost every month ever since June, 90-95% new pledgers are fraud/bot accounts. its infuriating to boot.


I usually close 1-2 eyes when these "suspicious" patrons pledge, but will go on a all-out authentication attempt when someone takes the $50 commission tier slot.....

Shade the Raven

Makes sense. My top tier would set off an alarm if a bot pledged, because I offer a monthly story for that one when payment goes through, but i always send a message when its claimed to be sure they're real.


Woah, that sucks!! I didn't know Patreon had a problem like this.


What do they even want from creators? Their rewards? But why would a bot need an animation reward or a story reward


what I'm getting at in this operation is hackers will cast a wide net of bots to skim through as much patron accounts as possible for content. once the bot goes into the account, it will data-mine whatever available content it can collect in the tier its on... and have them displayed in a site where they archive all this data for people to pick out. This is to my assumed understanding on how it may work on this bot accts. this of course affect artist that do locked content behind their patreon. but yeah, it dosent affect me, but its really annoying


I know that some patrons would go to the next level by using patreon as a gateway while their MAIN content is still locked behind a main site they personally run and manage, so you still have to go through a 2nd layer of authentication inorder to go into the artist's content.