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Hey why not 5 more?

Heckin' these are fun to draw.  I think I'll go into detailing a couple but maybe more later.

This ain't gonna be like the MonGalSummer though.  I ain't getting caught in a trap of promising 40+ renders then abandoning it 7 months later.  No sir.

This'll be 39 renders!  Easy peasy ... I kid I kid.

Internet still out.  Gonna be out until Monday at the earliest :x.

Enjoy the preview, Patrons!

Edit:  I was inspired and so a secret 15th was added!  Every good story has a Pandaren tucked somewhere, right?



Sammy Upvotes

You gotta pick a party but Pan Valdegarde is a guaranteed DPS slot. Who else you bringin'?


Pan, Sullith, and Grann as my DPS, Wilken as my Tank, and Lydandra as Heals. So many good options though... (I'd bring Pallum but I can never remember what Monk specs do what... 😅)


That brewmaster is perfect and I am in love.