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The Belle Blitz didn't finish just yet! Business cow entered my mind today after all this time spent rendering the adoptable. I need to take time to sketch every day no matter what my workload is.

Lore time!

Belle has struggled to hold certain jobs due to her cow girl lifestyle. As it stands, many clueless bosses don't really appreciate a worker who has to excuse herself every two hours to relieve pressure in her chest. Do workers normally go to the bathroom? Yes. Do workers normally milk themselves? No. Even though there should be no difference between the two, she has gotten in trouble for the act multiple times, and fired as a result.

In this scenario, a team meeting is called as the company's CEO is visiting and he has important words to say! Belle got caught at the 1 hour marker and has been sitting here now for an hour and a half listening to him continue to prattle on. Those buttons are so strained that they're ready to fire across the room to hit anyone sitting across from Belle. When it happens, the CEO is sure to throw a huff, and she is sure to be fired. Once again.

Enjoy the preview, Patrons!



¤ 《Faded Existence》¤

Let her be fired so we can hire her in a company that'll treat her with proper respect and care 😤


Poor girl! She deserves better