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guys, looks like the yellow icon has strike my channel already... only a matter of time my main income earning videos will get marked too.... 

when that day comes, patreon will be my only outlet to allow me to still continue doing my animations.... 

I really am worried in the days or months to come. 

thanks again for everyone's support on my animations. I hope this is just a temporary phase and not a permanent one for youtube.... 




We got your back. What's the yellow mark mean anyways?


you see the text "not suitable for all advertisers" it means the bot has deduced that the content is not fit for advertisers to put their ads on. so 0 revenue.


That's horseradish. I know they can't screen every channel for content manually, but how many yellow marks occur by bots daily? Is it enough that a small team can't manually review these marks before it starts ruining people's livelihood?


its currently the trend now where letsplayers get the blunt out of this. like the fiasco with this was onto destiny2 letsplayers where anything destiny2 guns or talking about destiny2 gets auto marked for not suitable for advertisers... I hope this algorithm isnt going to stay, cause its going to force people to self-censorship their content in favour for advertiser friendly content